
Chapter 7

I sighed as I sat down on the seat while Saeko sat by Rei as we started driving away,

What was I feeling? I really don't know can't pinpoint anything, half attentive state is this what shock is?

I knew I needed to get out of it but I was just too out of it until I felt a slap across the face it stung as my thoughts cleared up.

I finally noticed the bus had stopped moving and the others were looking at me while Saya was standing in front of me.

I looked around seemed like we were near the bridge and nothing had happened yet, except maybe about four people missing.



the slut, and another dude that was with them had all left while the baseball group was standing in front.

Rei seemed to be better than before as she smiled a little at me.

As I sighed, "I look like shit right?"

"Sure you do" Takagi answered

My fingers were numb from gripping the bokken, I looked around the sun was setting fast.

"Sorry about that" I replied staring at them before slapping myself again but only harder as my ears rang a little and I breathed out.

"Glad to have you back," Takagi said and I nodded as I saw the baseball dude wanting to say something.

"You want to say something?" I asked looking at him as he smiled slightly.

"Thank you for saving us back at the school but we will leave now" he said bowing a little as I nodded, as his group left probably going for the police barricades.

Leaving behind our group. 

"What about you guys?" I asked them as I saw Saeko's smile.

"Well we are not leaving you behind, after you got us out of there"

"Plus I trust more than the others" Kohta added as I raised my eyebrows,

"You trust a guy who was losing hsi shit a minute ago?"

"Well not at that moment no" he replied  as I just shook my head.

"So I think we should find a place to stay the night, I sure as hell don't want to be out in the open for the night" I said pointing at the sun with about half an hour of daylight left.

"Won't staying here be the best!" Shizuka said looking at barricades.

"With the amout of noise they are making I am suprised that they haven't been swarmed yet" I spoke as they seemed to realise what I was talking about as we could hear the shouts from the barricades.

Takagi grabbed the map as she spread it out tracing the bridge with her fingers, "So what do you suggest?" she asked looking at me.

I shrugged, "Find a place to hole up for tonight at least before going for the barricade in the morning" I spoke since we needed to get the guns from the apartment of the gun lady, Rika Manami was her name if I remember correctly.

"Let's do that then while we can still see properly" Saeko said as Shizuka pointed towards a road.

"My friends house is right here, we can stay there for the night" she spoke up pointing at a building about hundred meters down the road about a lane next to the canal.

I looked at the others, "Any problems?"

the others shook thier heads seemed like we were in an agreement.


I was standing at the balcony smoking, it was ultra light barely anything in it as I threw off the empty bud just as the sun set over the horizon.

I looked at my hands there was still blood on them, my uniform didn't look like it was any better blood splatter all over I will need to get my hands on some clothes because these are not going to last.

As I looked over at the bridge that was lighted up like fucking cristmas with barely any zombies around in our area.

Kohta was standing there looking at the bridge before he looked at me.

"There don't seem to be zombies around now" he said looking at the streets below.

"Let's hope it stays that way" I muttered for all things after getting  

here was the easy part saving Alice

Was the important part.

I spoke going back to loading the clips while hearing the shouts from the bathroom.

"They seem to be having fun" Kohta grumbled as I had dimmed the lights.

"They sure are.."


"Ah Miyamoto ..don't mumph" Shizuka moaned a little as Rei groped her tits.

Takagi looked at her, then at her own compared to Shizuka hers were smaller even though they were F-cups she didn't bother with them too much but ever since Takashi changed.

She could feel his gaze travel all over her body, when they talked or were messed about.

Not that she didn't like it, as she became more concious of her appearance. He behaved like an Idiot most of the time but today she realised that he wasn't that easy going especially after Hisashi jumped off.

Saeko who was bathing beside her smirked leaned in near her ear.

"Thinking about him aren't you?" She said her lips almost brushing against Takagi's ear.

"W...wha..What?! Who is thinking about Takashi?!!" Takagi whirled around to see a smirking Saeko and both the woman in the tub looking at her while Shizuka holding a sly smile  Rei held a complicated expression.

" But I never said it was Takashi" 

"No ..it's absolutely not what you are thinking!!"

"Oh since you don't want him, us three can share him can't we, right Sensei?" 

"Well I would want to have him all for myself but I wouldn't mind it that much" Shizuka answered while Rei remained silent on the matter.

"You both are crazy!"

"Maybe he has a thing for Crazy!"


"Well not that I don't want to look but doing so would be shooting myself in the leg." I replied at Kohta's suggestion of going into the bathroom as I finished loading a clip.

"Well you are right about that" Kohta muttered.

I breathed out as I spotted a rucksack in the corner. Just then another quest showed up.


Save Alice Maestro and her parents three blocks to the north

Rewards - 3 mutation points, Parkour skill


I looked at it then at the rucksack, I was thinking of going on a shopping trip might as well do it now.

"Oi Kohta, I will be back soon" I said getting up and grabbing the rucksack.

I guess he was too immersed in the guns so he didn't pay much attention to me. 

As I walked out. 

Three blocks to the north. I still grabbed the stick note and planted it on the fridge, writing 

"I will be back"

I wrote that and left, will it be chaos when I come back?

 most likely 

did I care?



A/N- Do try out my other fic 'Descent Of The Sword Hero' and 'In Black Clover With Anti-Magic System'

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