Humans define hell as some place where you pay for your sins, but what is considered payment? How much do you need to pay? Is it defined by the type of sin that you committed? Is it much like how a Court sentence prisoners on Earth? Are all souls bound for the same fate? Is there a fiery pit in which all souls swim around all day without rest? How does it feel if there's no skin to burn? Are there monsters that rip souls apart every second? Or does the ghost of their sins haunt them for all eternity? Can I buy my way out of hell? Are there rules in hell? If yes, what are they? And that, my friend is the reason for our existence. In hell, we make the rules, we are the law. We were humans. We were Kings. We are Gods. And now, we are judges.
"Go to hell!"
You've probably heard of these words uttered in anger, in disgust or sometimes in jest, but do you have any idea what really happens when you literally go to hell?
Let me be perfectly clear, you have no idea what you're talking about.
It's not as easy as "do something bad = go to hell". There are a lot of things to consider before sending someone's soul to damnation. Hell is not a one-trick pony.
Hell is filled with all sorts of souls, therefore treatment for each soul is different.
Some souls were meant to suffer for eternity since they were created, some surrender to the temptations of the devil and live in pursuit of evil deeds, while some just went astray.
I've always argued that if only we show humans how hell works, it would probably change their mind about committing sins, but that would be cheating hell of acquiring souls. I mean, not everyone can go to heaven, that would destroy the balance that the Gods have set.
So, you live your lives in the attempt to be saved, your actions monitored, and your thoughts logged, your points fluctuate depending on your deeds. And in the last few moments of your life – if you are still aware to ponder it, "Where will I go? Have I been good enough to be accepted into the pearly gates?"
If your file shows up at our desk, you might have to prepare yourself for what's to come.
Humans define hell as some place where you pay for your sins, but what is considered payment? How much do you need to pay? Is it defined by the type of sin that you committed? Is it much like how a Court sentence criminals on Earth?
Are all souls bound for the same fate? Is there a fiery pit in which all souls swim around all day without rest? How does it feel if there's no skin to burn? Are there monsters that rip souls apart every second? Or does the ghost of their sins haunt them for all eternity?
Can I buy my way out of hell?
Are there rules in hell? If yes, what are they?
And that, my friend is the reason for our existence.
We were all born with a purpose, some just to create that sweet spot of balance between good and evil. While some have a bigger role.
Our existence specifically serves a bigger purpose since we were conceived. We were once like you, borne of half the human race, but half of the Gods'.
We ruled on Earth over lands and men. Unlike you though, death was not the end for us.
After death, we still lived on to serve on a different plane, to rule a different place. A place filled with darkness and despair.
In hell, we make the rules, we are the law.
We were humans.
We were Kings.
We are Gods.
We are judges.