

An airplane is seen flying through the clear blue sky, heading from South Korea to the United States.

It had already been 13 hours since the flight had begun, and they were already closing in on the united states.

An older-looking man and a young little girl are seen sitting by each other, the little girl gazing out of the window with sparkling eyes.

" Grandpa, what are those? " The little girl asks in a curious tone, pointing out at the window.

" Let me have a look real quick Daisy. " The old man leans over and looks out the window, his eyes widen in shock.

He lets out a slight gasp in disbelief and rubs his eyes to make sure that what he is seeing right now is real.

Thousands upon thousands of purple humanoid creatures floating in the sky, simply looking down on Earth.

Each creature has a set of black wings and purple eyes that seem to pierce right through you.

The old man makes eye contact with one of them and all of a sudden the airplane begins shaking uncontrollably.

Passengers begin to scream in panic as the shaking intensifies, and the captain's voice booms through the intercom.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are experiencing some turbulence. Please fasten your seatbelts and remain calm."

But the old man knows that this is not just turbulence. He looks back out of the window and sees that the creature that he made eye contact with earlier is now smiling menacingly.

The little girl clings to her grandpa's arm, tears streaming down her face. "What's happening, Grandpa?" she cries.

The old man tries to reassure her, but he knows that they are in grave danger. He frantically searches his mind for a solution, but he cannot think of anything that could save them from the creatures.

The old man looks out the window and sees the plane pivoting from the sky, heading straight for the sea, he looks back at the purple creature and sees its eyes glow purple.

And that's the last moment he witnessed before the plane headed straight for the ocean, his vision narrowing slowly before completely passing out.

We cut to a young 18-year-old young man watching the news.

The news anchor reports that a passenger plane had crashed into the ocean with no survivors, and also the appearance of millions of purple creatures in the sky.

The cause of the crash is still unknown, but eyewitnesses reported seeing one of the strange purple creatures menacingly smile before it went down.

The 18-year-old young widens his eyes, and looks out the window, he sees thousands of purple creatures dotting the skies of South Korea.

" What are those.. things? " The 18-year-old young man says in a startled voice.

The purple creatures just fly above the world, observing it as if they are waiting for something, a singular moment to perform the first act.


And so a day passed with nothing happening.

These purple creatures seemed extremely docile, not attacking anyone and just observing.

They couldn't be recorded, and any device that got close to them stopped working, whether it was a helicopter or a plane.

That was all the media had found out so far, they still had not found out why these creatures suddenly appeared.

The 18-year-old young man was currently frantically searching the internet, trying to find any clues on these purple creatures.

He had searched for hours so far, finding nothing but things everyone else already knew.

4 days had passed, and the young man searched for days on end with no clues being found.

Suddenly, a thunderous sound could be heard all across the universe, ringing in the ears of everyone.

The young man looked around startled before his room started shaking.

What happened after that thunderous boom can only be explained as a Calamity.

Dimension collision.

The dimensions of humanity and the purple creatures collided, causing the tectonic plates to shift suddenly all over the earth, moving countries and causing massive earthquakes and tsunamis, wiping millions off the face of the earth.

Historic artifacts gained real powers, each and every one of the artifacts being hidden all around the world.

The dimension collision caused the world to permanently, and it became only a single supercontinent.

The purple creatures just stayed in the air and observed.

Three months passed.

Humans had finally started to settle in, slowly rebuilding.

But it all changed one day.

The purple creatures who had been observing until now deemed the humans too pathetic to live, useless individuals.\

Their eyes began glowing purple, and they began the slaughter of humanity.

The humans tried to fight back with all they had, but it was useless against the supernatural demons.

But amidst those daunting times, hope arrived.

Mana Nodes.

The untapped potential that humanity hadn't discovered yet for one simple reason.

They weren't in tune with the mana in the air, it was too thin.

With the attack of the creatures, mana began flooding into the air.

Mana Nodes, everyone is born with a singular Mana Node.

There is no set cap to how many Mana Nodes someone could have, gaining Mana Nodes depends on how much Mana you have absorbed.

The more talent you have, the faster you absorb Mana.

After learning of Mana Nodes humanity began its counterattack, adapting as quickly as they could.

Humanity managed to claim 10 percent of the supercontinent for themselves after a long-fought battle.

Three new races arrived on Earth, the Orc race, the Elven race, and the Dwarves.

The three races were allied with each other, hoping to potentially get another one, the humans.

Races who had already had their planet conquered by the creatures they called Abyssals.

They simply observed the humans who fought long and hard, and once they were only able to claim a mere 10 percent back even with so few demons, they deemed them weak.

The Elves deemed them untalented fools.

The Orcs deemed them scrawny and weak.

And the Dwarves deemed them idiotic, narrow-minded, and even primitive.

The three races allied races deemed the humans as fools who simply had nothing to offer in the fight against the Abyssals.

The three races claimed 40 percent of the land, the demons took 50 percent, and the humans were left with the measly 10 percent they first conquered.

A new organization called " Vanguard " appeared after humanity settled in, and essentially became the protectors of humankind, a hero association of sorts, and also a government agency.

With Vanguard popping up, another organization did too " Abyssal Horde " It was an organization made up of people who had betrayed humanity and made contracts with the Abyssal for more power.

And so 6 years had passed, and everything looking up for the humans and the other races as they constantly thwarted the efforts of the Abyssal Horde.

Until those things arrived.

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