
Im back

To my loyal fans and readers,

I come to you with unfortunate news and apologies. As some may have noticed, updates to my fanfic have halted unexpectedly in recent weeks. I regret to inform you all that I have been hospitalized due to a medical emergency.

While I am slowly recovering now, it has been a difficult time. Combined with this, I am also facing a tremendously busy and important year ahead with school exams and other commitments that demand my full attention. As such, maintaining my regular update schedule simply isn't possible right now.

I did not want to leave all of you wondering indefinitely about the future of the story. I promise that I have not and will not abandon this fanfic. However, moving forward I will only be able to post 1-2 new chapters per week at most, as my health and studies must come first.

I know this is disappointing to hear after you have all shown such enthusiasm and support. But please know that your enjoyment of this story means the world to me.

It is my goal and dream to one day complete this fanfic and make it into the very best story I can. With your continued patience and understanding, I believe that vision can be realized. Thank you all for staying by my side through this difficult time.



Many readers get confused with timelines like when it says 25 AC in one chapter and 12 AC in the next. However, this is not a timeline mistake. The shifts between different dates can simply represent flashbacks or scenes set in the past that take the story back to events before what is currently being written. The timeline changes should not automatically be viewed as errors, as they may be deliberate switches in chronology by the author.

Divinedreamcreators' thoughts