
Chapter 1

Nora could feel connor watching her.

He always did the same thing when she packed to leave on one of her trips.

He'd lean his six foot three frame against the doorway to his bedroom, his hands buried in the pockets of his Dockers, a frown tugging on his face. He hated the thought of their being apart.

Usually,he would not say anything, though. He'd just stand there in silence as Nora her suitcase, occasionally taking a sip of Evian water, her favourite. But that afternoon he couldn't help himself.

Don't go,he said in his deep voice.

Nora turned with a loving smile. 'You know I have to. You know I hate this too.'

But I already miss you. Just say no,Nora- don't go. To help with them.' from day one to,Nora was captivated by how vulnerable connor allowed himself to be with her. It was in such sharp contrast to his public persona - a very rich and hard driving investment banker with his own successful company in Greenwich, and another office in London.

His puppy-dog eyes belied the fact that he was built like a lion. Powerful and proud.

Indeed,at the relatively young age of forty, Connor was pretty much king of all he survived. And in Nora, thirty-three, he'd found his queen,his perfect soul mate in life.

'You know I could tie you up and keep you from leaving,' ha said jokingly.

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