
Chapter 5

As Melissa drove home she decided to stop by Wawa and grab some chips and a beer. Since she was by herself she might aswell unwind.

When she finally got home she decided to strip on down to her pink bra and tea cheeky underware. She sat on the couch and turned on the television, found a show and relaxed. It was about 1am when she fell asleep

The weekend was uneventful. Picked up Aiden on Saturday evening after going food shopping and Bailey on Sunday after cleaning.  The week went by fast than it normally would, probably since it was so busy.

Friday came around again and it was the night of the dinner party for work. Melissa had this one dress she has been waiting to wear for a while. She was never really the dressy type.

After work she picked up Aiden and dropped him off at his father's house then went home to get ready. She took a hot shower and washed her hair. She loved her showers. The feeling of the semi hot water  running down her body made her feel relaxed.

She grabbed her favorite soap that smelled of rainwater and coconut and began to lather up her body making sure to get every inch. Afterwards she began to rinse off. She turned off the water and grabbed her towel to dry off.

She hung her towel back in the hanger and walked to her dresser and put on a red pair of cheeky underware with lace on the sides with a pink lacy strapless bra. She then went to the closet and grabbed a black dress with a plung v-neck.

(Like this but in black)

One she was dressed she proceeded to the livingroom to put on her shoes.

One she was done she grabbed her purse and proceeded to her car. She went to go turn it on and noticed she had a flat tire. She was disappointed since she got all dressed up and now unable to go to dinner.

She grabbed her phone and called her her coworker Lisa. "Hey, my tire is flat, do you think you'd be able to pick me up?" she asked?". " Sure, I'll be right over" Lisa agreed and hung up the phone.

Not even ten minutes later Lisa was there and they headed towards the restaurant. It was a nice restaurant. Looked fancy which ment it was probably expensive, but since this was a Rep dinner, she didt have to worry about spending a dime.

They were the first to arrive so they grabbed seating at the end of the table. The waitress came over. "Good evening, my name is Amber and I'll be your waitress. Can I start you both off with a drink?" she politely greeted. "Can we see the alcoholic menu please" Lisa asked. "of course" the waitress replied. The waitress went to go grab the menu and came back and handed both of them one. Lisa ordered a margaretia while Melissa ordered a Moscato white wine.

The waitress went to out the orders in. Not soon after she left everyone else started showing up and taking their seats. Dr. Peterson sat across from Melissa, Casey sat on the other side of her. Soon everyone had their drinks and started ordering food. It was a real intamite setting with the lights not to bright but not to dim either.

When the food arrived the Rep starting going over his product. Showing everyone how things work when the procedure is done. Melissa tried to listen as much as she could but it was a little loud.

After everyone was finished it was time to go home. Lisa was to drunk to drive home. One of the other coworkers offered her a ride and bid everyone farewell.

Melissa went outside to see if she could grab a ride home since Lisa was her original ride. As she started going on the internet Dr. Peterson came up behind her "Is everything alright Melissa?" he asked. "Lisa was my ride, but now I am looking for a way home" she responded. "I can give you a ride home" he offered.

Melissa walked with him to his car. It was a brand new Mercedes Benz

He opened up the passenger side door for her and she sat in the car and shut the door. He walked around to the other side and got in himself. He put the key in the ignition, started the car and drove off.

"Did you enjoy yourself this evening?" he asked to break the silence. "I did. The food was delicious too." she answred with a smile. "I'm glad to hear." he responded.

About ten minutes later they arrived at her house. He parked in the driveway and turned the car off and got out of the car and walked to her side and opened the door. He offered his hand to help her out if the car.

She took his hand and they stood there for a moment gazing into each others eyes. "You look ravishing in that dress" he complimented her. "Thank you". She replied as a small blush formed on her face.

"Would you like to come in?" she offered. He just nodded his head. They both walked up to the front door where she put her key in and unlocked it and went inside.