
Miocene,Age of Holy Ecclesia

After emerging victorious from the harrowing battle against the maleficae, a newfound harmony enveloped the realms, uniting humans, vampyres, and lux maleficae in a symbiotic accord. The ecclesia underwent a transformative rebirth, assuming administrative duties beneath the sovereign reign of the pope, while the lux maleficae gracefully undertook roles in healing, imparting wisdom, and delving into profound research within the ecclesiastical confines, penning myriad tomes and scrolls. Under the tutelage of these arcane luminaries, disciples of the ecclesia with exceptional prowess learned to harness the essence of life, earning the esteemed title of the Beati. The witches, once perceived as adversaries, now served as catalysts, propelling the ecclesia into an era of unprecedented prosperity. Thanks to the radiant influence of the lux maleficae, age-old prejudices against women gradually waned, paving the way for their eventual entitlement to education and gainful employment.

In the realm assigned to the vampyres, an expansive territory was entrusted to the dominion of the strigoi, now bearing the distinguished name of Ivanov Bratoviae, established as a colony under the aegis of the ecclesia. Tasked with ensuring their sustenance, vampyres were assigned humans of the opposite sex as their "vasa," serving as vessels for the vital elixir of life. Amidst the dark embrace, many vampyres forged bonds beyond necessity, marrying their vasa and giving rise to a lineage of half-vampires known as "ghampires." Among the vampyric elite, the formidable ones sought to strengthen their bloodline through unions with their kin. In a twist of fate, Ivanov Bratoviae, the enigmatic ruler, found love in the embrace of Karshiva, one of the most influential lux maleficae. Their union, an alchemy of darkness and light, bestowed upon them four extraordinary children.

In the era of the fifth pontiff of the Ecclesia, Andrunicos, a shadow loomed over the realm as the maleficae and vampyres reproduced. Fearful of their potential dominion, the Ecclesia imposed stringent measures, forbidding the bestowal of vasas upon vampyres and imposing restrictions upon maleficae. The Ecclesia Aegis went to extreme lengths, orchestrating the poisoning of vasas with Fraxinus and the ruthless slaying of infant ghampires to curb the vampyric rise.

As the tenth year of Andrunicos's reign unfolded, a chilling proclamation echoed through the ecclesiastical halls – the Holy Purification. In a solemn decree, Andrunicos declared divine guidance, asserting that the God of Light had commanded him to embark on a sacred quest to cleanse the land of these malevolent revenants, both witches and vampyres alike.

The proclamation unfurled into a nightmarish saga, leading to the merciless slaughter of witches and vampyres, sparing not even the sacred vasas. In the midst of this brutality, Ivanov Bratoviae, guided by his wife and intertwined with the Lux Maleficae, forged an alliance to stop the bloodshed befalling their kin. Endowed with extraordinary prowess, Ivanov's people elicited a plea from the vampyre elders to bestow upon them formidable gifts, empowering them to confront the encroaching human threat.

Against the backdrop of the Church's relentless pursuit, wielding Fraxinus, a venomous poison to vampires, Ivanov and Karshiva devised the "Duodecim Hereditas" – twelve legacies of power. These legacies, bestowed upon the mightiest vampyrs, became the most important factor in preparing vast armies for the impending great conflict, as the echoes of an imminent great war reverberated through the realms of ecclesia.

As the Miocene era neared its twilight, a relentless series of conflicts culminated in the epic Battle of Orion. A grueling 100-day struggle painted the vast mountain range crimson, adorned with the haunting remnants of diverse beings. Amidst the chaos, the unholy alliance of vampyres and lux maleficae emerged victorious, though not without exacting a heavy toll on all factions involved. The witches, veiled in mystery, vanished from the Holy Empire, never to grace its realms again. The vampyres, however, heralded a new era, extinguishing the fading embers of the Holy Ecclesian Age.

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