

I am making ready to myself for every possible worst outcome .Before taking a look in content of SD Disk i want to fresh up myself . I go to the attached bathroom situated at the left corner of this hospital room .As I entered I saw the reflection of a beautiful girl with pong hair hazel eyes sharp chin and pale lips and a little damp cheeks .I observe myself and touch the reflection in mirror ' I am beautiful ' i flattered myself .I took a quick bath and change into a new hospital gown hanging on the wall of bathroom. Coming out I take a long glance inside the room of hospital and observe everything ' No flowers in vase .does nobody come to see me ' I feel lonely and then sat down on the hospital bed . Feeling excited and hopeful I insert the disk.

There I see the video icon the on the top and 4 other documents in it . 'What kind of video it could be ,who could save it for me ,why did they do it ' such quite thoughts rummaging around in my mind.

"Hello, if you are seeing this video its mean you have lost your memory due to brain surgery ....Your name is Yu Fan and you are an orphan.Two months ago your parents had died in a serious car accident.And now you don't have any kin left. This video is to tell you about yourself and for starting a new life with no memory. I hope you live well and for yourself .And don't waste this chance of new life .The few documents those are in this folder are some memories of parents pictures and other important documents of Identification card with new address so that no one from past came across you ."

After listening myself telling me live well and for myself I don't know why I felt like crying as like i m forgetting a very painful memory or a very close person .May be it due to my parents .' I thought in my mind .

' why did I mention new address, did i running away from someone ' I again lost into my thoughts .

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