
Chapter Six ~ My Finger

Freya Rose

I marched across the grass with my head held high, as I prepared myself to meet my fate. Although my body screamed strength and power, my eyes betrayed me when a steady stream of burning hot tears fell from them and slid down my flushed cheeks. I stopped in the middle of the field between the cabin and the woods. I took a second to breath while scrunching my toes into the blades of soft grass beneath me, savouring the tickle that each blade left upon my feet. I closed my eyes as the cool breeze gently stroked my face and swept through my hair, then inhaled deeply taking in the fresh scent of the trees that was carried along on the wind. After calming myself down, I aggressively threw my arms out and shot open my eyes, letting out my full power as I screeched up into the sky and ascended.

With my magnificent wings fanned out, I levitated into the air, before screeching even louder. Within second my body began to shake and became engulfed by electrical flames. I could hear my screech as it echoed through the woods. Suddenly a faint screech replied, then another and another, until all that could be heard were the screeching replies of other hunters. The echoes were getting closer and I smiled as I thought to myself, they're coming for me.

Mason Hart

I felt the warmth of her love flowing through me as our mate connection grew stronger and stronger. As I lay on the concrete floor of the holding cell building, I let every wave of love that Freya felt for me wash over me. She finally accepts me as her Fennid, I thought to myself and smiled. The elated smile was soon erased from my face when a crushing feeling of sadness and heartbreak flooded my mind and heart. I held my chest as the pain ripped right through it.

“Freya!?” I screamed out, then rolled over and scrambled to my feet. My eyes searched around frantically for her. She was nowhere to be seen. I glared at Finn and snapped at him, “where the fuck is she?”

His body jerked backwards in surprise and he sheepishly pointed towards the security door. Without giving him a chance to say a single word, I ran as fast as I could towards the door and burst through it. I halted and glanced up into the sky, and there she was, my beautiful Fianna. She was levitating in the air. She had her magnificent wings fanned out and she was engulfed in electrical flames. She looked outstanding, so strong and powerful. I watched her in awe while she screeched into the sky, sending light beams into the air with her eyes. She was a beacon of beauty and she now had a soft baby pink glow. She had finally accepted me.

Is this why she's calling in the other hunters? Does she want to share our happiness? My brow furrowed and I shook my head. No, no this isn't right, she's not calling for them to celebrate. I feel her love but it's being strangled by pain, heartache, sadness and anger. None of these are my feelings, they must be Freya's! But why? Why is my Fianna feeling this way?

I was about to find out as hunters, one by one, began to emerge from the woods and the cabin. They all slowly made their way over towards Freya like moths to a flame. She is definitely their rightful Fionn, I thought as I watched her lower herself gracefully onto the grass.

Freya Rose

I ceased my screeching and then lowered my eyes towards the ground. I could see hunters beginning to emerge from the cabin. I knew the ones from the woods wouldn't be far behind them, so I lowered myself back onto the ground. I stood there still ascended and engulfed in flames. I knew that once I told them that Mason was dead, they would attack me instantly. I welcomed death as my punishment, but I realized that I couldn't just let them kill me without putting up a fight. I was still Damien's daughter after all and generations of the Rose family before him had been the Fionn's of these hunters. It would be downright disrespectful of me to just give up and let them kill me. I needed to go out fighting and have an honorable death. I needed to make my ancestors and my father proud.

I still wanted to die, don't get me wrong. I mean I really couldn't handle the pain any longer. That's why I made sure I screeched as loud as I could, so that every hunter within a few miles would hear me calling them in. I thought if there were enough of them that I would be killed quickly for sure. I mean I couldn't fight off all of them, right? I guess I'll find out soon enough, I thought as over twenty hunters surrounded me. I inhaled deeply and prepared myself to address them. I could feel my wolf and Selene trying to reach me. I guessed to try and talk me out of my decision, so I locked them out and focused on the task at hand. I exhaled and thought to myself, I guess this is it.

Mason Hart

I could still feel her pain and heartache, but I couldn't understand why my own feelings were full of love and excitement. I was trying my best to push them through to her, but something seemed to be blocking them. I couldn't see her anymore as a crowd of hunters circled around her. I faintly heard her begin to address the hunters, her voice strong and authoritative, but laced with sadness. I turned my head to the side to listen as Finn's quiet voice shouted from within the holding cell building.

“Mason! She thinks you're dead!”

