
Honkai: Storm Dragon

I'm dead

deaixt · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Air Conditioner vs Tsun-Dragon

-3rd POV-

"Welcome to my soul soci- *cough* imaginary space. Yes, imaginary space. In here we can fight to our hearts content! Ku-hahaha!" Veldora said with a laugh.

HIMEKO and Hua were forcibly sat on some chairs that appeared out of nowhere.

'Where is this place?' As Kevin was thinking of where he was. He heard a voice behind him.

"~Made in Heaven~!" Veldora said and threw a punch towards Kevin.

'Fast! When did he get behind me?!' Kevin thought as he prepared for the impact.

Kevin was sent flying with Veldora's punch.

As he stood up, he felt Veldora's fist touch his jaw.

"~Shoryuken~!" Veldora did a 3 hit combo with fist, knee and elbow. Kevin was again, sent flying. And at this moment, Kevin noticed something. 'Why do I not feel pain?'

As he was distracted by his thoughts. Kevin heard a voice above him. "Less thinking more fighting! Fire- I mean ~Storm Dragon's Fist~!"

After a second of hearing Veldora's voice, Kevin already hit the ground.

"You were so sure about killing me! Where did that confidence go?! Ku-hahaha ~Hado 90 Kurohitsugi~!" As Veldora finished taunting, Kevin was trapped in a black box with swords being stabbed into him.

After the black box disappeared, Kevin checked himself for injuries. '?!' Surprised to see himself not bearing any injuries. He looked at Veldora for answers.

Veldora smirking at Kevin started explaining. "This is my imaginary space. It is designed as a place to have battles until you are bored. It doesn't matter how much energy you use, how many times you get hit or how much time you stay here. You will always mentally, physically and spiritually be at your peak condition! Ku-hahahaha!"

It would be underestimating to say HIMEKO and Kevin were surprised at this. Their jaws almost hit the ground. Even if Kevin was acting emo thanks to Parvati's genes, the nigh-emotionless state was bypassed by the things Veldora said.

While Hua was only nodding at this, having experienced this before with her "1 week" of training with Veldora.

"How is this even possible-" As Kevin was trying to speak, Veldora interrupted him.

"As I said, less thinking more fighting!" Veldora uppercut Kevin with an incomprehensible speed.

'How can I make this Air conditioning guy fight me?' Veldora thought as he started to read Kevin's mind.

'How can there be a pla -MEI- ce like this... This guy is dange -MEI- rous. I should also re -MEI- port the existence of this space to MEI.'

'I see, this guy is a simp. Every sentence in his mind. He thinks about this girl named MEI. I found a way to get him serious. Ku-hahaha!'

As Veldora was thinking about how to successfully taunt Kevin. Kevin himself only now, landed on the ground after taking a flying trip.

"Oi you. KeBin was it? If you don't give me a satisfying fight. I will kill this girl named MEI after finishing you." After Veldora spoke. The temperature around Kevin dropped.

'MEI dying? This guy will kill her? No...' As Kevin just came out the surgery a weak ago, he still couldn't get used to controlling the negative thoughts given by Parvati's genes. And after thinking about MEI's death. His inexperienced mind gave in to the Honkai.

"Hmm? He lost consciousness...Is he being controlled? Man~ this universe sure likes to have people controlled." After saying his thoughts out loud, Veldora dissipated his imaginary space.

As HIMEKO was thinking about her life, she noticed that she was back in the room. The first thing her attention was attracted to, was Kevin lying on the ground unconscious.

"What just...happened?" HIMEKO asked Hua.

Hua looked at HIMEKO with an emotionless face. "You get used to it."

"What happened...ah! MEI dying...is she alright?!" They all heard Kevin's voice who just awakened.

"Don't worry, I said that for you to fight seriously. Didn't expect you to give control to your messed up instincts. What kind of simp are you?" Veldora said with a deadpanned face.

"If you won't fight me, just get out of here. I need to teach my ~Veldora Killing Arts~ to my new disciple! Ku-hahahaha!" Veldora said, looking at HIMEKO.

'Why is he looking at me?! I didn't agree to to this!' HIMEKO thought feeling a headache coming.

"I can't do that. The newly issued orders are to bring you guys to Dr. Mobius lab to get checked." Kevin said with a monotone voice.

"How about no? You Air Conditioner boy. Just take the core and leave." Veldora said shooing Kevin away.

Kevin thinking for some time proposed. "I have a proposal. If I give you a great fight. Will you come fight me?"

"Is that a marriage proposal? What do you think? Disciple 1?" Veldora said smirking and turning towards Hua.

"Uhh? Yea? Sounds like that to me." Hua finally spoke. Getting out of her DBZ side character mode. Kevin without thinking replied. "No."

"Too bad (?), Well your offer is accepted. If you just land 1 hit to me before I use 10 moves of my ~Veldora Killing Arts~ you win. But if you lose. I will throw your beloved MEI into a pit. And feed her food made by Shion before her getting the skill ~Cook~, and believe me. It's worse than the most lethal posions.'

As Kevin heard that he got serious. 'I don't know what that means but it sounds dangerous. I can't let MEI go through this. I must win.'

-Hua POV-

'Sensei sure is a battle maniac.' I thought in my head. 'He can be harsh at times but he sure is someone nice to know. He is kind and helpful. In my Hundred years of training with him. I saw him make all kinds of expressions. He would get embarrassed when I thanked him for teaching me.

He would almost always smile and congratulate me for learning his moves.

He told me that he traveled through countless world's. And that I was his 1st discipline since he left his Homeworld. He told me about his life in his Homeworld. About him getting killed by his older sisters for causing destruction and for him to "behave". About his adventures with a slime he found in his cave when he was sealed.'

'He would often tease me and make me pout. After he said he thought me about quarter of his ~Veldora Killing Arts~ he dissipated his imaginary space and I returned to the life I almost forgot.

What is this feeling in my chest?'


All I'm gonna say is: Hua and Senti best girl.