
Honestly is the best policy

once upon a Time there was a small village which located near jungle people's live more then 50 family.. they are poor they used to survive by cutting trees and used to sell them only to purpose of surving.. in that village one person named called ramu .. it's story of ramu..

Ramu is very poor person but golden heart person

he has good heart he used to cut tree and sell them to make family happy and survival.. one day he was cutting tree suddenly his EXE got directly down to river and he start to cry and suddenly God arrived and ask him why are uh crying and he sad my exe got fall direct to river how can I go I can't swim how could I survive my family and God take test to him God show him Gold exe is this your he sad no, another God show diamond exe is this your he sad no, finally God show his own Exe is this your and Ramu smiles and sad yes it's my and Ramu passed the test of God and she gate reward by God... so always be honest of course u will succed in ur life just trust on God