
Let me out Bastard!

We were at the festival with my new Master. We started to bond in the last few months. He was reluctant to bond with me at first because wanted to delete me from the Pendant, but I seduced him with my unlimited cuteness, and now he is trying to help me stay out of the Pendant all the time.

Even as a Divine Item, Pendant has limits. Because of my strength and Pendant's potential, the release time is limited. The time also changes for every World my Master visits. The World we are in now, for example, is so weak, I can kill everybody on it within a week. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the outside. As long as, I don't use force other than my cuteness, I can stay outside of the pendant for hours.

I can't believe how my Master liked me all of a sudden. One day, when we walked in the streets, and I overwhelmed inside the darkness. My Master blocked all my senses, just before he entered a place called "Endless Love." I don't know what this place was, but Master had little fire inside of him, just before he entered. That is when he blocked all my feelings, and forget to unlock them even after he came out.

I overwhelmed by the darkness and shouted: "Let me out Bastard!" I was so afraid my Master would be angry with me, but he didn't mind.

"I can't let you out for walking. I may need you to fight. I don't want to spend this time to take you to the city tour." he said with honesty.

"Are you stupid? The time limit is for me exerting my full force. A just casual walk wouldn't even make a difference. I can stay hours in a day." I couldn't help to say. Why did I call my Master a stupid?

"Is that so? Come out then. Let's go to the girls to show how cute you are." said my Master with a big smile. I can't believe he likes me so much, wants to show me to everyone.

We walked in the city square, and all the girls melted with my cuteness. The Master also helped to show my full potential. He and I were buddies working together. I would melt the girl's heart, and I don't know what he would in the end. All I know is after we walk with some girl I impressed, Master would block all my feelings. But in the end, he would buy me lots of food.

I started to like my new life, all I do was show my cuteness and getting lots of foods and desserts. But one day I realized the peace is not real, and trouble always presents itself to remind everyone, things will not go as you want them to go.

The Master has a saying for these kinds of situations: "Anything that can, could have, or will go wrong, is going wrong, all at once." He calls it the "Murphy Law."

One day The Master targeted because of me. And my cuteness. Some bad guys wanted to take me away, and Master wouldn't let them. Who can bear to separate with me? Nobody, of course. So, The Master wanted to fight for me, but the enemy side was too crowded. At some point, he felt tired, and I also could feel his emotions. He didn't want to give me away. I could feel he cared for me. I too didn't want Master to get hurt. It would only make things worse, so I jumped out of the Pendant and attacked the bad guys.

I killed all of them, but I spend too much outside. I filled my weekly time. I could feel how sad my Master was. All he was thinking about how he wanted to show me that girl from the ice cream shop. To having a caring Master like this one, should be my reward for thousands of years I spend in darkness.

I closed my eyes and waited for the cooldown to finish. I can't wait to go out and play with Master again. I am so lucky to have, loving Master!