My eyes widened with panic as the realization of what she was doing hit me like a freight train. If she thought that I was dead and she was feeling that much pain and sadness, I guessed she planned on telling the hunters that I'm dead. She wouldn't need to mention all the other stuff that had happened, because that in itself would be enough for the hunters to want to kill her. So many of them already blamed her for Damien's death and the death of many other hunters, I needed to get to her immediately. I unravelled my own impressive wings and used all my force to ascend quicker than I ever had before. My body began shaking with adrenaline as it burst into flames. With an almighty beat of my wings, I took off into the air like a flaming phoenix. As I approached the mass of hunters, I could hear Freya beginning her speech. I listened hopelessly as she addressed them in her powerful and authoritative tone.

“My fellow hunters. I know that most, if not all of you, know that I'm a hybrid. I am also sure that the majority of you would love to rip me apart! Well, I am here to give you that opportunity, Mason is...”

I hastily cut off her speech by letting out a sonic screech as I hovered above the crowd of hunters that surrounded her. They all shot their heads up to stare at me, but the only face I was paying any attention to, was my stunning Fianna's.

Freya Rose

A sonic screech distracted me, I looked up instantly to see who'd dared to disturb me. My eyes were met with the familiar light green orbs of splendor that belonged to my one and only Fennid. The pain, sadness and anger melted away and loved poured through me, filling my entire body with pure joy and happiness. My tort expression softened as my eyes watched his masculine flamed body float down gracefully through the air, parting the hunters effortlessly like Moses parting the Red Sea. He landed right in front of me like a Greek God sent from the heavens. He's come back to me, my heart leaped at the thought. We stood there staring at each other, the rest of the world vanishing from around us so that only we existed. Both engulfed in flames and both in our magnificent Angel forms. The magnetic pull had never been so strong. At that moment in time nothing else mattered but us. No other thoughts dared to enter our minds, he was mine, and I was his. Without thinking, our bodies inched closer together until they were pressed up against each other, our breathing heavy and our eyes fixated on one another.

Mason slid his arms around my waist pulling me in even tighter. With a mind of their own, my arms reached up and draped over his shoulders. My wings gently wrapped themselves around his body, his wings then followed suit, shutting out the entire world. Our flames grew more intense, and became white with a pink glow just like our auras. Once entwined, they danced around each other in a breath-taking display. We began to levitate into the air, embracing each other tightly and still staring into each other's eyes. I didn't know what was happening, but it felt so right and so natural. I could feel the heat and electricity just hovering below my skin, ready to burst out at any moment. It wasn't sexual like usual though. It was intense and powerful like somehow mine and Mason's energies and strengths were being combined into one. The heat and electricity were becoming too much for me and my body began to shake again. Mason smiled and pulled me in tighter as he acknowledged the change in my body.

I instantly relaxed, like I knew he was telling me that it was okay, even though he didn't say a word. I trusted him and knew I was safe within his embrace. Mason's body began to shake too as we began to gently spin around in the air. He finally pulled his beautiful light green eyes away from mine and looked up into the sky and I instinctively mirrored him. Just as my eyes met the clear night sky, the heat and electricity erupted out of our mouths and eyes, shooting one combined brilliant baby pink beam up into the air. A sonic screech came from both of us in unison as our bodies began to spin around faster and faster. The spinning slowed and then halted and as it did, we stopped screeching. The beam faded, leaving the nights sky with a beautiful pink hue. I lowered my head and was greeted by Mason's beaming smile. He looked so sweet and I didn't know how, but I could feel his overwhelming love for me. It was like I could see myself through his eyes and I had a newfound love for myself that I'd never felt before. We began to gently fall back down through the air towards the ground, both with goofy loved up smiles on our faces.

I giggled and blushed when we gently placed our feet back onto the grass and were welcomed by excited screeches from the other hunters that surrounded us. They cheered and clapped while we unwrapped our wings from each other, unveiling a new united and bonded couple. I wasn't exactly sure what had just happened, but I guessed it was probably from me finally accepting Mason as my Fennid. Less than half an hour ago I thought Mason was dead. I was more than ready to join him and my parents by any means necessary, but now I was the happiest I had felt in months. I knew we had a lot of problems ahead of us, but with Mason by my side as my Fennid, I knew we could tackle anything. Before my mind had a chance to run away with me, Mason swept me off of my feet into a bridal style hold. I placed my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. The hunters cheered and whistled as they parted to let us through. Mason carried me towards the cabin and I sighed softly while closing my eyes. Using my wolf sense of smell, I inhaled his scent deeply, savoring and memorizing every last bit of it. I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled, I smiled and playfully slapped his chest.

