
Honkai Impact : After Salvation, I Was Exposed By The Country!

Bai Xia discovers that he can travel back and forth between modern times and pre-collapse civilization. In order to avoid the collapse of modern society, in order to allow parents to live a stable life. Bai Xia can only be forced to stay in the pre-collapse civilization and do everything possible to save the world. Twenty years later. Modern countries have joined forces to create a discovery tool. As long as the missing person's belongings are placed, the past and present experiences of the missing person can be explored. Many missing or abducted children have also been found. Countless people have praised this magical tool, and every time the Discovery program is aired, it attracts tens of millions of viewers. Someday. A middle-aged woman dressed simply put the clothes of her son who had been missing for twenty years in the exploration tool. Suddenly. Bai Xia, who led many heroes to defeat the Herrscher of the End and prepared to return to modern society, appeared in front of everyone. all world contries : "...."

Rabu_Itu_Arbu · Video Games
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8 Chs

Is There Really A Different World?

The moderator's comfort did not have much effect.

Huang Lingzhou still felt very uneasy and worried.

in this tense atmosphere.

The scenes from the past explored by "getting to the bottom of things" appeared on the screen in front of him.

[In an old and backward hospital]

[A baby is born]

[But unlike other babies, this baby did not cry loudly after birth, but seemed extremely quiet]

[After repeated inspections to confirm that the baby is healthy]

[The doctor then brought the baby to his parents]

[His father Bai Changping and mother Huang Lingzhou showed happy smiles when they saw the baby's face]

After seeing the scene from twenty years ago appear on the screen.

Huang Lingzhou's eyes suddenly turned red.

She covered her mouth and stared at the baby, as if she wanted to remember her child's figure firmly.

"Your child is very cute."

The host said softly next to him.

"If Xia'er was still here, he should be as old as you."

After seeing the child.

Huang Lingzhou's mood has stabilized to a certain extent.

host : "..."

I almost forgot this was twenty years ago.

And she is only in her twenties now.

If this kid is still alive.

That's how much older than she is!

[They were uneducated and named their child Bai Xia, which means born in summer]

[Little Bai Xia grows up day by day in their expectations]


[Bai Changping and Huang Lingzhou discovered that their child seemed different from other children. From the age of three, little Bai Xia liked to be alone]

[They took little Bai Xia to find other children in the same village, hoping to let them play together]

[However, little Bai Xia is still very unsociable, he just quietly watches the children playing]

[Even if those children came to invite him, he just shook his head and did not join the group]


[The children in the village are not willing to play with such a "freak"]

[Bai Changping and Huang Lingzhou also took little Bai Xia to the hospital for examination]

[But after discovering that little Bai Xia was in good health]

[They did not pay attention to this matter anymore]

[As long as he can grow up happily and peacefully]

Just like what Huang Lingzhou said just now.

Her children have liked to be left alone since they were little.

Even taking him to find other children of the same age would be useless.

This abnormal phenomenon made the audience in the live streaming room couldn't help but discuss it.

"How strange."

"Children today are antisocial, mostly because they are not accompanied by their peers and siblings. From birth, they have been living in small apartment in the city."

"But twenty years ago."

"At that time, it was almost impossible for children in rural areas to suffer from autism."

"But little Bai Xia seems to be so withdrawn from birth. Even when he was born, he didn't cry at all."

"There have been no similar cases before, right?"


Looking at Xiao Bai Xia's abnormal situation.

Some experts in the live streaming room also expressed their opinions, but they could not get a convincing explanation.

And the playback is still continuing.

[Three years later]

[Little Bai Xia is six years old]

[On his birthday, Bai Changping went to the town and bought him a small cake. Huang Lingzhou also gave him a bowl of noodles and told him that he would be able to go to school in a while]

[Little Bai Xia was very happy, with a rare smile on her face]


[On the night of my birthday]

[After Bai Changping and Huang Lingzhou fell asleep]

[Little Bai Xia, who was sleeping in the same bed as her great-grandfather, suddenly felt uneasy]

[When he closed his eyes and opened them again]

[Little Bai Xia found himself in a completely unfamiliar place]

[Street lights illuminate the streets, neon lights are flashing on tall buildings in the distance, and the horns of passing cars make the surroundings a little more noisy]

[Little Bai Xia, who had never seen such a scene before, was completely stunned.]

The scene that emerges from the "getting to the bottom of things".

Not to mention Xiao Bai Xia.

Even other people at the scene and the audience in the live streaming room were stunned.

But soon.

The barrage in the live streaming room completely erupted.

"What the hell is going on???"

"Close your eyes and open them again, and you'll be in another completely unfamiliar place?"

"I have been to cities in many countries and seen many scenery, but I have never seen a town like this, or even a similar place!"

"That is to say."

"Little Bai Xia may have traveled to another world!"

"Damn it! It turns out that online novels are not made up, time travel and different worlds really do exist!"

"No wonder little Bai Xia's parents couldn't find him."

"I have traveled to another world. Who can find it?"


The barrage in the live streaming room was frantically flashing across the screen.

The police from various places who were paying attention to the live streaming room also reported the situation.

no way.

Different world.

The meaning of these three words would shock even the country.

The scene of "getting to the bottom of things" became even more riotous.

Huang Lingzhou stared blankly, his own child on the screen also had a shocked look on his face.

The host on the side even opened his mouth.

"Did the machine make an error?"

a long time.

The host calmed down and asked into the headset.

The headset didn't respond.

It seemed that the staff member was also debugging the machine, checking to see if there was anything wrong with it.

The live streaming room, which originally had tens of millions of people watching, once again had many people pouring in in a short period of time.

It seems.

Everyone wants to know.

What happened to this little Bai Xia who traveled to another world?

as well as.

What is this different world like?

"Why did you stop?"

"Didn't you say there was a scene from another world? Why is the camera cutting to the scene now?"

"It seems that the staff is re-checking to find out the root cause, so we will temporarily interrupt it."

"Quick, quick, quick! I can't wait!"


Under the urging of the barrage in the live streaming room.

After repeated inspections, the staff found that there was nothing wrong with the "getting to the bottom of things" and it could still be used normally.

The director took a look at the explosive popularity and chose to continue playing the next scene.

[Little Bai Xia found himself in a strange place]

[But he soon mastered the way to travel between the two worlds]

[Little Bai Xia is very happy]

[He once told his parents about this, but because this ability can only allow him to go back and forth alone, and cannot use it in front of others]

[So his parents just thought he was talking childish nonsense and didn't take it seriously]


[Little Bai Xia did not tell others about this, but went to the small town again when his parents went to work in farming]

[Then, before parents finish their farm work, return to the current world]

[He who likes to be solitary and alone, if he suddenly disappears for a period of time, he will naturally not be discovered]

[One day]

[He came to the library of this town]

[In the corner of the library]

[Little Bai Xia met a little girl with green hair]