1 chapter 1

"I was very happy because today I am going to meet him after 5 years.... I didn't told him that I am coming " Leya Li thought in excitement. She was a famous designer but known in a different name. She and her boyfriend was together for eight years... and today after coming back from abroad she was going to meet him... " I am sure he will he surprised" she thought. Leya reached their home(her and her boyfriends house)...the door was open and she entered the house,it was so quiet, no one was in the house even the maids. She felt something in her heart but she just ignored it, suddenly she heard some noises from her boyfriends room,she went to check their. Now she is standing in outside the room, she was about to open the door but heard some noises and voices,that voice was so familiar. "This voice...isnt it Mary's.." she said and huddridly slams the door open. She was shocked to see the scene that her boyfriend and her step sister Mary Li and her boyfriend Levi Tang was having sex... tears fall down from her eyes and she calmly asked..."Levi why did you do this to me....am I not good enough in the bed....or you just can't control yourself....tell me...Levi...".Levi stared at her and smirked and said "you were indeed good enough in bed but I can't control myself when your sister Mary was here because she has good figure and lot better than you in bed..." . After listening his words she just laughed at her and said "okh...if you like to stay with this bitch you can...you to make a good match A BITCH AND A BASTARD..."by saying this she left the house crying.....
