
Hot Divorce Lawyer

The marriage in front of the eyes that should bring happiness to Loria, but apparently it made Loria very stressed. The past trauma of her parents' divorce made Loria always stop at the same decision—postponing her wedding day. Just when Loria should have had support and trust, the shocking news made her even more dizzy. Shane, his fiancée suddenly disappeared without news. And Shane's family blames Loria for Shane's disappearance. Not yet finished with her marriage problems, Loria must face her long-lost mother. Loria had no time to deal with her mother's fake cry tears. There are wedding plans to take care of, traumas that he must heal, and also the mystery of Shane's disappearance that he must solve. Will Loria manage to find Shane again? And how will Loria heal her past trauma? Can Loria reach her own happiness? For Loria - loving, supportive and outspooken. The hardest lesson will be that she can't protect her future and fate from what she choices.

Shazia_Byun · Urban
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The ringing sound of Loria's cell phone woke Eldrick who was fast asleep.

"Explain to me later after I answer this phone," said Loria quickly as she grabbed whatever was around her to cover her beautiful body.

Eldrick was not drunk, nor had he taken any sedatives before. Of course he remembered everything they had done last night. Every scene and feeling he got, and at this moment he just looked at Loria who looked irritated when she was talking on her cell phone.

"I didn't hide Shane! What did you just say? You accuse me of hiding him because he is the heir to the biggest drug company in Europe?"

Arabelle Winslow, Shane's older sister who doesn't have the same last name as Shane at all, accused Loria of hiding her little brother over the phone and that made Loria very angry and annoyed, especially since she learned a new fact that she didn't know before. The heir to Europe's largest drug company? Shane Howard?

"Stop accusing me! I never understood what you just said!" Loria joked in annoyance as she hung up the phone. She threw her cell phone right on the bed, took a deep breath and then her eyes turned to Eldrick who was now wearing a white T-shirt.

"You want me to explain something?" asked Eldrick. "I mean, last night, you started it ... I mean, you asked me to do it," Eldrick said later.

"Start for what? What do you mean!" snapped Loria. Then she looked back at the messy bed, her naked self and well! Handsome man who in front of her, in her room too. "Seriously..." Loria said then, lowering her voice before continuing her sentence. Gosh I got goosebumps! Forget everything that happened last night, I really don't remember it and you are my private secretary, I don't want any misunderstanding between us. Understand?"

"Talk to me if you need anything, I can be your secretary as well as your doctor. If you want," said Eldrick. "By the way did you see my jeans?" asked Eldrick then, with an innocent and adorable face. Well, Eldrick is a handsome man who can turn very adorable in just seconds when his interlocutor looks very angry.

However, his adorable face didn't apply to Loria. The cold-hearted woman who now has many problems she must solve.

"It's morning, you must hurry to Osborne and prepare important documents that I have to deal today. Then you will wear your jeans?" asked Loria coldly.

"I won't have time to go home and get my suit," said Eldrick.

Loria stepped into the large walking closet, she looked for a few pieces of Shane's suit that Eldrick might be able to wear.

"This belongs to my fiancé, you can wear it for today." said Loria.

"Oh, thank you." Eldrick took a gray suit and put it on.

"You missed a shower?" asked Loria.

"I'm going to take a shower in the office, you won't let me shower in your room are you?"

Again, Loria snorted when she heard Eldrick's chatter. "Clean yourself up in the guest bathroom, put this on and head to Osborne," Loria ordered.

"You're not coming to Osborne with me? You have to go to the office too," said Eldrick.

"Our relationship is not really close. First I already have a fiancé and will get married soon, second you are my secretary. Do you understand?"

No answer. Silence.

"Eldrick Holmes?" called Loria while turning her body so she could see Eldrick's face to show that she wasn't playing. In fact Eldrick had already gone to the guest bathroom and left Loria in the room. Alone.

"Ck! What's happening to me right now, how can I make love to another man besides Shane!"



Loria, who had just arrived, walked past Eldrick's desk and acted as if nothing had happened before. At a glance, Loria could see the resemblance between Shane and Eldrick, especially now that Eldrick was wearing Shane's suit.

"Ms. Winslow," called Eldrick quickly. Loria stopped her steps and turned to look at Eldrick who seemed to be holding a file in his hand. "Keep it on my desk, I'll check it later," said Loria and then entered her room.

Loria didn't want to think about what happened last night with Eldrick. What she had to focus on while at the office was handling the rapidly increasing divorce case.


"Come in," Loria said without looking at who was knocking on her door.

"My God, my daughter,"

Loria frowned when she heard a familiar voice. Slowly she lifted her head and looked at the woman in her 50s standing in front of her. She is no longer young, but her face still looks very fresh. Plus a maroon tweed suit whi she wear make herself refreshes and makes her look like a celebrity.

"What are you doing here?" asked Loria coldly. "Are you so poor that you look for me? Or are you looking for dad?" asked Loria again.

"My daughter, how can you say that to your own biological mother,"

"Mother? I don't have one. I haven't had a mother in years." Loria said. Her hands were busy pressing the telephone extension so that it could be directly connected to Eldrick's desk. Luckily, Eldrick immediately picked up the incoming call.

"Come, take the rich woman who is now in my office out!" Loria ordered. Her tone was cold, her eyes were sharp and scary when she said that.

Only 5 minutes later, Eldrick had entered Loria's office.

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Loria asked Eldrick.

"B-but, she said she was your mother," said Eldrick.

"Elizabeth Winslow. You can call me Elizabeth or Beth," Elizabeth held out her hand to Eldrick.

"This is not the place to introduce ourselves, madam." Loria said curtly. "I hope you can cooperate with me before I call security to order you out of my private office and also my office," said Loria again.

"Loria ... how can you be this rude to me? I'm your mother, I'm not someone you can just throw away," Elizabeth whispered.

Loria closed her eyes, she tried to contain the anger she felt by clenching her fists.

"Mrs. Elizabeth, if you are looking for your daughter, pretend she is dead. Just as I thought you were dead." Loria said softly but piercingly. "And if you're looking for your husband, you're too late, dear Mrs. Elizabeth. He died 8 years ago when you left him and took all his property," continued Loria.

Elizabeth was silent as Loria said all that in front of other people. It was true that she was the one who left Loria and her husband to marry the man she called her first love.

"Eldrick, please take this woman away from me," said Loria again.

Eldrick looked at Loria, through this incident she became aware of the trauma that Loria had faced since childhood. The trauma that makes and makes Loria afraid to fall in love and get married.

"Loria, I have no place to live here... please let me live with you, or I will..."