
2. Deadly Sins - Edited


Akane was sitting on the chair in a wedding dress, lost in her own thoughts. "...ane..Akane?" She startles and looks up. She sees hiro standing in front of her. He asks, "Are you alright?"

She smiles to ensure him that she's fine. "I'm fine. Just nervous."

He smiles and said, "You're very beautiful, Akane."

"...Thank you."

He then sits next to her and puts his hand on top of hers. "Akane." He turns to her. "If you don't want this marriage then..."

She cuts in and said, "If it makes you happy then I will marry Kirishima."

Hiro feels wronged. "But..."

"...My answer won't change."

He sighs and nods.

Soon it's time for the bride to walk down the aisle. Hiro stands up and lifts his arm for her to hold onto. She puts her hand under his arm and both of them head to the ceremony. Her eyes met Jimbo's, a loyal informant of Akane. He nods. (It seems everything is in place.)

She walks down the aisle with Hiro. She keeps her eyes on the floor then she takes a peek at Hiro. (Everything you have done of 'me', I must return all to you.) She faces up ahead and takes Kirishima's hand. They face the altar as Hiro returns to his seat next to Taiga, Kirishima's grandfather.

Kirishima repeats his vows right after the priest. Akane closes her eyes. (...3....2....1...)


The windows in the ceiling shatters. Everyone covers their ears from the loud blast. Kirishima grabs Akane to protect her. BANG! BANG! Akane reflexily covers her ears. Kirishima then looks around and gestures his men to go check it out. They nod and left the scene. He turns to her and sees a slight scratch on her right cheek.

His hand touches it. She slaps his hand. He removes his hand and said, "You got a cut on your cheek.

She said, "It's fine. I'm used to it."

He was shocked to hear from her. She turns around to find Hiro. Hiro was laying on the ground on his stomach, bleeding to death. Kirishima sees her looking at something. He turns around and his eyes widens. He run towards Hiro and flips him over. Hiro was shot twice, one in the abdomen and the other in the heart. He shakes Hiro. "Hiro! Hiro!" He turns behind him and demands the guests to call an ambulance.

Kirishima presses on the bullet wounds; however, Hiro is losing a lot of blood. "Hiro! Stay with me!" Hiro slowly opens his eyes and turns to Kirishima. "....K-Kirishima..."

"Don't talk. Ambulance is on their way."

Akane watches Kirishima trying his best to keep Hiro alive. (..No matter how hard you try, he won't make it.) Hiro opens his mouth and said, "...P-Please tell 'her' t-that I'm s-sorry." Hiro takes his last breath and slowly pass away. Kirishima is furious of what happen. He turns and looks at Akane, who's not showing any emotion of losing Hiro. (She just lost her only family yet she's not even grieving about his death? Akane, you...just what kind of person are you?)


Akane stands in front of the pavillion, looking at flowers. Someone sneakily comes in and sits next to Akane. She said, "How is everything at the other end?"

A man's voice replies, "Everything's all set. Waiting for your signal."

She nods and asks, "How's 'she'?"

"Still the same."

"I see. I want half of you distract him and his men as the others comes and get the job done."

"As your command."

The man vanishes into thin air. Her hand touches a flower and crush the petals. "What you did to them, you should pay the price with your own lives."


One of Kirishima's men rush into the audience room. "Master. Young Master."

Taiga asks, "What is it?"

He lowers his heads and yells, "Three of our brothers has been murdered!"

Taiga was confused. "What? When?"

"...A week..that's what the doctor said."

Taiga turns to Kirishima. Kirishima nods and stands up. "Show me where you guys have found them." He nods and takes Kirishima and his men to the location where he has found them. Once they're gone, Taiga stays behind. He sighs. (Just what is happening to this world...?)

A maid comes in. "Master."

"What is it?"

"Lady Akane isn't feeling well so she's resting."

He nods. "Let her be. She did have a rough day yesterday."

The maid nods and left.

Taiga heads to his study room. He closes the door behind him and walks in; however, someone covers his mouth to prevent him from screaming. That someone takes a knife and slice Taiga's throat. Taiga falls down onto the ground as his hand on his throat. His eyes widen as soon as he sees his killer. Sadly, Taiga quietly dies on the spot.

Question: Who killed Taiga?

Dolphinsarecutecreators' thoughts
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