
A Dawn of New Beginnings

Humanity has always been tested. 

Since the very beginning, only those daring enough to swim against the relentless current of conflict can unlock the possibility of experiencing a change, a progression… an evolution.

But not all succeed in reaping such an extraordinary reward.

Shedding one's skin and blooming as something greater or drowning in the bleak abyss of fallen tenacity… this is the divine gamble for those who venture into the wrathful sea of ardent ambition. 

To the individuals who succeed, is there something to pursue beyond the indescribable? And to those who fail, is the desired taste of triumph what drives them to struggle and fight all over again?

Or is it simply human nature?

Twenty-one years ago, in the world of Thera, the "shard shower" rained down countless new opportunities for change right to humanity's doorstep. Thousands of small crystal shards peppered the lands, each with the supernatural substance and life energy force of "iris" dwelling inside.

It quickly became known that if a shard made contact with a person's bloodstream, that person would awaken iris within them. These enhanced individuals became known as "iris wielders". 

With their newfound strength, each iris wielder was granted a powerful ability unique only to them—an ability that the average human being was incapable of replicating. 

So, in this new era of iris, who will capitalize and seize their chance to break beyond?

To thrive in humanity's latest trial teeming with unknown certainties, dangers, and treasures?

And rise from the scorching rubble, blazing with prosperity and greatness?


If you could see my face right now, I'm most likely frowning. I don't ever smile, and I don't know why people do. So, I would like to ask you a question.

Do you smile?

In my opinion, smiling shows weakness. And those who are weak can be exploited, abused, or controlled because of that weakness. Weakness is something that I can not afford to show. I don't know how to be weak. And I never want to find out.

So, as I lie here on my side, trying to fall back asleep, I think to myself… why can't I just stay asleep forever? That way, I will never smile, and will never show any weakness.

That would be perfect.


That's what I was thinking, at least until my mouth twitched in annoyance at the sounds of scuffling feet scampering close by. Rubbing my eyes and grumbling with irritation, my eyes filled with a bothersome mix of red and orange.

Wait. This doesn't make any sense. Am I… why is there light? There shouldn't be. 

I can't remember the last time I woke up and didn't see blurred darkness. I'm comfortable with that sight, and I often think that hazy, bleak visual kind of looks like a void. I like that void, which is why it bothers me that I see red and orange right now.

Why would the light be on? No, that's not it. This smell... I don't recognize it; it's new to me. It's like a mix of smoking bacon… and cold, rainy dampness. This doesn't feel right, not to mention… my head is killing me. Looks like I probably won't be falling back asleep anytime soon.

In a lazy attempt to acquire some newfound comfort, I roll over, seeking to dissolve my sudden uneasiness. But I find it nearly impossible to shift my body.

Whatever, I was comfy enough anyway. But now, my heart is beginning to pound. Why is it so difficult to move? Oh great. The footsteps are getting louder now, and it sounds like they're walking toward me. No, don't. Whoever, whatever that is… just go away.

A gentle breeze brisks across my face as I hear the sound of a thin flap whistling back and forth, along with a pair of footsteps entering my close vicinity. As I felt the mellow sunlight reach my body, the red and orange vanished and were replaced with a flashing mix of yellow and white.

That wind… I must be outside. What? Outside? This doesn't make any sense. I shouldn't be outside. In fact, where even am I?

I- I don't know.

Come to think of it, I don't know anything. Like my name, why don't I know my own name? Do I even have one? I don't remember anything about myself…

"Hey, what are you still doing in your tent? You're not still asleep, are you?" a deep voice asks, interrupting my thoughts.

Pretending to be fast asleep, whoever this guy is might second-guess himself and leave me alone. Unfortunately, though, that won't be the case. As each step grows closer, I resume the act, praying for a last-ditch change of heart. As his feet eventually come to a stop, I can tell he's standing just behind me, and against all odds, I continue with the facade.

"This one doesn't look like he wants to be woken up, but duty calls…"

I honestly can't tell if it's a boy or a man talking to me right now. Ah, you've got to be kidding me... now he's shaking my shoulder.

"Come on, wake up. Everybody else is awake already."

Everybody else? Who is everybody else? Who are you?

Whatever. I just want to go back to sleep, so I wish this guy would stop shaking me.

He sighs, but then I feel a light, cold breeze brushing down the hairs on my neck. I can already tell he's up to something, but my suspicions are confirmed as he pathetically attempts to muffle his chuckling.

"Seems you're totally knocked out. Alright then, just don't blame me for what happens next..."

What does that mean?

I hear him kneel as a firm grip wraps underneath my body, just above my waist.

Oh no. I'm getting lifted up, aren't I?

"If you don't prove you're awake in the next three seconds…"

My body is suddenly rotated to a rather uncomfortable position as he adjusts his grip, my feet hovering high in the air while blood begins to rush to my head.

The guy chuckles as he follows up, "I'm dropping you."

He's bluffing. I don't know who this guy is, but I can tell he's not the type to do something like this. He's beginning to shake me now. Doesn't matter. He's not making me call his bluff.

"Alright, the countdown starts now, three…"

He's not going to do it.

Another muffled chuckle lets out as he pretends to drop me. I can tell he's doing all he can not to burst out laughing.


He's totally bluffing. And despite his best efforts, laughter begins to leak out between his quick, short breaths. A valiant effort, I must admit.


What the hell? Was I just tossed in the air? He wasn't bluffing…!

"Okay! Okay! I'm awake!" I say, opening my eyes.

