
House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.

What would happen if two souls from distinct worlds reincarnated in Westeros as twins? The good news is that at least one of them has experience... "Madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born, the gods toss the coin into the air, and the world holds its breath to see how it will land." "It seems, stupid brother, that we will have to toss many coins to see how our fate unfolds." Disclaimer: I don't own anything except my OC, the respective rights are to the original author of the ASOIAF franchise and HBO.

Evilmoon · TV
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 12.


Hello there, my lovely degenerates!

Just a brief chapter this time around, to prepare for the next one that I know many of you have been waiting for: the tourney! 

I'll try to post it in about two days. I'll be editing and checking the already written chapters these days and will be releasing them as the week goes by. 

Anyway, don't forget to send me stones and leave a review. It helps not only with visibility but also keeps me motivated to write more.

I hope you enjoy the chapter! 

It has a lot of foreshadowing for the things to come...


Aemon Targaryen, 110 AC.

After the ordeal with their uncle and the acquiring of the Valyrian necklaces, Aemon and Rhaenyra returned to their duties, preoccupied with the upcoming tournament. Their days were filled with rigorous training, sharing discoveries, and formulating plans. Rhaenyra kept Aemon informed about the situation in the Stepstones and the Triarchy, and he repeatedly urged her to monitor this closely, suspecting a significant event tied to that region.

But something peculiar happened these days.

During their training sessions, they noticed subtle but significant changes. They seemed stronger and faster, their endurance improving beyond what they had previously experienced. Rhaenyra's already swift strikes became even quicker, catching Aemon off guard, while Aemon's powerful blows grew more formidable, causing Rhaenyra to feel the impact even through her defenses. 

The twins scrutinized every aspect of their routines, from diet to training techniques, trying to pinpoint the source of these enhancements. They knew they were growing stronger as they neared adulthood, but this progression felt too rapid and unnatural. The only new element in their lives was the necklaces they had received from Daemon.

Both wore the necklaces constantly, never removing them even for bathing or sleeping. It just felt right to keep them on, as if they were integral parts of themselves that had been missing their whole life. This connection extended to their dragons, who also seemed to be in better spirits, reflecting their riders' mood.

"Perhaps it's blood magic," Aemon speculated, playing with his blue necklace while lying his head on Rhaenyra's lap after sparring. Resting on her lap provided him with a rare moment of tranquility in his otherwise restless life. Since they had stopped sharing a bed, Aemon's nights were plagued with nightmares, making these moments of rest particularly precious.

Rhaenyra, staring at her red necklace, replied thoughtfully, "I can't tell. To me, this whole magic thing still feels like nonsense. The only reason I believe in it is because we are living proof that something supernatural is going on in this world." Despite acknowledging the existence of dragons and other mystical elements, Rhaenyra remained skeptical. She had not encountered anything overtly magical in her thirteen years of life. The concept of blood magic, tied to ancient Valyria and Asshai, was still just a theory to her.

The necklaces were undoubtedly changing them, but the how and why remained elusive. For now, they decided to accept these changes, seeing them as an advantage. 

"Let's just hope it doesn't have any side effects," Aemon mused, closing his eyes and savoring the peaceful moment. The gentle breeze and the comfort of Rhaenyra's lap provided a brief respite from the worries that constantly loomed over them.


"He did what now?" Aemon asked in disbelief, his purple eyes widening as he stared at Rhaenyra across the breakfast table.

Rhaenyra, calmly peeling a tangerine, repeated, "You heard me right. Daemon led the Goldcloaks to purge the city in the dead of night. Smart move, I must admit. It rendered any attempt to stop him nearly impossible. Even our spies didn't expect such a reckless move." She handed Aemon a piece of the tangerine, which he ate automatically, still processing the shocking news.

Aemon shook his head in astonishment. "I must say, although I don't like the bastard, he really is bold."

Indeed, Aemon believed this to be a risky and audacious maneuver. Daemon's actions were a gamble of the highest order. If successful, the crown would owe him, and any complaints could be countered by the results themselves. However, if the populace reacted negatively, Daemon would be in serious trouble. Aemon was curious to see how their father, King Viserys, would respond to Daemon's actions. More importantly, he wondered how Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King and Daemon's old nemesis, would try to undermine him.

