

I wake up today i have no work or anything to do just one more day in this stupid life...

Well is not so stupid when everyday i want to keep living why? im not sure anymore at least i have my brother the only thing keeping me sane.

I get up start walking to the door out of the room. It felt like the time i snaped my finger out of place a pain i could barely stand but in my head like the worst migrane one could have. I heard soft voices slowly getting closer and closer louder and louder until my head could barely afford to think like screams of the dead. Then it stoped now that only think i can hear is a ring noise like in those actions movies i like to wach.

The ring noice stoped now all i heard was people screaming or crying in pain bit there was no time for that as a voice of a man? appeared on my head.

[Can you people hear me?]

[Not like i can get an answer anyway]

[People of earth your time is up]

[Yes you have many questions of which i have no patience to even answer you. all of you people are chosen to fight against each other every person in this planet will fight reason? i have no reason to be honest im not even sure why im doing this chore left to me]

[All i know is after a certain amount of challenges you will be able to live]

[Exclusing all people below 15 everyone else will fight die and survive is it fair? No is not and not like i care anyway im doing this as your caretaker of this universe has been put into confiment so they left me this chore]

[In any case you will be teleported is 30 minutes say your farewell]