
To Netaji Village 2


The vehicle drove in silence, with everyone immersed in deep thought.

What was going to happen? How would today's event turn out?

Will the luck-stolen family be able to survive this catastrophe?

Chiyou stared at the white fluffy clouds with an expressionless face as if drawn into a world of her own.

She felt like she was going to face off a mighty enemy in some final movie battle.

And at this moment, the closer they got to her village, the more her heart drummed chaotically.


Their vehicle drove out to the city and followed along the main road, passing several trees along the roads.

And soon, they made a branch towards one of dusty, stone-filled roads with pot-holes in it.

The road wasn't tarred in any way and was very uneven as well.

Nonetheless, it was indeed a big 3-lane road. 

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