
Chapter 1: The timeline and origin of Honkai Beast. The first meeting

Year ???, in an unknown timeline in the past...

On the Earth number ??? which was inhabited by human beings, a catastrophe called Honkai (BengHuai in Chinese) swept through at this moment, under the rages of Honkai's reign, 87% of the earth's land mass has been destroyed and uninhabitable.

In response to this unprecedented crisis, a new government called the People's Union is created, based on the human united front pact signed by all mankind, abandoning the concept of "state" and reaching a united front against the Houkai. The internal forces of The People's Union are complicated and many people are opposed to Dr. MEI.

In 2024, the first God of War was completed.

In 2034, the 12th Herrscher was eliminated.

Around 2037, an unknown living creature was misidentified as a small meteorite, its size is 238 times smaller compared to its rediscovery in the year 2038.

May 9, 2038, Planet-class Houkai beast, later known as Cthulhu, is born in the Centaurus A star system. It was first observed on May 9, 2038, with a diameter of about 4000 kilometers, around the size of Australia. The current distance is about 5.7 light-years away from earth but the speed was close to the speed of light. It was expected to arrive on Earth in the year 2046. Before that, it was misidentified as a small meteorite because of its extremely small size based on the distance and was not deemed as a serious threat.

???? ????, ????.... Nothing new, it was just a page that was torn by time.


A child who has white hair called his father and then showed a book to the person which has a blind mask.

-What happened, my daughter?

The father carried his daughter in his hand and asked, she raised the book in her left hand and ask him:

-Do you know what happened after that?

-About what happened after that? What do you mean by "after that" my daughter?

She raised the book again and asked:

-About the story of three eras of humanity, you know?

-Sorry, my child. But I also didn't know, too.

The father answered his daughter, the daughter's face looked disappointed, but then her father explained to her:

-You know, there were a lot of things that I know, but a lot of things I didn't know or I didn't want to know. Moreover, I was just 20 years old, and you were 8 years. Why don't you solve it by yourself instead of asking me? It will be more interesting, you know?

After her father explained, the child's eyes have been bright as stars.

-Really? -The child asked him again.

-Of course, sweetie... E he... -He laughed back.

He looked at the clock, the clock was pointed at 10:00 p.m.

-It was late, you know? Why don't you go to sleep?

The daughter looked at the clock again and then answered him:

-Oh, right! I have to sleep! Good night, dad!

She ran into the bedroom and then jumped into her bed, pulling the blanket to her.

-Good night, sweetie.

He said while turning off the lamp and then closing the bedroom door.

-Look like she has slept.

He thought, and then went to the kitchen.

-So... why didn't you show her? You know that it was just a forgotten history, right? If you are the True God Archive, all of the things our daughter asked can be answered, right?

Suddenly, there was a voice from nowhere talking to him, but he answered it back.

-Are you crazy? If we reveal it, our daughter's life will be in danger.

-Ha ha, just kidding. But... you know that the time will answer her, right?

The voice laughed in the void, but he lowered his voice suddenly.

-Calm down, EL. Even if that time came, we didn't be here anymore, right?

Another voice appeared and answered the voice before.

-Ok everyone. Just let that situation to another side. All we need to do now is just let the storyline faster.

Then the final one appeared, it seem like wanted to end the conversation between the others. That voice is just like the voice of the real god.

-Yeah, you're right. But how long will we train her? -Ask the man.

-I think about eight years later. To be careful, we have to watch her from behind.

Said the third voice, then all of them sighed with exasperation.

-To be honest, I didn't want to reveal to our daughter that dark past.

-I agree with you, VN. But we can't lie to her any longer.

The third voice tried to calm down the second voice. Inside the big house from nowhere, the man looked outside the window and gulped a big cup of water.

-*Sigh*... It was such a big rainy day outside, didn't you guys agree with me?

Three other voices didn't talk much. The man pulled his blind mask out to let the other look at the window. The mask revealed the man has a beautiful face but 6 eyes on him have made his face become a thing that looks like a monster.

55000 years ago,...

I woke up in the morning and didn't realize what happened to me.

-Where even am I?

I tried to wake myself up from the chaos and suddenly realized that this is the storehouse. I asked myself why the hell I was in this place or the reason why I stayed here.

-Hey, you!

Suddenly, I heard a noise from nowhere, I tried to look around but there wasn't anybody without me.

-I'm in your head, but we didn't have time to talk. Just kill those things outside.

-What do you mean by that? -I asked the voice, but then he didn't reply anymore.

I looked outside and there were a ton of strange things look like humans but they look terrified, they didn't human or demon things. They look like things that come back from death.

-What the hell are they? -I asked myself while holding a knife which I summoned.

