
Chapter 2 - Welcome to Kingslanding


We flew our dragons to Kingslanding, well me and my siblings did, our parents were sailing there.

We see the docks as we arrived before the welcoming party as we saw the ship dock as we landed our dragons near the ship.

We see guards with carriages coming up.

Ser Harrold: Good day your grace, there carriages waiting to take you to the Castle.

Vel: Very good.

I let Aegerax fly to the sky as I got in the carriage with my parents.

Father: You nervous my dear.

Vel: No, I haven't been nervous since I first held my first sword.

?: You will do great, but remember there are always those who scheme in the shadows.

This is my mother, Elaine Dralarys, she is a beauty you can only hope to rival.

Vel: I know mother, which is why I wanna have a look first before anything.

We made it to the castle as we were lead to the throne room as many came to see this.

Viserys: Welcome my guest.

We bowed.

Father: Thank you for allowing us to be here your grace.

Viserys: Nonsense, we are gathered for I have accepted the marriage of my daughter.

I look to see Rhaenyra on the side as she watches me as I smiled to which she does the same.

I stepped forward to bow.

Vel: I am Velena Dralarys your grace, it is an honor to be here.

Viserys: Great to meet you princess, now when would like the wedding to happen?

Vel: It is up to my Bethrothed as I value her input as well.

Viserys: I see, well we hope you enjoy your stay.

Vel: Thank you for this opportunity.

I stood up to smirk at Heleana as the King threw a welcome feast to which my family was enjoying themselves as I see Rhaenyra looking at me to signal to walk with her.

I followed her out.

Heleana : How do you like Kingslanding so far?

Vel: It is wonderful really, just like my home but it's more Valyrian really.

Heleana: I see, so your the heir to your throne?

Vel: Yes the Red Quartz Throne.

Heleana: So when we wed, what does it mean?

Vel: It means that our first born will take the Red Quartz throne but my children will be apart of the council.

Rhae: I see.

Vel: But I've been here to see what the real Heleana was like to which I'm impressed, heard you have a dragon.

Rhae: Yes.

Vel: I rode one at six.

Heleana: Are we having a competition?

Vel: No just stating facts really but yes I am taken with you.

Heleana smiled and so did I.

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