
Chapter 01

"Stay still"

"You are very abrupt sensei Oh!"

"I already told you to call me Onee-chan"

"Hai~ Hai~"

Naruto sat impatiently waiting for the school nurse to finish sewing the stitches on one of his eyebrows. In the end he sighed with relief when she finished and cut the threads, and then covered the stitches with a bandage.

"How did this happen again?"

She is 27-year-old high school nurse Shizuka Marikawa. She is a very tall busty woman with ridiculous curves, known mainly for her large breasts that barely seemed to be contained by her blouse and robe that she had to wear to work, her hair was long and blonde that extends past her waist and eyes. Hazelnut color. Several bangs of her hair fall across her face, with two bangs falling to the sides running downwards while also framing her face.

The curvy nurse looked with resignation at one of the most problematic and habitual students she had to attend to, due to his constant injuries caused by his fights against other older boys.

He was just starting his first year of high school, he was 14 years old and was on the thin line of average height, whenever he could he brought him healthy food to help his growth, something that the boy was grateful for, since the subsidy he was given the status of living emancipated was not a big deal.

Although he was surprised by the muscle mass he had, it was rare to see young people so athletic and strong, it was probably due to training at the Kendo club and always being active.

"Some idiots were talking shit about my friend and I beat them up"

"A beating?"

"Well, it was mutual harm, although they were worse off," he admitted with a shy smile, making the nurse smile.

"So fighting to protect a girl's honor? Oh, you're such a gentleman." The blonde's smile grew as she pulled the boy's cheeks, and he crossed his arms with a pout.

"I just did what anyone would have to do stopping those idiots"

"Ara~ ara~ you are such a hero" Shizuka gave the door a sideways glance, there was no one but the two of them in the infirmary and since they were in the middle of class, it was certain that no one would come.

So they could have fun.

The first-year student seemed to get excited when he saw the nurse get up and walk step by step, moving her hips, giving a spectacle of her voluptuous body.

Locking the door, the blonde gave a sensual smile to the teenager, who was already feeling his pants tight, when he saw her take off her nurse's gown.

"My little hero deserves a reward~" with a sing-song voice the busty blonde walked to the nearest bed and didn't have to ask the boy to come, because he was already at her side more than worried, "You know the rules Naruto-chan "

The blonde gave a moan of pleasure when the student threw himself on top of her, burying his face in her cleavage and using his hands to squeeze her breasts, while he rubbed the rest of his body against her, who let herself fall on the bed.

He was so eager and careless, something obvious in a teenager, although it mattered little to the nurse who moaned at the Uzumaki's licks and light bites on the flesh of her large breasts.

"I love your tits Onee-chan"

Naruto could barely control himself from tearing the nurse's blouse when she pulled it down along with her bra, exposing the mountains of flesh she called her tits.

"And I love you, you little pervert," moving her hands, she drew the teenager's face against her breasts, making him immediately open his mouth to take one of her erect nipples and begin to suck.

The bed creaked due to the lustful and forbidden activities of both blondes, who were lost in the lust that made them enjoy each other's bodies.

What had brought a nurse and teacher as dedicated as her to such a position?

Maybe it was the reason she was 27 years old and had bad luck with men, several dates and several failures, most of them idiots who had more lust than celebration, and as always refused the idea of spreading her legs at the first appointment.

This led her to a sexual drought of more than a year, which made her do what she would have long considered unforgivable.

It had only been a few weeks since classes had started, and the Uzumaki's visits to the infirmary had already been more than recurrent, he loved how energetic and cheerful he was.

In addition to having strong morals like steel, all his fights were always about facing bullying at school. Apparently the little boy couldn't stand the idea of seeing a group full of stupid older teenagers bother him and other younger kids. or other girls.

Normally this would lead to an immediate expulsion, but both Naruto and the bullies always lied about how things happened, the first being the one who refused to be a snitch who goes to beg for help from the teachers, and the others out of shame knowing that one boy of 14 was strong and fast enough to be a real nuisance that more than once caused one of them to take a black eye or bruise home.

The words they used to describe him was Beast.

A little beast that no matter how much he was hit, always came back for more, never failing to get back up.

She loved that description.

Anyway, among the many visits in the middle of summer, she realized how uncomfortable her most usual patient seemed, it was so uncomfortable to see that he had a hard erection from seeing her cleavage, which was more visible than usual that afternoon. heat.

Normally I would have told him that he had nothing to worry about, that it was just a natural reaction of his body due to the hormones that were now on the surface of his body.

However, she was even hotter than him, which led him to one of his most extreme decisions than anything in his life, and that was to help the teenager 'release' that tension.

Not only could you lose your job! I could go to jail!

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