
A Game of Fate

~~~(Location:The Dothraki sea,Essos)~~~


Neither Maegor nor Aerys wanted to spend two torturous years in the Meereen fighting pits. They argued over who would take the less desirable path.

Aerys introduced Maegor to a game called "Rock, Paper, Scissors." The game, with its simple rules, represented the unpredictability of life and the ever-changing nature of fate. Maegor, with a hint of amusement, agreed to partake in this whimsical method of decision-making.

"Zirȳ vīlion nāpies 'ēotor smagra, vēron se glaesia'",(("They call it 'rock, paper, scissors',")) Aerys said with a grin. "Arlī jemnagon sagon ñuhy se vala ondosi Dothrakīen, naejot īlos se uēpa prūmia uēpa. Kessa najot ulī jemnagon gūrontol makkravatol 'jemnī' abar jar?"(("The winner gets to conquer the Dothraki, while the loser enters the pits. Shall we let this strange new 'game' decide?"))

Maegor eyed his brother skeptically."Ziry joreā naejot jemnydār jemnegan daor sir ȳghon prūmia syt mērī ñuha jeherni daor tīsy. Naejot se jemnot, sola sagon moriot umbagon mirreon ēnklehenao syt naejot kessa."(("You just want a chance to unleash your skills on the savages. But I see no other choice that treats us equally.")) He held out his fist. "Gīfita zīr pa īlva gūrongran bale ōdriōn, frenagon rwelagon rȳ se glaesia, smagra ōdriion."(("Teach me these rock, paper, scissors rules then."))

Aerys showed him the gestures - a closed fist for rock, an open palm for paper, and the sign of two fingers for scissors. "N'jeme jemnī oällagon triē, lendagon syt. Glaesia vāez kessa se brezā, brezā māz se smagra, smagra ōdri se glaesia. Arlī jemnagon rōvēz mēre pitistol Dothrakīen!"(("On the count of three, we throw. Scissors cut paper, paper covers rock, and rock crushes scissors. The winner rides with the horselords!"))

They counted and threw their shapes. To Maegor's horror, his rock was defeated by Aerys' scissors. He cursed the silly children's game as his brother howled with laughter at his fate.

"Āeksios qelagon ñuhys se ēngos lys pre īlva n'gīlaros, brōzi!(("Fate has deemed you the pit fighter, brother! May your blade be sharp,")) Aerys chuckled. Then he clasped Maegor's arm more seriously. (("Ziry jemnagon hēre arlī rāeman tolī qilōnis. Māzon naejot ānogar ospre ķelitsos hen Mantarys))""We play to win the greater game. You will pave the way for our victory in Meereen."

So with much grumbling, Maegor accepted that two years fighting for the slavers' amusement was his path, thanks to the strange contraption called rock, paper, scissors. At least its rules had been fair, if harsh.

Maegor was dragged before the Good Masters to be judged. As they debated his fate in the pits, his mind wandered back to that night with Aerys.

A nagging thought emerged - had he truly lost their rock, paper, scissors contest? Hurriedly, he replayed the moment in his memory. Aerys' scissors flashed in his mind...but so did his own fist, clenched into a familiar shape.

But in his eagerness to get the strange game over with. Aerys, seeing Maegor's closed fist, had simply declared "Scissors cut rock!" and claimed victory.

The rage nearly consumed Maegor as he realized Aerys had cheated - and he, too trusting of his twin, had not called out the deception. His fist had been a rock, the winning gesture over Aerys' scissors. Yet here he was, destined for the pits due only to Aerys' cunning dishonesty.



Maegor Targaryen found himself thrust into the chaotic world of the fighting pits of Meereen, where warriors from all walks of life battled for their lives and the amusement of the Good Masters. The atmosphere in the pits was suffocating, a mixture of sweat, blood, and desperation. The roar of the crowd echoed through the sprawling amphitheater, amplifying the tension that hung heavy in the air.

Maegor, with his silver hair and purple eyes, stood out among the fighters, a foreigner in a sea of locals. The scars on his body, earned from countless battles and trials, told stories of his resilience and determination. His reputation as a skilled warrior quickly spread throughout the pits, earning him both respect and fear from his fellow combatants.

During his time in the pits, Maegor played a dangerous game, carefully navigating the treacherous alliances and rivalries that simmered beneath the surface. He sought out those who yearned for freedom, those who were tired of being mere pawns in the masters' games. Through careful observation and subtle conversations, he began to gather a group of like-minded individuals, laying the groundwork for a rebellion.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Maegor's influence continued to grow. He became a symbol of resistance, a beacon of hope for those who dared to dream of a life beyond the pits. His charisma and leadership skills attracted others to his cause, forming a formidable network of fighters and rebels within the city.

  He knew that a direct assault on the city's walls would be futile, but by fanning the flames of rebellion and orchestrating a well-coordinated attack on multiple fronts, he aimed to weaken the city's defenses from within and without. The riots and pressure, combined with the impending onslaught from his brother Aerys and the Dothraki horde, would create the perfect storm to bring Meereen to its knees.

As the plan to incite riots and gather support from within Meereen began to unfold, Maegor knew that the time had come to strike a decisive blow against the city. The Dothraki horde, led by his brother Aerys, was poised to attack the gates, creating a diversion that would allow the rebels within the city to rise up and join the fight.

He understood that a direct assault on the city using the power of dragons, such as Meleys, would not only result in the destruction of Meereen but also bring the wrath of the Free Cities down upon them. Their father, known for his diplomatic prowess, would not stand idly by as his children wreaked havoc across the land.

Instead, Maegor sought a different path, one that would not only liberate Meereen but also pave the way for a larger conquest. The riots and pressure from within, combined with the Dothraki invasion, would create the perfect storm to break down the city's defenses.

From Maegor Targaryen's perspective, the fighting pits of Meereen operate on a hierarchical system with four distinct levels, each representing a different stage in a fighter's journey and the benefits or limitations they encounter along the way.

The first level is known as the "Canon Fodder," where newly thrown fighters are immediately placed. These fighters enter the pits with little experience, thrown into the brutal world of combat. Their purpose is to entertain the masses, often facing overwhelming odds against more seasoned opponents.

However, if they manage to achieve victories and survive for a month, they earn the right to advance to the next level.

The second level is the "Pit Fighter" category. These fighters have proven themselves through skill, determination, and resilience. They are slightly better than the Canon Fodder, showcasing greater prowess and a higher chance of survival. People are willing to pay more to witness their fights, as they stand above the regular gladiators in terms of skill and entertainment value.

The third level consists of the "Gladiators," whose fights are reserved for the elites of the city. These fighters are caged separately, enjoying certain privileges due to their elevated status. They are seen as superior combatants, displaying refined techniques and mastering the art of the pit.

The fights between Gladiators are highly anticipated events, drawing tremendous amounts of money from the wealthy spectators who revel in their displays of power and skill.

Lastly, there are the "Pit Champions," the epitome of strength and mastery within the fighting pits. These champions are the strongest fighters owned personally by the Good Masters. No amount of money can entice the good masters to let them fight unless it is for the prestige and riches that come with competing against other champions.

The Pit Champions are the prized possessions of the Good Masters, who relish the opportunity to showcase their champions' skills in the grandest stage of all—the Great Pit of Daznak. Here, the most powerful and skilled fighters face off, with the winner not only earning glory but also securing wealth and influence for their masters.

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