
Jennie P.O.V---The Fog

Me and Becc hurried and finished our lunch, so we could run around in our backyard. "Done!" Becc chimed as if it was a competition. I hurried and finished my sub-sandwich, and ran after her.

As I felt the warm sun sticking my T-shirt to my back, I ran with Becc to the edge of our yard, and into the forest. It turned darker by the minute, with the canopy of leaves above our heads. Soon, it became almost too dark to see 6 feet in front of me. "Hey, Becc..." I trailed off. She turned around and looked at me, "Don't tell me you're scared," She scoffed. As much as I would have loved the chance to prove her wrong, I was seriously getting the creeps from this part of the woods.

"This place gives me a weird vibe..." I said hesitantly. Becc shot a nervous glance backward, behind me. "What is it?" I asked nervously, afraid of what she was looking at. Suddenly, she let out a burst of laughter. "You fell for it! Haha!" she said through hiccups of laughter. My face turned red. "It's not a joke!" I said through clenched teeth. By now, it had gotten way darker. We continued along the path, what we could see of it, at least. Shouldn't we be heading home by now? I thought. When I mentioned this to her, Becc just stared ahead of us and shushed me.

"If this is another one of your jokes, you can forget about it. I won't fall for the same thing twice." I commented, to make sure she knew. When I said this, something snapped its head towards us from the side of a tall tree branch. "What-what was that...?" I said with a nervous chuckle, "You're trying to scare me again, aren't you?" Slowly, she shook her head, "Be quiet or it'll hear us!" She hissed. But what would hear us? I thought, but I wasn't sure I wanted to know. Reluctantly, I followed her instructions and stayed quiet. Becc turned

to look at me, "On 1, we make a run for that tree," she nodded her head to our right. The...thing... noticed, and began to crawl down the tree. It had finally seen us.

"THREE!!!" Becc screamed as she bolted to the right. "But-" I started, but realized how fast it was coming down, straight towards me. Is it even humanly possible to move that fast? I thought. But...What if it isn't human...? I decided to stop wasting time and made a run to the right. Or, at least, I thought it was right. I ended up heading in the wrong direction, and seriously regretting it later. The last thing I heard from Becc was her screaming my name in terror. She was abruptly cut off, and I didn't want to know what by. I ran as fast as I could, in the direction the fog was rolling in from. If I can't see it, I thought, then I can hide until it goes away. So, I stopped running, and crouched behind a bush, staring past the leaves into the fog.

As the thing came closer, I could see more of what it looked like. It had gray, rotting skin, and you could see it's ribs through the skin. He, that was what I'm referring him to now, had dark circles, pitch black where his eyes should have been. His mouth was stitched closed, and he didn't have ears.

I breathed heavily and tried to stay quiet, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad had happened to her sister. Suddenly, I realized that the thing had gotten out of my eyesight. I turned my head abruptly when I heard breathing in my left ear. But, when I turned, there wasn't anything there except for a tall willow tree. My mind went back to the moment when we had first seen it. My mind went back to the moment when we had first seen it. It had been crawling on the side of the tree.

Slowly, I looked up, and saw it right above me. Before I could do anything, the fog thickened, and I couldn't see it anymore. I was sweating in the freezing cold, if that's even possible.

I got up, careful, to not go too close to where the thing had been. As I walked further into the forest, and deeper into the fog, I came near a swamp-like body of water, and tried not to fall in, since I couldn't see because of the fog. An hour or so later, I was still following the swamp, hoping to get to the end of the forest, and into our backyard. Suddenly, when I was looking into the swamp, thinking about swimming across it, something freezing cold grabbed my ankle. I tried to stay calm, and slowly reached down, to attempt to pull it off of my ankle.

When I got closer, I could see where it was coming from. The swamp. As I squinted to see better, I saw a familiar face looking up at me. Becc. "Becc! I thought- I thought you were dead!" I said through a set of tears. She didn't answer. "B-Becc? Are you ok?" I laughed nervously. Now I realized how ice-cold her hands were. "Becc...?" I asked, more seriously now. I reached further down and shook her. "Becc, I'm serious! We need to get out of here!" Her head rolled backwards, and I could see the pitch black, empty eye sockets. "B-Becc...?" Her mouth was stitched closed, just like the thing we had seen earlier. Suddenly I froze. What happened to the thing? It had been following me...

Her grip became tighter, and she tried to pull me into the swamp. I knew now that this wasn't my sister. Suddenly, the strength increased and as did my fear. With a scream of terror, the fog and the thing that looked like my sister pulled me into the swamp. My last coherent thought was how I was glad to finally let go of the stress of this situation...