
Honkai Impact: Alternate Timeline of Bad Endings

Uesugi Shuu was transmigrated after finishing Honkai Impact 3rd. The supernatural occurrence left him with mixed feelings of expectations, fear, and confusion. Progressing through the story without his presence will still result in a "Happy Ending". However, he realized that the enemies shown were far superior to their game version and the protagonist side was struggling greatly as if someone was interfering with the natural cause of action Witnessing the disparity in strength, Shuu decides to fight against Honkai and vows to destroy the extraterrestrial existences invading Earth "Honkai will be erased from this world!" *Honkai Impact 3rd is a role-playing gacha game released by Mihoyo. Credits go to them as I plan on adding my ideas here and there.* Disclaimer: The cover is not mine, if you are the author, tell me whether you want it down or not

Severed_Dao · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Bronya Zaychik

Maxim knocked on the door with two hard taps and 3 delayed soft taps. Shortly, a cute voice rang, "Who is this"

"Pizza Delivery Boy", Maxim said with embarrassment, coughing slightly

"It's snowing outside, did you bring some heat packets"

The conversation continued before the door finally opened.

There revealed a petite, drill-shaped twin-tailed girl whose face revealed maturity beyond her age, covered in thick articles of clothing for warmth. She held a gun behind her back before she smiled gently when it's Maxim that appeared

"Maxim why did you take so long", she noticed his wounds and worriedly said, "We need to get you treated first"

Maxim smiled when he saw Bronya scrambling for a first-aid kit. But she wasn't tall enough to reach it so he went and got it for her

Afterward, Bronya tended to Maxim's wounds as he explained what happened on his mission.

"Bronya, I'll have to head out immediately, when I'm gone, someone named Uesugi Shuu will take care of you". Leaving her niece to a stranger is risky

Maxim's personal experience could tell that Uesugi is still innocent, especially in the world of Honkai

Whether you fight against Honkai or live unaware of its danger, people will still be tainted by indifference to the world as in society. If a crime was seen by someone, many would keep silent for their safety, and rarely would they report it

While Uesugi was not as naive, seeing people die and knowing of their deaths are different like seeing casualty numbers on the news

Maxim trusted his judgment and felt that Uesugi Shuu carried a burden heavier than anyone could in the world

Just as he was loading his gun and Bronya's immature face shedding a tear, unable to persuade him, the door creaked open, revealing a figure

Uesugi saw that Maxim seemed ready for war and was confused. A look of realization appeared as a hint of gratitude covered his face

In retrospect, Maxim was shocked. He couldn't count the number of zombies but they exceeded what his eyes could see

Moreover, Uesugi didn't even have a single wound on him nor did he look tired

Bronya hid behind Maxim's back and piercingly looked at Uesugi with her grey eyes.

'The boy looks around my age but he's taller and robust compared to ordinary people.' She analyzed Uesugi's specs and conjured her judgment

'It is too soon to assume his nature but I'll trust Maxim's judgment for now.' Bronya thought silently

When the stares became still, Uesugi was the first to falter, "Um, what are you doing Maxim"

Hearing this, Maxim flinched and looked at his gun pointing at Uesugi. Quickly retrieving his weapon, he laughed embarrassedly and said "I was going to help you but I guess it was unnecessary"

Nodding to his actions, Uesugi saw the petite figure that he had wanted to see since he transmigrated (not a lolicon)

Her appearance was just as he remembered but since it was 5 years before the storyline started, she is shorter and has more emotions than in the beginning arcs

'It will be two years until she's called Silver Wolf of the Urals, if I save Maxim, would she still become a lone mercenary or even meet the other protagonists,' Uesugi rubbed his chin and pondered

Despite his knowledge of the story, he wanted to prioritize the protagonists' happiness.

The majority of them experienced hardships that shaped them into their roles. Many lost something in exchange for greater power

Maxim looked at him and called him in " It should be cold outside, rest here for now". He dropped his equipment started a fire under the fireplace and boiled coffee to serve the guest

"Then I shall partake in your kind intentions". Uesugi walked towards the couch and sat comfortably. When he traveled in the snow on foot for 2 hours, his body was fine but his mind was exhausted from seeing continuous snow plains in sight

Seeking warmth is one of humanity's virtues. The feeling of family is a sanctuary that heals one's heart when one suffers from something.

Waiting for the coffee to come, he began to look at Bronya to see if she was special compared to her game counterpart. 

On the other hand, Bronya continued analyzing Uesugi as she mentally compiled a database that compared the information supplied by Maxim and the pressure given off by Uesugi's presence.

'She's the same'

'He's extraordinary but has hints of inexperience'

They both made a mental note in their heads as Maxim walked towards the table, holding three coffee cups. Uesugi grabbed his cup and drank with relish in the aftertaste of cocaine.

Bronya sipped hers slowly for fear of burning her tongue while Maxim gulped on his in one go. 

