
House of Pendragon (Fate)

Being reincarnated as Artoria's brother has never been easy, especially when you are known as Sir Kay, the future of the Knight Round Table and the future brother of the Knight King. Many people who've filled his shoes would like to save the future Knight King or strive to make Britannia a better place. Unfortunately, you are not a selfless knight, but a scumbag, lustful, hypocritical, and evil. What will the House of Pendragon become when the brother of Artoria itself is not what it seems on the outside?

Great_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Siege of Camelot

It's been two weeks since their final journey in Camelot ended. However, outside the city, instead of being greeted by a warm welcome, they were met with a vast array of camps and bombardment. Kay frowned at the display.

He had been in the mountain forest and never departed from a single village or town, focusing on his goal to escort Guinevere to Camelot. Now, he was scouting with a group of knights to find out what happened to Camelot, which created such a huge change as it is now.

When he saw farmers running around in panic, he grabbed one of their arms and stopped them.

"Do you know what happened?"

"Ah…! Mercy, Sir, we just want to escape." The farmer knelt on the ground and pleaded in panic when he saw how heavily armed they were.

His actions undoubtedly made the rest of the farmers follow along and beg.

"Answer him, you wretch." Sir Edwin scolded when he saw the farmer being dramatic, as they had asked so nicely, but they were wasting their time with their whining.

He hated whining the most.

"Ahem... Calm down, Sir Edwin, let me ask. Do you know why many people are running and why there is a siege in the city? Has Vortigern invaded Camelot?" Kay coughed, interrupting Sir Edwin's scolding. He helped the farmer up and personally patted the dust off his ragged clothes.

He then signaled one of the guards to bring water to him. The farmer drank it in one gulp and panted.

"It's not them. After King Uther died, the nobles revolted in the capital. They brought 15,000 soldiers with them. We are finished, Sir. The chosen one has yet to arrive. No one can save us, not even Sage Merlin, who is nowhere to be seen." The farmer cried sadly as he knelt on the ground with lost eyes.

"Perhaps you can try your luck with the Sword in the Stone, Sir Kay. We believe you are the chosen one." Sir Edwin joked.

"Yes! Yes!" The knights roared in approval and wanted Sir Kay to give it a try.

They had witnessed how Sir Kay defeated the powerful vampire in the past and believed that he was the chosen leader.

Even the farmers who knelt on the ground had their eyes brighten at the suggestion.

"Sir, save us!" They pleaded.

Kay didn't answer their questions or pleas. Instead, he commanded, "Bring Princess Guinevere to me. I will handle the nobles myself. I give you my word; I will save this city."

"Sir Kay!"

"Sir Kay!"

"Sir Kay!"

They roared in approval.


"Lily…" Merlin let out a long sigh at Artoria, who was still swinging her sword in the courtyard. In the end, she didn't go to the Sword in the Stone and missed the opportunity to repel the 15,000 coalition nobles in the capital.

"How many more days will you stay? Don't you know you missed the best time and the best opportunity, Lily?" He screamed in annoyance when he saw Artoria didn't respond to him.

"When you kicked my brother away to that foreign woman, you lost my trust, Merlin." Artoria stopped swinging her sword midway and sheathed it back at her waist.

"You and Father deliberately kept him away," she added.

"Do you want to sacrifice all the people in Camelot because of these little things, Lily?" Merlin's eyes widened in disbelief.

"He is not a little thing. He is my brother, and he is important, Merlin. What you did behind my back is disrespectful, total disrespect." Artoria stared at Merlin angrily as her red dragon aura was unleashed. Even Merlin felt the pressure from it.

"I admit defeat, Lily. Can we go back to Camelot now? The people need us; we need to save them fast!" Merlin urged.

"You can save them, Merlin. I never doubted you. You can do it, yet you made me do it. For what? To manipulate me further? You wanted me to save them just because you wanted me to gain fame from it. Ha! I'm very disappointed in you." Artoria sighed.

How could all of this suddenly get out of control? Was Kay so important to Artoria compared to Britannia?

Merlin found it hard to believe. Now, he could only think that Artoria was the same as Morgan, their brains dominated by love.

"What can I do so you can forgive me, Lily?" Merlin compromised.

"Wait for my brother to save the day, just like he usually did." Artoria smiled a little when she remembered her brother's figure and their past adventures, saving many villagers, townships, nobles, and people.

"You… You…!" Merlin was annoyed when he saw Artoria completely put all her trust in Kay. Then his annoyance turned into a long sigh as he compromised but with a condition.

"Will do, but you will come with me. If he can't save Camelot, we will do it ourselves. How?"

"Yes, teacher." Artoria nodded.

And Merlin was pleased with it.

Finally, she came to her senses and wasn't completely blind to put her trust in Kay.

He didn't believe that Kay had the solution to the problem and that everything would get back on track. Artoria would defeat the 15,000 armies and create a legend while all the people were merely side characters in her story.

A happy end.

Merlin hummed happily.

From the beginning, Merlin never believed in human potential or trusted them in the first place. He only believed Britannia could only be saved by the powerful.

Only Artoria could save Britannia, not one way or another.

He firmly believed it was the case and was willing to do whatever it took to implement that belief.


Note: After this, I want to write a new fanfic about the MC reincarnated as a True Ancestor. Of course, the world will be the Nasuverse (Fate), and the start of the story will be in the time period of the beginning of the Crimson Moon War. The MC will be a villain, evil, but very different from this MC. That MC will be more savage, ruthless, and cold, while this MC was more hypocritical.

Yes, the MC will be overpowered and Godlike from the beginning. There will be incest between the MC and Arcueid Brunestud, plus he will have incest with Altrouge Brunestud, to keep the bloodline pure and revitalize the Brunestud blood that is already extinct. The story will be filled with sex, violence, and war. It will take on mature themes and uncensored. I'm not going to write a censored story, especially not when I'm writing about vampires.

The premise is about the rise to power. It's about how the MC will rise to become King of the Vampires, King of the Moon, and take the Crimson Moon's place. You name it. When his position is secured, the world will be his next target. The story will lean heavily towards conquest, and I will post this story on Friday. For now, I want to write the outline, the plan, the cast, and many more first.