
Homelander In Marvel

17 Year old John Starr Was a normal Kid, Bout to graduate from highschool. on his way home something unexpected happens..

CrypticMasked · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Power (Part 1)

(AN: ight so imma dip my fingers into this site and probably start posting cuz I think the people here are pretty tight. I have some Pryor knowledge on what people want in a fic- or I guess novel is what you'd call it here. So uhhh, yeah let's just skip this cringe shit and move on, Also this is rated 18+ for a reason so expect Sex, and other shit I ain't gonna say, also don't expect a weak Pussy mc that don't know what a woman's embrace feels like, he isn't gonna be a hero. And If you're gonna leave a review don't be a dick about it. Cryptic out~) PS: it's been a serious minute since I last wrote somthin'


"Damn, another boring day. I can't wait till the end of the year." A boy with short messy Blonde hair and blue eyes said, he had a strong jawline that just screamed 'Sodapop Curtis', this boy was John Starr, a highschool student Living by himself. In other words, he was an orphan.

"Keep talkin' like that and ya might not get anything good in life, gotta look at the bright side a' things pretty boy!" His best (And only) friend, arguably the most beautiful girl in the school Anna Marie said, Her eyes were the most beautiful emerald he'd seen in his life, her hair been a Auburn color with a streak of white in front.

"How can I when things are so bad?" John replied with a tired sigh, he really wasn't doing well on money, food, or even clothes. Hell was the best was the best way to describe his life right now.

"Hey, things gotta get worse before they get better. So cheer up, Pretty Boy, Don't go cryin' on me now!" She said in a cheery attitude, followed by a smile on her face.

John's face just stayed as stoic as ever, 'Why do you care so much?' he thought to himself as he started to walk home. "I'll see you tomorrow, Ann. I'll walk home by myself today." he said with a lazy wave.

"Just make sure to stay outta trouble Jack" she replied in a happy tone. (AN: Jack is common nickname for John, look it up)

"Yeah, whatever." He responded.

~Small Time skip~

"Damnit, it's so dark out here! Why are the street lamps out all the time?" John said to himself, the goddamn street lamps were always out on his street. the Mayor deemed it a lost cause but still.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A new piece a filth ripe for the pickin'?"

John sighed 'can't I ever catch a break?' his inward musing was cut short as he was hoisted into the air by a big arm, the air quickly leaving his body as he squirmed under the man's grip.

"What...Do..You....want....from...me?" John struggled to get his words out his vision was flickering.

"Me? I just wanna kill ya. Nothin more nothin less." John could tell this man was unhinged, Mentality Retarded or Unhinged... Mostly likely both. Is a last ditch effort john tried punching the man... To no effect. after a couple more seconds of getting choked, after he had given up, a voice in the back of John's head, a small part of him he had repressed, dug itself out. "You..." The man was smiling. "You're still alive? Damn, your a strong one kid, I'll give you that." He said with a deep laugh.

"You... are...Beneath Me!" John said his eyes gaining a Red glow, and in one punch he broke the man's arm, it was so bad you could see the bone in his arm.

"AHHHHHHHHH! YOU LITTLE SHIT!" The Man cried out in agony as he went to punch John with his one good hand. John stood there, letting the man's punch hit him square in the face. A loud crack was herd throughout the entire street. The man's other hand was now caught in the hand of John.

John said nothing as he hit the man in the chest with all of his strength. That was soon proven to be a bad choice as the man's body was now just a red paste on the dimly lit side walk. "AHHH! Y-you k-killed that m-man!!" John turned around at neck break speeds, he didn't know that someone else was out, especially at this hour!

"W-wait You don't understand! He was attacking me! I-it was self defense!" He said slowly moving closer to the woman who was moving away subconsciously, phone in hand.

"G-get the Hell away from me you freak!" That was the last straw. His anger he had tried to bottle up over the years was starting to leak out.

"Listen to me!" He shouted, this wasn't a normal shout though... It was a loud shout... A very very loud shout. The woman began to bleed out of every orifice in her body.

"Wait.. no.. No no nononono! I didn't mean too wait!" The woman slowly slumped down to the ground in a fountain of her own blood.

"I didn't mean to." John whispered as he looked down at his blood soaked hands. The words the woman said in his mind would remain there forever. 'Freak. I'm a freak.' after a while he decided there was no time for a mental Break down. He had to escape now.

So he ran as fast as he could... And when he stopped he was on the other side of New York. "What happened?" He soon relisted that people had their phones out and were recording him, They had formed a circle around him before he knew it. He had to escape somehow! He slowly began to levitate as he panicked more, his body wouldn't listen to him, before he knew it he was in the atmosphere.

"What...am...I?" He slowly began to regain his composure. "Fist super strength, then Super Speed and super vocals, now flight? Heh, I really am a freak." John said to himself as he looked at his hands, they were clean of any blood. The blood must have flown off when he ran.

John regained his composure enough to try and figure out how to fly, it was way easier than he thought it would be, it was as if his body could was meant for this.

"The Last Day of school is tomorrow. I should get some rest... I'll never tell ANYONE about what happened this night."


yeah, should bout do it. I'm tried anyways. see ya in probably 2-3 day tops.