The house had a comforting atmosphere when Maxim got to the point.

"Shuu, I need your help", he didn't beat the bush and was direct. This may be a result of his mercenary work. If there's a possibility of danger before you, think after you shoot.

Bronya Zaychik took out her laptop and sat at another table to play her games. Uesugi thought 'That's bad for her age'

Coughing slightly, he replied, "What is it Maxim, if it's to save Chita then forget it, there are other people to deal with it". Uesugi delayed his journey simply to see Bronya in the flesh. Saving Maxim can be on the list but going into a city that may have millions of zombies in it, he was not suicidal enough for that

Shaking his head heavily, Maxim said, "No, I want to investigate the cause behind the zombies' corruption. It seems too artificial for zombies to carry guns and if someone made them like that, then I want to finish him off".

Amongst the victims, some of his friends and colleagues became corrupted. His desire for revenge was strong enough that he wanted to dig deep into the situation without Honkai Energy, his bravery is something to be admired or called reckless by many

Uesugi pondered on this situation which he questioned upon seeing the large amount of zombies. The end of the 2nd Honkai Eruption showed no aftereffects of major warfare. 

He could only assume that the world he resides in has other enemies besides Honkai alone. 

While he was deep in thought, a 'ping' sound was heard which caused him to yelp in surprise

Bronya and Maxim looked at him weirdly, wondering what had surprised him. 

Despite Uesugi anticipating a mission, he believed that it was only issued when he encountered the situation, meaning that the danger may be arriving soon

Mission Surprise!

Siberia is currently experiencing a large range of corruption as not only Chita was overtaken but also Zasopka. You will need to find out the reason behind the 'artificial' corruption and deal with zombies within the area

1) Eliminate every zombie in Chita and Zasopka (Total Elimination)

Reward: Taixuan Mantra

2) Discover the mastermind behind the large-scale corruption and eliminate him/her

Reward: Energy +30, Weapon Creation LvL +1

3) Bring Bronya Zaychik on your mission and make her stronger (Optional)

Reward: LvL +5, Soul-Bound Valkyrie Chariot (Bronya Only)

Notice: There will not be any punishments as failure for the first two options will result in your death (hint*). Mission failure will also contribute to your retreat beyond the mission's boundaries so be aware.

The mission details pointed to helping Bronya and Maxim and aligned with his curiosity in discovering new enemies beyond the game

However, allowing Bronya to battle with zombies will be far too dangerous. The reason why he could fight at his age is due to the system's assistance and his Honkai Resistance Adaptability which allows him to be somewhat reckless

Bronya was only able to use Honkai Energy after being experimented on, but that resulted in the loss of emotions and the ability to walk. 

Luckily, she was capable of regaining her emotions and legs later in the story.

Bringing her to fight zombies is tantamount to suicide even with his protection, he couldn't understand why the system would put this as an option regardless of it being optional.

Hesitance appeared on his face which Maxim saw. He assumed that Uesugi was planning on falling back and looked disappointed, then he heard.

"Uh, I will deal with the mastermind and zombies in Chita." Uesugi paused before gritting his teeth, "But I want Bronya to follow and fight alongside me". He closed his eyes, ready to be berated.

Silence reverberated, Maxim was stunned on the spot thinking that he was crazy while Bronya looked at Uesugi in surprise. 

She was not scared nor angry, but she was puzzled at his decision.

Afterward, the expected reprimand came, "Are you crazy! Besides the fact that she's only 9 years old, she can't even use Honkai Energy, how do you expect her to fight alongside someone of your caliber." 

While the rebuke was different from what Uesugi expected, the ancould can still be heard in Maxim's voice as fumes seemed to arise from his head

The middle-aged fellow was breathing heavily as he glanced in Bronya's direction. They both made eye contact when he saw Bronya nodding at Uesugi's proposal.

Maxim's face paled further and he wanted to cough out blood in speechlessness. Despite Bronya practicing with weapons and having gained some bloody experiences, he still thought of her as a child.

When Bronya gained her Monika, 'Silver Wolf of the Urals,' it was after Maxim died which in the game is a year later.

Even Uesugi knew that Bronya was not ready, using weapons against zombies may still be effective, but the ammo is limited, and if she gets infected then there'd be no saving her.

While Maxim was calming down with bated breaths, Bronya got off her seat, carrying her laptop to Uesugi, and pulled his sleeve.

This signal caused Uesugi to bob down to Bronya's height as she whispered into his ears, "I can go but can you make Uncle Maxim stay here". 

Looking at her face of worry, Uesugi smiled as he knew that Maxim was her last connection before she meets Kiana Kaslana and Raiden Mei, along with the people of St Freya and Anti-Entropy

Standing straight up, he patted her head and said softly, "I promise you". This action caused Bronya to stiffen before she started relaxing when she felt that Uesugi's hand movements were relieving and comforting.

It was then that another 'ping' was heard