-Just kill them first and maybe talk to him later.

I opened the door of the storehouse, and in front of me now was a bunch of unidentified human things that have some pink veins running down their bodies. Some of them have sharp teeth which cover in blood and some of them are eating other humans.

-What the heck are they? Cannibal?

They heard what I said before, and all of their eyes navigated toward me.


The voice which talked to me before shouted. I ask him:



The voice told me to run. Suddenly, one of those things ran toward me and tried to pounce on me.

-Get off me!

I used the knife in my right hand and stabbed the monster's head. There was a pink liquid thing swept out from its head.

-What the...


The voice pressed on me. But the other one talked:

-We didn't strong enough to cope with all of them. Do you want to die in this place?

The other voice asked me in anger. But I answered them back:

-Just look at our situation, you know.

To be honest, when I look at those monsters, I have known what situation I am in now.

-We... have been surrounded... before...

The first voice said with the voice shaking like a leaf, and it made me almost laugh.

-Pfft... why are you so coward? It's just a bunch of them.

-Are you crazy? Our team has 4 people but we have only a body that contains us inside. The enemies are way more outnumbered than us.

Two other voices continued to scold me, but the other voice said:

-Just let him do what he wants.

-What do you mean by that? Do you want all of us to expose this contained body in this "stony dog" place, huh?


I screamed to all of them, making all of them shut their mouth.

-Just shut your hell up and look. -I said, pointing the knife at those monsters.

One of them slowly walked toward me, I dashed toward it and then stabbed the knife to its forehead.


The sharpest of the knife has stabbed something hard inside the monster's forehead. I pressed it down and tore its face.

-What the hell is this thing?

There was a small bright pink cube inside the zombie's head. I pulled it out and then looked at it for a short time.

-Maybe this thing was the reason why humans become those things. -I thought. Suddenly, those monsters ran toward me in insanity.

-You make me have no choice.

I inhaled and then gripped my hand tightly. My eyes pupils suddenly changed like the color of the space. I pointed my knife toward them and whispered:


In just a zero second, those zombies' heads suddenly separated from their bodies. Those pink liquid from their neck gushed strongly toward the sky and then all of their body fell down to the ground.


I suddenly vomited blood from my mouth. I thought that was because this body was too weak.

-Woah... I didn't know that you can do that with a knife.

-Shut up.

The first voice said with a praising voice, but then I told him to shut up.

-How mean you are?

-Anyway... Who are you all? Where the hell am I?

I asked them back, and one of them answered:

-We don't know, either. When we woke up, everything was just like that.

-So you didn't know what happened, huh?

I sighed deeply in boredom. And then checked the place:

-Why didn't I do this first?

I used my eyes to scan all of this place and then had the answer. This place was the Universe number 40NK41. It was infected by an unknown species called Honkai Beast.

-So... Can you tell me who are you all? Since we are in this weak body, why don't introduce ourselves first?

I turned back to my mind and asked them, they seemed like really nervous.

-Don't worry. If one of you dies, this body won't active anymore. So just tell me your name. My name is TRUE.

After I start to introduce myself, all of them tell all of their name. Because I don't want to waste the time so I will give you some profile about them.

The first person was VN. I didn't know why his name just only has two words but all I know about him that he has a partner called EL. If you ask are they the same person, then you're right. They were the same person but have different personality.

The other one was Yae Tatsuya. I can also called him the True God Archive. The reason why I called him that name was because in the past, he helped me a lot. Yae Tatsuya is the name of this body, not his real name.

After introduce each other, we told our reason why we have end up here. All the reason that because of that event. When it happened, the entire of "RealVerse of Omnipotent" (or our real world) has been destroyed. We didn't have anyway to restore our home but the only way now is evolve all the fictional verse to make it become the thing that look like our home.

-But how can we do that?

VN asked to all of us. Archive answered them back:

-To evolve it, we have to find a person from our real world before.

-But how? All of them are dead, there weren't anyone.

EL crossed the conversation, but Archive answered him:

-Did you forget that there some voice actor use the game character to hide their real form. It also made that fictional character had some memory about our real world, too.

After Archive's explanation, EL finally understood what he want to do.

-Ok. I understand now.

-Sorry about him. Even he good at fighting, but his brain is not really good at thinking. -VN crossed the line, and it just like an arrow that stabbed EL's self-esteem.

-Anyway, so our plan is simple like that? Do you have any question?

I gave the question to all of them. But they didn't want to say anything.

-So that mean all of us accepted about the plan. Hope we can complete it with each other.

I raised my fist at them. They didn't want to make a group with me but they didn't have no choice.

-Yeah... Also hope to know you well. -Said VN, raised his fist at me. Then two others raised their fist back.