
Chapter 117: "Veliona angry"

Although she knew that all of this was just a lie. Big sister Bronya who was in her arms right now was not her real Bronya. Seele could only hug her back without thinking.

"Don't be afraid Seele, I'm always here for you. You don't have to do all this anymore. I will always protect you."

"Stay, and don't leave me behind, Seele. This test will take you away from me."


Recalling Bronya who always protected her when she was feeling down, just like now. Seele who was hugged by her, started to smile very wide and ugly.

She cries.

"Big sister Bronya... Thank you."

"Then promise me to stay here okay?"



Feeling both of her hands being held tightly by Seele. The stigmata consciousness raised her head in confusion.

She saw Seele who was still crying, but smiled very broadly at her.

"Bronya... If I fail in this test, then they will make you my next replacement."

"You always hug me like this when I'm always hiding in the toy box, and you always make me feel so safe when you say that."


Selee smiled even wider.

"I'm not running anymore. I don't want my weakness to hurt you, Bronya."

"Please, let me go."


Silence for a while, and can't say anything. The consciousness of the stigmata was the first time seeing this brave side of her host.

Seele she usually saw was a cowardly girl who was only good at hiding. But now, this Seele in front of her was willing to sacrifice herself to protect others.


Really really stupid.

I really don't understand.

She sighed: "(Well, you are a good girl, Seele. I won't stop you anymore.)"

Turning her body back into the "Seele" form. The girl smiled at her.

"(I don't know if I have feelings, but you managed to touch my heart.)"

"(If you really want to die, then don't lower your head anymore. Because I will also support you.)"

"(To protect what is precious to you.)"

Holding Seele's hand, and realizing that Seele was also looking at her with determined eyes. The stigmata consciousness smiled, and the two of them together placed their hands on the lid of the toy box.

"(As the stigma, and the host. The two of us will always be bound to each other. No matter what.)"

Push the box open. A dazzling light shot out from within the box, and it illumined the entire room.

Seeing this, Seele closed her eyes tightly.

"(I will always be by your side.)"


At Lab-10...

Though it looked like Seele had gone a very long time into her stigma room. In the real world, time doesn't even move an inch.

Experiments can take a very long time because a lot of preparations have been made behind the scenes. But in practice, success or failure, it's just a matter of a few seconds difference.

Just like this time.


[0.2s/Space-time distortions observed around the subject.]

[0.6s/Subject attempted to manipulate the testing sphere. The sphere emitted a blinding glow in response.]

[0.8s/The sphere then vanished into quantum space. The space-time distortions around the subject subsided.]


[Conclusion: Subject Seele demonstrated matter manipulation capabilities for 0.8s.]


When the data from the results of supercomputer calculations came out. The researchers who were panicking at first, changed their expressions very quickly, and pure happiness immediately flooded their brains.

"WE DID IT!!!"


Can hear the sound of the happy screams of the researchers in the laboratory. Although Seele currently has liquid-shaped isolation absorbing all the sounds around her. Their cries of happiness can all still be conveyed clearly to her ears.

Selee smiled in relief.

"I... I did it!"

Cheered happily and stared at her two hands in disbelief. Seele, who was currently feeling very happy because the experiment she was going through was over, suddenly froze into silence.

She opened her eyes wide.


Seele noticed something was wrong with both of her hands.

"Why... why my fingers are starting to disappear?"

Seele became very confused.

In the lab, it wasn't just Seele who noticed something was wrong with her body's condition. Cocolia, who was very close to her, also noticed something was wrong with Seele's current body condition.

"Seele, what's wrong with you!?"


Before Seele answered Cocolia's question. In a matter of seconds, her body suddenly disappeared from the tube, as if she had never been there before.

Seele, has disappeared.

Cocolia: "Seele!!!"

Bronya: "SEELE!!!"

Seeing, and listening to the emotional ups and downs of everyone in the laboratory. Thea, who had predicted all of this would happen, could finally heave a sigh of relief.

When Seele disappeared from inside the giant tube, Thea already knew that her goal of coming to this place had been achieved.


Haven't had time to show a smiling expression on her face. A metallic glint appeared in the corner of her eyes, and Thea immediately caught a small hand that was currently holding a military knife.

"Bronya, slashing someone suddenly with a knife is bad girl manners. Why are you attacking me?"

"Then why did you smile when you saw Seele disappear? Was this your goal all along?" Bronya asked sharply.

"Don't jump to conclusions. Maybe it's not as bad as you think right now. You're making me feel like a villain."

Releasing Bronya's hand, and watching her retreat backwards very quickly to keep her distance. Thea didn't care about the watchful attitude of this loner wolf, and her eyes immediately fell on Aurora.

Thea smiled softly.

"My little sister, you're the captain of the security department right?"


"Then why didn't you protect me before?"

Aurora raised her eyebrows in confusion: "You need protection?"

Thea was silent for a while: "...I will cut half of your salary next month with the excuse of neglecting the duties."

Aurora, who heard this, was suddenly stunned: "Hum! Who cares about that small salary of yours? You damn capitalist."

Although Aurora said she didn't care about the salary Thea gave her. Her salary as the captain of the security department was actually quite large.

Aurora could only bite her lower lip tightly.

Damn, looks like she has to tighten her stomach from now on if she wants to still eat well at her favorite cafe.

Wrong bit, cut salary.

Damn capitalist!

Aurora gritted her teeth tightly.


"What the hell just happened!? Where did Selee go, her body can't simply vanish like this!!"

To Cocolia's question, a blue-haired research girl, although still confused, she immediately gave her an answer.

"From the test readings, it seemed that the subject's physical integrity collapsed almost instantly."

"It may sound ludicrous, but we believe that she may have entered a quantum state as well."

Cocolia stared at her in disbelief.

"What kind of bullshit is this..."


In the stigmata room....

When Seele was still confused about her body's current condition. A pair of arms immediately embraced her from behind, and she can heard a familiar voice start whispering in her ear.

"(I'm sorry Seele.)"

"(Your body doesn't seem ready to accept the power from within that box. The two of us will be leaving this world soon.)"

"(You want something from me?)"

Reading Seele's emotions, and being able to sense what she wanted at the moment. as her stigmata, she could only smile.

"(Okay, I guess I can help you see Bronya's sister one last time before we leave for the sea of ​​quanta.)"

"(But before that...)"

The sphere that had been used as an indicator, suddenly changed shape, becoming a very sharp death scythe.

Selee who was said to have entered a quantum state by all the researchers, suddenly reappeared in front of them, with blood-red pupils like a devil's.

Selee smiled widely, filled with a sense of madness.

"Let's destroy all the bugs that have made you suffer!!"

Aurora vs Veliona, what do you think?

KayokoDaaacreators' thoughts
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