Viserys' response could go in several directions. He might publicly chastise Daemon for overstepping his bounds, maintaining his stance on order and rule of law. Alternatively, he could privately commend Daemon's effectiveness while issuing a warning to curb his methods. Otto, however, would surely seize this opportunity to highlight Daemon's recklessness and advocate for stricter control over him.

Aemon's thoughts raced. "This is going to stir things up. The court will be buzzing about this for days. How do you think Father will handle it?"

Rhaenyra, having anticipated the question, replied, "Father is torn. He understands the need for strong measures to keep the city in check, but he also values order and proper conduct. I suspect he will address Daemon privately first, gauge his intentions, and then decide on a public stance."

"And Otto?" Aemon asked, his tone darker.

"Otto will do what he always does," Rhaenyra said, a hint of frustration in her voice. "He'll use this to try and convince Father that Daemon is a threat to the stability of the realm. He'll push for more control, more oversight."

Aemon nodded thoughtfully, his mind already strategizing. "We need to be prepared for whatever fallout comes from this. Daemon's actions, bold as they are, have set a new precedent. It will either solidify his position or lead to his downfall. We need to be ready to act, whatever the outcome."

"I'm pretty sure this will be addressed in today's council," Rhaenyra said, chewing on a piece of tangerine. Aemon nodded, lost in thought.

Rhaenyra observed her brother closely. He had been unusually quiet these days. Although he was known to be very polite and collected in the eyes of the realm, she knew his true persona like no one else. She asked in an inquiring tone, "You seem a bit out of it today, what's on your mind?"

Aemon continued to toy with his necklace, staring at nothing. Growing concerned, Rhaenyra gently touched his hand to get his attention. He felt her cool, soft hand and finally focused on her again, saying, "I'm sorry, did you say something?" His expression was apologetic.

Rhaenyra nodded. "You seem distracted." She knew him inside and out, sometimes even more than she realized. She could sense shifts in his mood, and sometimes was even affected by them, just as he was affected when she was moody.

Aemon tightened his grip on her hand slightly. He looked into her eyes, and for a moment she saw fear. "I've been having really bad dreams lately. To the point where I can barely sleep," he confessed. She noticed the faint shadows under his eyes, realizing he had been suffering alone for a while. 

Though he hadn't woken up screaming her name in years, he still occasionally jolted awake, sweating and speaking incoherently. Rhaenyra felt a pang of guilt, thinking her decision to stop sharing a bed with him had contributed to his restless nights. Aemon saw her guilty expression and smiled gently. "It's not your fault, Rae, truly. I'm pretty sure it's just the pressure of the tourney and the upcoming ceremony that's getting to me." He tried his best not to worry his sister, not mentioning the thing that had been troubling him the most: their mother.

He sensed something bad was about to happen, but felt powerless to prevent it. Rhaenyra was already keeping a close eye on their mother, and urging her to be even more vigilant wouldn't change anything. Though Rhaenyra was a highly skilled healer, perhaps the best in the realm, she wasn't a god. Even in their past lives, with all their technological advancements, there were cases where nothing could be done.

"Let's stop thinking about that," he said, shaking his head. He gently squeezed Rhaenyra's hand, trying to reassure her. "I'll be fine, Rae, it's just stress, I'm sure of it." Rhaenyra nodded, but he could see she didn't completely believe his excuse, so he tried to change the subject with a cheeky smile.

"Tomorrow is the tourney, right? I'm planning to name you my queen of love and beauty again, Rae."

Rhaenyra rolled her eyes with a small smile. The first time he participated in a tourney and won, he had named her his queen of love and beauty. Later, he told her directly, "In the future, I'll be the only one to ever name you the queen of love and beauty." His ambiguous words had caught her off guard at the time. Was he saying he would be the only person to ever name her queen, or that only he could name her his queen? Her mind had raced with thoughts and feelings then, but she buried most of the "less fraternal" feelings she had.

"You're hopeless," she said with a playful sigh. "But if it helps you sleep better, I suppose I can endure being your queen of love and beauty again."

Aemon chuckled, relieved to see her smile. "It definitely will. And maybe, just maybe, it'll help me forget those dreams for a while."

As they finished their breakfast, the twins knew they had a long day ahead. The council meeting loomed, and with it, more challenges. But for now, they had a moment of peace, a brief respite in each other's company, fortified by the bond that had always seen them through the darkest times.

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