Hope smiled at the sleeping mark she got up she walked towards the door immediately she heard something drop a piece of paper she looked where it came from she immediately felt a breeze she saw the window was opened she immediately closed it she turned around she began to walk back to the door but while walking she stepped on something she looked down and saw it was a piece of paper she picked it up it had been a letter she looked at the word
Dear my love hope
I have written this letter to tell you I notice you and I only deserves you but..... I also know how much you care about your young baby brother how you hate seeing him bed ridden I will give you a spell that will cure him I only ask if you is that your beauty shines as you become queen I'm going to poison the queen and king your parents now my love you have two options try to stop me but your brother will soon get sicker and die or let this happen and I will give you a spell to cure him think this decision though his life depends on it.
From M
to Hope
Panic had started to set in hope had no idea what to do 'on one hand they'll die her parents but mark won't have to worry about his sickness on the other hand if she tries to stop this mark will get sick until his body collapse and he'll die...' hope looked at the sky her tears rolled down her face and had hit the paper 'I'm sorry mom and dad' hope crushed the paper into a ball she immediately burned the paper leaving a Smokey smell she looked towards her brother she frowned 'I'm sorry baby brother it seems I'm not as good as you say I am.' Hope sighed.
Ring ring ring
Hope jumped a bit she looked at the bell she immediately headed out down to the dinning hall she sat down her father and mother had walked in and sat down violet saw the worry on hopes face she turned to her "are you okay hope?" Violet said hope smiled she nodded nervously "y-yeah I'm just a bit out of it brothers only getting sicker and I don't know what to do." Hope said violet nodded she looked down "yeah.... I wish I knew a spell to fix him." Violet said.
Hope shook she hadn't want her parents to die but she didn't want her brother to die either her dad scoffed "why not let him die we have no use for weak princes." Ivan said hope looked at him shocked she hated her dad she knew ever since her baby brother was born and he was told his immune system was weak he always backed talked him even if he was around or somewhere he can hear "shut up dad!" Hope said Ivan looked at her unphase "why are you defending such a weakling your much stronger then him." Hope shook she looked over at him she hated everything about her dad "it's not like mom even wanted to marry you she had no choice because she was afraid for her kingdom and maybe your to blame for Marks weak immune system after all you forced mom to have him you were 50 while she was 30 you couldn't suffice when she had me at 19 could you!" Said hope.
Ivan froze angered by what hope said he was about to get up but the food immediately came out of the kitchen Hope began to worry again the food was sated down in front of her parents hope sat down she looked at her mom violet looked back at her confused hope shook her head "mom don't eat the food or drink." She mouth violet quickly pushed the food and drink away she was about tell Ivan but hope stopped her their eyes connected violet sighed and nodded hope sat down as her father still unknown on why they would eat their food Ivan ignored it and ate his he immediately started to drink the red drink he immediately dropped the cup shaking his eyes looked over to them in pain "P-poison." He said immediately his body fell onto the table violet jumped a bit surprised.
Her gaze fell over to hope who had been even more surprised someone came in from the shadows violet was going to scream but she was in shock "we'll it may not be your mom to dead but hey at least it's a more deserving of death royal after all your dad was a huge as*!" He said hope recognizing the boy who had brown hair and red eyes and a tan skin "hmm." "I'll spare your mom after all she does love you unlike you dad here." He said the boy had grabbed a small butter knife and stabbed Ivan in the head he let go of the knife and reached for his bag he searched through it finding a small piece of paper he threw it at hope who had catches it "like promised that's a potion to heal your brother although it won't heal him all at once he'll have to take the potion until he feels better." He said hope smiled a bit still a bit nervous "thanks Zahir you've saved my brother." Hope said.
zahir nodded the guards rushed in they immediately saw zahir who was behind the dead king they tackled him and took him out of the room hope started to tremble realizing what had conspired realizing her dads demise.
She remembered a time when her father trained her.
"Come on little girl hit harder!" "Your enemy's won't give you any time to change sword stances." Ivan said hope looked up she breathed hard she took a breath and prepared to fight she slashed but missed she dropped to the floor she sweated heavily someone came in she looked up to see who it had been her mom who was heavily pregnant "Ivan she's only 19 let her be." Said violet she offered a hand to hope which she took Ivan looked at them disgusted "your making her weak you better hope when these twins are born they aren't weak." Ivan said he walked off hope looked at him disgusted.
"I hate him." Said hope she threw the wooden sword violet looked at her guilty she felt something she touched her stomach she fell to the floor hope rushed to her worried.
Present time
Hope trembled violet ran over to her she hugged her "your safe and your brother will be cured this is all that matters now." Said violet hope nodded.