
Hopeless Transmigrators

======================================= "Oh.... Hi" A man with dead, dulled eyes. Eyes that had seen too much lay on the camera in front of him "I don't know what to say, mom, dad and, of course you sis... I guess you may be confused since I look a lot different but I'm Han. People here call me Cane though" Another man with white hair covered by the thick scent of blood around him sat near him silently this entire time, like a ghost that had only regrets left on this planet. "Hurry the fuck up we don't have much time. I'm Islan, yeah I know I look different as well but... Yeah look we don't have time to explain but I love you all. You probably won't believe this though since it's a bit of a long story.... " ======================================= A story of two brothers who transmigrated into the novel the both co-authored. two brothers who had a family, loved ones, and a life before transmigration. How will they cope? What will they do to survive?

Crude_Master · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Rule Breaker

The wolf swiftly attempts to bite Ray in the neck but he rolls to the side giving it a heavy kick to it's face along the way.

'Stay calm. I can beat this thing.'

The wolf was sent into a tree, hitting it's back causing making saliva come out it's mouth. It wimpers slightly but gets up to try attack Ray once again. This time Ray was prepared and new what was coming to him so he didn't try evade or block the attack but runs straight towards the wolf.

'I'll kill this thing as silently as possible and move away from here and think of a new plan. '

Ray thought as he was about to punch the wolf. However things did not go as he wanted another wolf appeared from behind, biting him in the neck and killing them.

'So they're hunting in packs.'

Wolfs are social animals and tend to hunt in large packs and are very however for wolf type monsters this isn't the same as they all usually have a lot of pride and intelligence rather not having to be with others so often hunt independently. The number of wolf type monsters that hunt in packs that are known number in just over a hundred, this is on the universes scale and not just in Heilstone.

'I need to kill all of these fuckers.'

This was Rays finally thought as he died and the wolfs feasted on his body before it even fully digitized. He reappeared as good as new with rage in his eyes charging inner energy all over his body.


He rushes the wolf who bit him with extreme speed, picking it up and slamming it into the ground. The other wolf approachs and bites him on his arm but with his reinforced body only barely pierces through. He grabs it by the neck and snaps it leaving it lifeless. He falls to the ground, exhausted due to ki loss and mentally hurt from dying for the third time in this place however his raged eyes were like that of a hunter who knew what he needed to do.

'I need to kill the other...'

He gets up a picks up a large rock and tries to smash the wolfs head in but once again wolf bit his neck.

'Dammit they also have stealth abilities...'

Rays body falls to the ground again and gets eaten then reappear. He holds his neck for a second, huffing and puffing with dazed eyes.


He knew what he needed to do and wanted to kill those wolfs for his death. Quickly after he came back however he was once again killed by the wolfs and again and again. This cycle of him coming back alive to only be eaten continued.

'They're... intelligent... They know I'm coming back so they wait to kill me again as soon as I do...'

Ray tried everything but when he came back his energies were not restored so he couldn't block the pain he felt from dying either, only the items he had on him. He tried to defend himself with his base physical state however with the constant increasing number of wolfs it was entirely pointless. This happened constantly until morning came in which the wolfs disappeared into the forest.














Ray lay on the ground with dead and emotionless eyes after the pain he just felt. He couldn't even muster the will to move a muscle at this point until he heard a voice.

"Yahoo! You don't seem to be doing so hot... I thought this would be a fine first test since you have that weird energy in you but I suppose not." The women said with a big smile on her face.

"Hey... You are alive, right? I mean you can't die here. " She said with a confused look, poking Rays face with a stick.

There was absolutely no reply from Ray as he just stared at the women with anger. The women had pure white silky hair that reached down to her was with a deep ocean blue eye colour. She had quite the pair and was extremely slender.

"Oh my~ how could you stare at such a beautiful women like that? You're going to make me fall for you at this rate~" The women said with her never-ending smile

Ray was trying to not say anything due to her being the chosen master, Victoria Iridescent, but he couldn't help it anymore. I mean who could after experiencing the pain of dying over and over again.

"Shut up, old bitch. No one is gonna fall for you with your disgusting personality." Ray said as he flips Victoria off and spits in her direction.

A barrier appears around Victoria to block the split and she just looks at Ray and starts laughing.

"Hahaha hahahaha hahahaha! To think I'd get such a ballsy student! I guess we have a few things to fix before we start officially start training~. Don't you think?" She smiles at Ray who smiles back.

They both start laughing hysterically until Victoria suddenly stops and grabs the finger in which Ray flipped her off with and snaps it. Ray holds in the pain but couldn't do anything against her.

"HAHAHA HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA... Huh? oh your not laughing? c'mon that was funny right~? You have no sense of humor for someone who's going to be my student so let me help with that." She grabs Rays face forcing a smile.

She proceeds to let go and stop playing with her face and begins to crack her knuckles, her eyes darken and bloodlust could be felt to the point it manifests in physical form turning her once beautiful blue eyes a slight shade of glowing red near the bottom.

"First of all we need to make some ground rules, honey. For a starter... " A wide evil smile appears on her face.

She grabs Rays head and slams it into the ground making it into a paste with his face unrecognizable. This time when he regenerates he was still in the same position as he was, on the ground with Victoria's soft but violent hands lightly slapping his face.

"Lower your eyes. I'm not someone you can play around with. Second of all... " Victoria stretches her arm out towards Rays mouth.

Victoria digs her hands into Rays mouth, grabbing it from the inside and tearing his entire jaw off and smashing his head with his torn off jaw. She throws away the jaw and uses clean magic on her hands.

"Talk with respect, we are master and disciple, not friends don't even, dare think about talking casually and lastly..." She places her hand on Ray's chest.

She digs her hand into Rays chest and takes out his still beating heart and forces him to look at it.

"Your life in here is in my hands, everything you do, say and think might cause my to kill you endless times." She juggles his heart up and down

She squishes his heart as if it was a tomato and her terrifying aura disappears making her eyes return to their usual color. if one saw her you'd think it's unimaginable that she was so insane.

"Now that we have all the ground rule are we good~?" She smiles.

She gets up and begins dusting herself of and holds both her hands together, putting them behind her back to give a cutesy look. Ray was silent completely during this and didn't even move as if he was a statue, in fact he didn't even put up any resistance to Victoria. He begins to get up with the same dead and expressionless look from before, he wasn't used to the pain so his exterior was hard to maintain but now he had adjusted to it, he stretches a bit to make sure his body isn't stiff. He walks towards Victoria with a great big grin on face and puts his head to hers.

"How about you get those rules and shove them up your ass? Old bitch"


Second chapter for today with the appearance of the insane master! I wonder what the other ones would be like if this is the nicest ones available? Also Rays fighting back!

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