1 The Interview

Luminous rays of the glorious morning star streamed into the room through the unusually open window beside the bright peach vanity table announcing a brand new summer day.

I blinked and turned in the fine solid oaken twin bed and shielded my face from the sunlight with a mauve pillow that matched the silk bedding.

My stomach growled noisily and I sat up drowsily, yawning and stretching. I swung my legs off the bed and began a zombie like trudge to the en-suite bathroom.

I relaxed onto the toilet seat and relieved myself of the unnecessary fluids while rubbing my eyes vigorously.

I was washing my hands when I heard my cell phone ring. I turned off the faucet and rushed into the room to answer it. Pushing the green button,I said:


"Good morning, Melanie", My best friend,Erin Manchester yelled in a sing song voice."Are you ready for your interview?"

"What are you talking about,Erin? it's still too early to do anything".

"Too early? It's 8:28am,Mel"

"Eight twenty what? You're messing with me", I said, squinting up at the large wall clock above the bedside cum reading table. My eyes widened in sheer horror.

"...not messing with you...",Erin continued saying over the phone.

"Oh my God,it's 8:28am", I screamed in fright, interrupting her.

Erin sighed." I take it you just woke up".

"You bet! ",I replied, running my fingers through my already messy curls.

"You wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't murdered your alarm clock last week".

"I didn't kill Jennie. She died on her own", I said, defensively. "Look Erin,I have to hang up",I added,my eyes glued to the wall clock.

"Fine. Meet me in front of Malone's pizzeria in,say,25 minutes".

"Yeah,sure bye".

Cursing my bad luck,I undressed and raced into the bathroom for a hurried 7-minute shower. I swiftly walked out and discarding the towel,I slipped into my underwear and the crisp white starched shirt and black knee length skirt that Erin had lent me. Putting on my only pair of flats,I ran a comb through my long,damp, maliciously curls chestnut hair and hung it on a high ponytail to dry.

I fastened a pair of studs to my ear,clasped my mother's pendant around my neck and wore on my black framed glasses.

Grabbing my plain shoulder bag which I had stuffed full with the necessary documents,I made for the adjacent room to kiss my convalescent aunt and her ten year old ginger cat goodbye.


"There you are!",Erin exclaimed,waving frantically.

Rolling my eyes,I walked faster to meet her.

"It's 8:52am. I'm early".

"Not exactly. it's a right ten minutes walk to out destination so let's hurry. We don't want you to be late",Erin said,leading the way.

"I can't believe I woke up late. it's so unlike me".

"You were probably to excited to go to bed last night. You look nice though".

My lips lifted into a small smile. "You look great too", I told her,admiring her short Raven hair and smart midnight blue gown.

"Thanks. I'm sorry I can only walk you to the door. I've only had this job of mine for about a week. It's too early for me to be tardy".

My brows creased slightly."Who says tardy?".

Her lips pursed but she continued as though I hadn't said a word.

"Once you get there,speak to Leila. She's the pretty plump receptionist. she'll be easy to find".

By now,we had gotten to the large porticoed building where I was to be interviewed for the position of Personal assistant.

Erin opened her cute baby purse,took out her compact and began dabbing the powder puff on my face.

"Oh,what is this?", I queried.

"Hush,love. I'm making you look prettier",She said, applying ref lipstick to my chapped lips. "There",She added when she was done. "Perfect. And don't you dare rub it off".

"Erin,you know I don't like this stuff", I said,glaring at her,tempted to erase the sticky substance that sat on my lips.

She pretended not to hear my complaints and turned to leave. "I'll stop by at Richie's during my lunch break and you can tell me all about your interview".

I watched her leave before shaking my head and pushing open the glass doors.

The lobby was huge and painted in bright shades of gold and sepia. Some people threw furtive glances at me while others were not so discreet. Their gaping made me feel slightly nervous but I shrugged off the sour feeling and made my way to the reception desk.

"Leila Hamden?",I said to the buxom lady who redhead was buried in a fashion fanzine.

"Yes,this is she", The lady answered without looking up at me.

"Uh,Miss Hamden,my friend Erin Manchester asked me to speak with you about the vacancy in the company".

"Oh,Hi! Erin called yesterday on your behalf",She said, lifting her braided head to look at me with liquid blue eyes.

She blinked twice.

"Sorry,who are you again?"

"Melanie Campbell".