Chuckling to himself, the guy catches me with that same firm grip as before. Still flipped upside down, the first official sight my eyes bestowed upon today is the bottom half of some random guy's hairy legs, along with his white socks and a pair of black tennis shoes. Lovely. But that doesn't bother me nearly as much as my skull just a few inches away from the ground. I think he would've actually dropped me.

"You seriously couldn't wake me up any other way?"

Failing to catch his breath from all the chuckling, the guy says, "Sorry, I just wanted to have a little fun. I didn't mean any harm."

He quickly flips me back around and lays me down gently where I was before. Unable to avert my gaze now, I study the man who ruined my once peaceful morning as he sits beside me. He has thick black hair with brown highlights sprinkled in. His hair is a bit spiky but not over the top, and he has caramel-colored eyes. His face is mature but young at the same time, and although he's sitting down, it's hard not to notice his body's broad, athletic build. As for his clothes, he's wearing a white T-shirt and black shorts.

"That's one crazy scar. How'd you get that?"

Confused, I respond, "Scar? What scar? What are you talking about?"

"Seriously? There's a huge scar across your face. Well… I guess I can't blame you. I was hoping you would know something, but I guess it's the same for you, too."

Putting a hand to my face, I make out the thin, rough outline of the scar. It runs from above my left eye, across my nose, to below my right eye.

When did I get this scar? And why don't I remember that as well?

Shifting my focus, I glance beyond him to see a slanted wall shimmering from the wind. I follow it up to the top and down the other side.

A tent, I was sleeping outdoors in a tent…?

"We each have our own tent."

With those words, he draws my attention back to him. He points past me, and I turn toward where he's pointing.

"Those clothes over there… I didn't exactly count, but it looks like I also have the same amount as you. We also each have a sleeping bag, backpack, and canteen. The backpack and canteen are a bit tucked away from our view right now, but I noticed them when I first walked in. They are resting against the clothes on the far side of the pile. In fact…"

He quickly crawls over on all fours and snags the canteen. He inspects it briefly, grins, and then tosses it to me. Catching the plastic canteen with both hands, a quiet ring resounds. I guess all the unnecessary shaking and movement earlier provoked my body to wake itself up, as I had no trouble adjusting my upper body to make the catch.

"Nice to meet ya, Scar."

Confused, I wondered what he meant. But after glancing at the canteen on my own, I noticed the word 'SCAR' imprinted along the outside.

I look back at him as he walks over to my side, "Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, but I want to show you something cool afterward."

I ask, "Do you know who I am?"

He shakes his head, "I will say that gold earring of yours looks familiar, but besides that, I have no idea who you are. However, on each of our canteens, a single word is imprinted on the outside. After waking quite a few people up, I bet these words have something to do with us as individuals. Yours is pretty straightforward, as there is a scar across your face. As for me, my word is 'Ace,' but I'm not quite sure about its meaning yet. But enough about that, I'd like to ask the same question if you don't mind. Do you know who I am?"

I could hear a suppressed twinkle of hope in his tone, but I could also recognize that he already expected to be disappointed. Even so, I touch the gold earring under my right ear and think to myself.

I can't pinpoint why, but there's something about him. I feel like I know him, but… I don't.

"No, I don't know who you are either, Ace."

He smiles, rises to his feet, and offers a hand out to me, "Bummer, well, that's that. Come on, it's time I show you something. It won't be around much longer."

I look at the palm of his hand for a moment and then back at him as I grab onto it. He helps me up, and the sudden motion causes my head to throb again. I drag my hand across my forehead, which he takes notice of.

"Oh, that. I had a headache when I woke up too, and so did the others. It'll go away in a few minutes; don't worry."

"The others?"

The caw of a crow echoes its' way through my tent, nearly drowning out the sound of the question I muttered. Ace opens the flap of my tent door, rays of sunlight shining through.

"Yeah, the others. There are a lot of people here. Young too, like you and I. Anyway, we should get going."

Young like you? If he looks like that, I wonder how old I look…

I walk under his arm and immediately feel a wave of warmth embrace me. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, the fresh air feels amazing. Opening my eyes again, I see an unlit campfire pit before me and tents identical to mine arranged both behind and around the fire pit. Some crates are off to the side, and various people are dispersed around the campsite, some making conversation, others not.

Ace walks up beside me, "Don't worry, where we're going is not too far. Come on, it's this way."

Following him, he leads me out of the campsite toward a nearby hill.

"It's just at the top of this hill."

Beginning the short journey up, I notice I'm wearing the same thing as him. Black shoes and shorts, along with a white T-shirt and white socks. I couldn't tell earlier in the tent, but he's at least six feet tall. But the outline of the number '5' on the back of his shirt caught my eye the most.

Before I'm able to ask about it, Ace reaches the top and turns his body to observe the sunrise, a golden light spreading across his skin.

"Would you look at that…"

Stepping up next to him a few seconds later, I instantly understood why he wanted to bring me here. An unforgettable sight stretched over the horizon as the sun bloomed a radiant gold, seeming to bring to life everything it touched. Lucious leaves gracefully sang to the tune of the wind while the trees bragged a gorgeous array of fall colors. The grass gently swayed as beautiful, blooming flowers were scattered as far as the eye could see.

"Well, what do you think? Was this worth getting out of bed for?"

I replied without hesitation, "Yeah… yeah, it was."

Three crows flew past us, uttering caws as if to welcome us to this mysterious paradise. Still taken aback by the view, neither of us noticed them.

Next chapter