
Chapter 243: "New Teater"

Cuba, Las Tunas, December 5, winter...

It had been almost half a year since Gray Serpent received orders from Saintess Thea to search for traces of otto.


Even though they were famous for their network of informants that covered the entire earth, they still couldn't find any trace of this person at all.

They had speculation that Otto was most likely hiding in the Sea of ​​quanta, outside their surveillance area. But before they launched their search, orders from superiors began to change again.

They had to look for traces of the Herrscher of Domination.

Of course, this is an impossible mission because this Herrscher has its own independent room which can be used as a hiding place which is almost impossible to track. But, since Thea destroyed the Theater of Domination, their traces have begun to appear again.

Currently Gray Serpent receives an informant from one of his [eyes] that they found traces of Herrscher of Domination, and Otto Apocalipse in Cuba.

To confirm this truth, Gray Serpent came to this city together with Raven.

"This seems like a trap." Gray Serpent sighed.

"I already expected that, how could two valuable pieces of information appear at the same time. Your eyes seem to be nearsighted, do you want to change to prosthetics?" Raven took out her divine key weapon.

Due to the effects of solar radiation, the ice at the North Pole is melting, causing many people to start moving to higher ground.

The buildings around the Gray Serpent should be empty and uninhabited like a ghost town. But who knows when, Mecha carrying short-range missiles began to surround him from all directions.

This was clearly an ambush.

"No, I'm not wrong, it's within my expectations."

Gray Serpent's red eyes scanned all the Mecha present.

"Can you imagine that the World Serpent, which controls the entire underground information network, could barely find the slightest clue about the Herrscher of Domination or about the Otto Apocalipse?"

"You mean?"

"There are two possibilities, either the Herrscher of Domination is really good at hiding and hiding among us, or..."

"There's a traitor."

The mecha above parted, revealing a man in a black suit who had the same shape as the Gray Serpent.

Their red eyes met each other.

It was this person who spoke earlier.

"Oi oi, internal problems? I don't get paid enough for this shit." Raven complained after seeing the seriousness of the matter.

"It seems you are not a puppet controlled by the Herrscher of Domination. That means you are one of us. Can you tell me your motivation for doing all this?"

"Simple, I have what I want to achieve."

"...It turned out to be a defective product."

Know the problems he is currently facing at a glance. Gray Serpent let out a very long sigh.

"Natasha Ciora."


"You're fired."

As the Mecha moved, under the protection of the Gray Serpent, Raven managed to escape from the dense encirclement.

She immediately jumped off the cliff and sank into the cold seabed. Entering the underwater cave, Raven managed to avoid being searched on the surface for a while.

"Gosh, it looks like I'm really fired. This is really unlucky."

Of course Raven understood the implied message from Gray Serpent, after all they had been partners for many years.

You're fired.

This meant that the World Serpent, which she had considered her home, now had no one she could trust anymore.

"Damn it, did that person bring me here on purpose just as a backup plan? I don't want to get involved in a power struggle!"

The options Raven had right now were to tell Saintess Thea everything she knew, or run away and forget everything as if nothing had ever happened.

Her mercenary instincts told her to run away and forget everything she saw. But after thinking for a moment, the first option was the only way out.

She had no other choice.

From the moment she received the commission from Gray Serpent to set foot on this island, her fate was already sealed.

The impostor [Gray Serpent] would not let her live in peace after she found out his secret.

"Gosh, is it too late to retire?"

Took a very long breath, and sighed once again to mourn her bad luck. Raven put on her hood, and she went along the cave.

This would be her last, and most troublesome commission.

Damn you Gray Serpent.


"Dad, can I chase her now?"

"No, you don't need to do that, that's not necessary. You should go back immediately and continue with the plans that have been prepared. The sooner the better."

Stepped on the Gray Serpent's chest with her slender legs, and let it go. Wilson stepped aside, and let the [Gray Serpent] mess with his other body.

"Go, and don't delay your graduation as an S-rank valkyrie."

"Yes, I won't disappoint you, father."

Seeing that her adopted daughter had gone to Schicksal for the promotion ceremony. [Gray Serpent] saw that Gray Serpent's eyes were still burning.

Even though the siege attack had damaged its body, the Gray Serpent, which was a half-bionic life, was still able to maintain its consciousness with just its head.

"Your adopted daughter, or your tool?"

"You don't need to know that. Didn't you feel panicked after your internal network was cut off? Now you can't transfer your thoughts or convey information to the outside."

"Then what are you going to do to me next?" Gray Serpent asked calmly like he really didn't care about the crisis he was currently in.

"Don't worry, I understand myself. After all, we were all created in the same place."

The [Gray Serpent]'s eyes emitted a bright red light.

"As you have imagined, you will be me."

"We all."


Schicksal Headquarters, Sanatorium...

In the [falling moon] incident, Bianka and Rita managed to find the whereabouts of what was thought to be the ninth Herrscher.

Herrscher of Rock.

Thea of ​​course knew who this Shenzou-faced man, Chen Tianwu, was. But the problem is, why is this person still a Herrscher?

As someone who had been chosen as Herrscher of rock in the previous game, Thea had paid extra attention to the city where this person lived.

After all the disastrous incidents that befell the world, the city of Manila was still intact, and this man should not have become hopeless because of the loss of his family. But why are you still the Herrscher of rock?


Hare felt sorry: "His memory has been manipulated, to be honest, this is a world of imagination with complete logic. Since January 1, 2014, what he sees is very different from reality."

From the narrative that Hare gave, Chen Tianwu's point of view was exactly the same as the point of view of the games she had played.

The city of Manila was destroyed, his younger sister died under the rubble, joined the World Serpent, and after that joined the operation to capture the Herrscher of Ice in Coral City.

From all the existing data, it was already known who modified Chen Tianwu's memories.

This is the work of Evil Vill-V.

Although there was a high possibility that this was also the work of the Will of Honkai, the plan they had made was said to be almost successful.

"It seems like we don't have any useful information anymore. Their motives for doing this are getting more and more confusing. So what should we do with him?"

"How about leaving him to me, I'm sure I can educate him to fight for humanity." Welt Yang volunteered as a teacher.

This guy still hasn't given up on searching for his kind to protect the world he loves.

Tesla hurriedly stopped him: "No, I refuse! Joachim, don't you see that this man's honkai adaptation resistance is only average? Compared to being a Herrscher, we have to remove the gem to allow him to survive!"

Einstein nodded: "Honestly this man can become a Herrscher is an amazing thing. I had no idea that a single impulse could make someone chosen to be a Herrscher. This really opened my eyes."

Deciding Chen Tianwu's fate, and ultimately carrying out the operation to remove the herrscher core from his body. Thea, who had just left the sanatorium, met Maria on the street.

"Saintess Thea, good morning!"

"Good morning Maria, you look happy. Is there anything good?"

In response to Thea's question, Maria smiled sweetly, and she encouraged the woman behind her to introduce herself.

"Introduce her, my cousin."

"Her name Wilson Schariac."

"Now she has become an S-rank valkyrie!"

Thea looked at the mixed-name woman with white hair in front of her, and Wilson also looked back at her.

She saluted.

"New Valkyrie rank-S, leader of the rhinoceros beetle squad, Wilson Schariac."

"Nice to meet you, Saintess Thea."

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