"Melanie Campbell. Are you sure?".

I nodded wistfully." Pretty sure".

She blinked again. " But you look just like that famous model,Linda Thorne",She blurted.

Not this again. "I've been told".

"Yeah. If you just loose the glasses and put on a blonde wig,you'd look just like her".

My smile began to dwindle. "I'm aware of that fact".

Leila noticed my growing displeasure at the subject. She bit her lip and apologised.

"It's okay", I reassured her. "I get it a lot".

"Doesn't mean you like it. It must make you feel really uneasy. I'm sorry again".

"It's fine".

Leila cleared her throat." Erin told me that you're applying to be the new P.A to the boss. Are you sure you can handle it?".

"What do you mean?"

"The CEO can be really grumpy and taciturn. I don't work for him directly but he still managed to annoy me whenever he comes by here. But of course,he's also very handsome and..."

My eyes flew to the big clock on the wall. 9:06am.

"Sorry to interrupt, Leila but I'm running late for my interview".

"Don't fret now. I'll take you up to meet the secretary,Miss Gomez. We can talk on the way".


"Nina",Leila said loudly to a tiny teenager who sat on a stool,a couple metres away. "Man my desk until I get back. I'm escorting this lady upstairs".

"Okay", The girl said in a small voice.

"She's a sibling to one of my colleagues. She's nice,if a little shy", Leila told me as we stepped into the elevator.

"Where are we going?".

"The 9th floor", she said she pressed in the number. "Look sweetie,the CEO is hot and all but don't get carried away. He can get really mean too. Be calm,collected and composed because I heard he's doing the interview himself. Miss Gomez can be very nasty most of the time so don't let her get to you. If you ever need help handling her,I'll be glad to oblige".

I smiled. " I think I'll be fine".

The elevator doors began to slowly slide open until it gave enough space for both women to go through.

We stepped into a room with the same colours and shades as the lobby downstairs. There was a beautiful blonde woman who had a table right beside a big mahogany door. She had on a dark suit,black stilettos and heavily applied make-up. She had a great tan which easily disclosed her descent as much as her name and her hair was styled into a tight, stern bun.

"Hi!", I said with a. wide grin and a short wave.

A final arched eyebrow rose and she gave me a cool, superior once-over.

"You're not Linda Thorne",She stated with a deliberately sardonic look.


"Then what do you want?", She asked,matter-of-factly.

"I'm here for my interview".

Taking a look at a record in front of her,she said,"Melanie Campbell, appointment for 9:am".

"Yes,Miss Gomez", I said,eagerly.

Her eyes returned to the screen before her.

"Leave. You're late",Miss Gomez said,rudely.

A cold shiver ran down my spine. No,no way! I need this job to take care of my aunt. I can't be dismissed before my interview,I thought, devastated.

"Miss Gomez,please. I need this job. It's very important to me".

"If it was important,you would have been here 15 minutes ago".

"I know but this means a lot to me. It's my only hope".

"That's what they always say. Beat it or I'll be forced to call security. I'm too busy for this".

"Your behavior is unethical, Stacy. Just let her through",Leila intervened.

"It's Anastasia to you,Miss Hamden",Miss Gomez retorted icily.

"Stacy,it's my fault that Melanie was delayed".

Miss Gomez barely looked up.

"And that should matter to me,why exactly?".

Leila sighed angrily. "Don't be cruel to her,Stacy. She's told you that she needs the job urgently".

"Then why don't you just give her the job,you oversized pig", Anastasia remarked, snarky.

I gasped. It seemed they already had a pending quarrel.

"I'm sorry,was that comment meant to offend me? The only thing offending me right now is your face. You'd better let her in, Anastasia,or I'm going to have to show you again what this 'oversized pig' can do", Leila's eyes glinted dangerously.

Anastasia glared at her, hatefully but picked up the phone.

"Hello,Sir?... Yes,sir there is one last applicant. Would you like to interview her? ... Okay sir,I'll let her in".

Few seconds later,she replaced the receiver and motioned for me to go in.

"Good luck,Melanie",Leila said as I knocked.


A manly voice ordered for me to enter.

I twisted the knob and walked inside.

After shutting the door behind me,I looked up to meet the steel blue eyes that stated back at me.

My breath caught in my throat,my heart skidded to a stop and I felt a maelstrom of emotions washed over me.

