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After months of crushing on serah, mike find out she has boyfriend.but he still has hes doubts he still doesn't believe.he wants to propose but does not want to he's afraid of loosing loosing their bond, as they are almost bestfriends. As schools reopen mike finds out serah is at a boarding school. She goes with out mike telling her how he feels. But mike is dying inside. Every single day is a burden that he has to carry. He feels like hes destined to be alone. After years he finally felt something for someone and she doesn't notice hes effort.he tries hes best to get her attention but she never noticed him. Schools close and serah is returning for the holidays. Mike has a chance of telling serah how he feels. But he decides not cause hes unsure if she feels anything for him. They continue talking and mikes feelings for serah continue getting stronger. He decides to introduce serah to his cousin as a way of finding out. The cousin talks to serah and serah tells him she feels something for him but she is not ready to get into a relationship because of the previous toxic relationship. After a week of finding out she has feelings for him. he tells her he likes a girl but he dosent mention the girl to her he just keeps describing her to her self as he's crush but she doesn't seem to realize that hes talking about her. He could tell that she got jealous when she heard he likes a girl but what she doesn't realize is that she is that girl. He wakes up to a proposal from serah. His over the moon. He doesn't seem to believe it. He accepts it. They are officially a thing. They arrange a day to meet up. They meet up and they both have a moment of their life. Its their happiest day. They both go home. As mike turns on his phone to cornfirm serah reached home safe he recieves a text from serah saying "mike how could you do this to me i thought you were the one for me but you went did wat every one else does