“So no moaning about me carrying you today then?” He sarcastically asked me in a deep and husky voice.

A grin crept on to my face and without even opening my eyes or looking up at him, I replied in a sultry tone,

“You said you liked having me as close to your body as possible. Maybe you can show me just how close you'd like me to be.”

He swallowed hard, which only spurred me on. I brushed my hand down his t-shirt then reached underneath it. He let out a low moan when my fingers softly grazed his skin and his stomach twitched when I traced his abs delicately with my index finger. I was barely touching him, but I could feel the electrical sparks pulsing out of my fingertip and connecting with his skin.

“Mmmm you have no idea how much I want you right now. Just you wait until I get your ass up those stairs!”

I chuckled when he quickened his pace, practically running as he carried me into the cabin and towards the stairs. We got to the top of the stairs and reached my bedroom door. I stared at the closed door then looked up at him expecting him to lower me to the floor so that he could open it. He gazed down at me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his face. I furrowed my brow trying to work out what he was thinking, then quickly jolted back into his chest when he booted the door wide open. I giggled and shook my head at his dramatics.

“You could have just put me down and opened it, you know. Was that really necessary?”

“Necessary? No, not at all, but it did make me look fucking cool!”

He raised both of his eyebrows and puffed out his chest as his ego took over. I laughed at him and shook my head again. I went to reply to him but was rudely interrupted by Carmen. She came storming out of her bedroom further up the hallway.

“What the fuck is all the banging about?”

Mason turned us around to face her, she gasped and froze on the spot when she saw me.

“Don't fucking start Carmen, I'm warning you!” Mason boomed at her.

He turned back around and carried me into my bedroom, gently placed me on the bed, then headed back over towards the door. I sat there and watched as Carmen marched into the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest. She peered around Mason and scowled at me. I just rolled my eyes at her in response, I knew she was just jealous. Carmen looked back at Mason and yelled in his face,

“Oh no, no you didn't! You couldn't, not with her, not with a disgusting dog! How could you? You're a fucking sicko Mason, you know that?”

I snarled at her spiteful words and began to get off of the bed. Cousin or not, I had no trouble teaching the little bitch some respect. Before I had a chance to move Mason held his hand behind him indicating for me to stay put. I growled in protest, but obeyed him and sat back down on the bed. The little bitch had the cheek to shoot me a gloating smirk in response. I really wanted to rip her throat out, so I sat on my hands trying my best to control myself. Mason clicked his fingers in her face to get her attention, and she snapped her eyes back to look at him.

“Right, I'm only going to say this once, so listen and listen well, okay!? Freya is my Fianna. She is also your Fionn before anything else. So, get back in fucking line and show her some damn respect! I love her and will stand by her for the rest of my life. If anyone, and I mean anyone tries to get in the way of our love, or tries to pull us apart, I swear it will be the last thing they ever do. Am I clear?” He didn't scream or shout, he didn't need to. You could tell he meant every single word he said and his voice was deep and powerful enough to pull it off. Even the hairs on my arms stood on end when he spoke and I wasn't on the receiving end of his speech. “Hmmm?” He probed while tilting his head at her.

“Um.. yeah, I mean yes Fionn,” she stuttered and lowered her eyes to the floor.

“I am not your Fionn! Freya is. The sooner you get that through your thick head, the better. Now fuck off!” He said in pure frustration and slammed the door in her stupid face.

Turning around to face me, he had the biggest grin. His eyes were full of lust and I'd never wanted him more than I did right then. I didn't know if it was the mate connection, the way he just spoke to Carmen, or the fact that he was the sexiest guy I'd ever laid my eyes on. He was standing right in front of me with his smoldering light green eyes and a strand of his dark brown hair resting on his forehead. My eyes scanned over his magnificent wings, that silhouetted his masculine shoulders, before trailing over the rest of his to die for body. When my eyes travelled down the length of his body, they stopped at the obvious bulge he now had in his pants. I bit my lip as I began to remember exactly what an enormous treasure he had just behind that thin piece of fabric. I looked back up into his gorgeous eyes. He'd obviously watched me undressing him with my own eyes and clearly found it amusing. He winked at me and that sent me over the edge. I was more than ready to rip his clothes off and show him exactly how much I wanted him. I pulled myself further back onto the bed, held my hand up in the air, then ushered for him to come to me with my finger.