
Hotel -

I silently sighed as we got situated in the high class hotel which I only chose because of its preferential treatment towards contractors and contractor family. My features actually even gave us a discount as it was a largely known that any contractor with a beast bloodline most definitely had either great potential or their beast did, sometimes even both. Adding that with my slightly famed skills and I was very rightly feared and respected.

In our case I only had to pay half the price someone not a contractor would pay equalling around a high-end middle class hotel. This was all so Silvie would have a good environment to acclimate with the situation. I myself was having a hard time dealing with all of this and I naturally had a rationally focused state of mind enhanced with Quartz bonding.

Silvie was only 12, 4 years younger than me and I knew that she had a more holy look on the world what with her trusting and optimistic personality. Causing me many headaches with our parents death 2 years ago. I had to both reaffirm her original thinking that the world was beautiful and kind was correct, to a point, and keep us both financially, legally, physically, mentally, and emotionally out of trouble and safe. Not to mention having to learn how to pay the bills and file paperwork, lawsuits, and the works.

I laid on the bed slowly taking in the day as Quartz laid beside me and cultivated by absorbing the moonlight coming through the window. I knew I should also cultivate but I had too much on my mind. I looked over at Silvie who was working on her H.A.L on the bed while snacking on the provided cookies.

I slowly calmed down and sent a thought to Quartz to take our training outside to not disturb our sister. He curled around me as I stood and walked to the balcony that's about the size of our living room and shook my head at the extravagant marble floor and silver railings.

I allowed Quartz to stay wrapped around my body as I sat down in a lotus pose and thought of the family technique I inherited. It was made for the Attakai family's life attributed bloodline but would also work for me to grow my own rank. I had a bad feeling it would leave my ice attribute behind though and I also know from what Dad told me before he died that he had to adapt the style for his own thunder attribute. It sounded like pretty much all of the Attakais that had more than one attribute had to adapt it to fit them better.

Mother also gave me a cultivating manual but this one I had to adapt from the start since it is for women only. Thank god that it doesn't really require much work as my mother already changed the most of it. Now it only requires a yin aligned body which anyone of her bloodline the "Yuki-onna" bloodline should have.

My job then is to just combine the two or practice them alternately for the most optimal result. I knew that with my affinities it would be a very hard task to combine the two as they are in opposing domains magic. Life being, well, life and ice being in the death domain as it is associated with stillness, winter, and autumn.

But all the same, switching between them would get real annoying fast and not be very efficient and I absolutely love efficiency. So I sat there trying to see what mana nodes they were hitting before recording it down on my H.A.W for later modification. It took a long time but I finally recorded down both of the manual's pathways and what they kind of did.

Attakai - Fairy Mythic Technique (Life Affinity) - Grade Low Jade:

Starts at Node 36 [the heart] then move to Node 12[L] and 24[R] [the lungs]

Through life meridian 48(heart), wind 56(L. lung), and wind 80(R. lung).

Then to Node 1 [the head and brain]

From wind meridian 80(lung 2) through psychic 1(brain).

Moving back to Nodes 18[L] & 27[R] [the arms]

From psychic 1(brain) through nature 60(L. arm) & nature 84(R. arm)

Down through Node 48 to Node 54[L] & 72[R] [the legs]

From nature 84(R. arm) through life meridian 96(hips), water 108(L. leg), and water 127(R. leg).

Before wrapping back to Node 36 [the heart] through Node 48

From water 127(R. leg) though life meridian 96(hips) and coming back to life meridian 48(heart) completing the cycle.

-Don't mind me I'm just a line break-

Yuki-onna - Ethereal Jade Borealis (Ice/Yin Affinity) - Grade Intermediate Jade:

Start at Node 1 [Brain] cycle through Node 2 [Left brain] then move to Node 9 [throat]

Through psychic meridian 1(brain), ice 5(L. brain), and wind 24(Throat)

Then to Node 36 [heart]

From wind 24(throat) to ice 50 (heart)

Moving to Node 16[L. wing] and 25[R. Wing]

From ice 50 (Heart) to Yin 58 (L. wing) and 62 (R. wing)

Next it moves to Nodes 18[L. arm] and 27[R. Arm]

From Yin 62 (R. wing) to water 64 (L. arm/hand) and 88 (R. arm/hand)

Back to Nodes 16[L. wing] and 25 [R. wing]

From water 88 (R. arm/hand) to Yin 58 (R. wing) and 62 (R. wing)

Then down to Nodes 54 [L. leg] and 72 [R. leg]

From Yin 62 (R. wing) to Wind 106 (L. leg) and 125 (R. leg)

Moving back to Node 1[brain] through Node 36[heart] and 9[throat]

From wind 125 (R. leg) to ice 50 (heart) and wind 24 (throat) to psychic 1 (brain)

-Don't mind me I'm just a line break-

I stretched to relax my muscles as I've been sitting there for 2 hours going extremely slowly through the methods and recording down what they did. I then start to cross reference them together with all of the material I had searched up on regarding modifications of techniques and the nodes or meridians of Yin based creatures.

With everything prepared as best I can get it I started the slow and dangerous process of making my own cultivation manual. Now I had an advantage as my parents already help me a bit by changing them to fit each other more but I also had to be extremely careful since if I go down a wrong meridian or connect nodes that are opposite in nature I could cripple myself.

I first decided on what I would keep from both and what I would get rid of. I would focus mainly on the Ethereal Jade Borealis as it fits me better and is of the higher grade between the two. The Cultivation Method Grades go from Copper ~> Bronze ~> Silver ~> Gold and finally ~> Jade. They are then further separated into Tiers going from Low ~> Intermediate ~> High and finally ~> Peak.

This means that with my inheritance I could be considered one of the true blessed of Heaven born with both the talent and advantage which would allow me to make use of that talent.

Anyway, I looked through the things I wanted to keep, I first decided to make ice my priority along with life, next would be wind, then yin, and finally water. I realized that there was some psychic in there but that would be negligible at most as I had no intention of cultivating psychic unless I obtained that affinity and had awakened my Mind's Palace to the second tier by then.

I placed special focus on the ice heart, ice brain, and yin wings as if I get to rank 2 stage 6 with them well developed I would be able to obtain the Wings of Jade Borealis a type of Higher Eternal Phoenix that holds the element of yin and life. Contradicting elements much the same as the ones in my body, my mother was amazed when she saw me precisely because of this reason. It was a miracle that someone would be born fitting the requirement for them to manifest.

There are 12 stages in each rank with every rank being the bottleneck and the difference between them being much the same as heaven and earth. While stage 6 of any rank is like a small bottleneck which is the difference between a new person in that rank and someone which had established their foundation in that realm. With that established I then went through and picked up all of the wind, water, and life nodes or meridians connected to the arms and legs which is essential to any contractor that wants to be a hunter.

With that done I nodded satisfied with my selection as I had no need for the hips, lungs, and throat nodes or meridians. The essential elements were added and all the others replaced or left out so after another 3 or so hours of work I had finished my new cultivation method.

By this time it was around 3 in the morning so I quickly fixed up the method, went through a few cycles of it to make sure it worked well and went back inside with Quartz who had finished his cultivation already to snuggle with Silvie and sleep.

-Don't mind me I'm just a line break.-

Author's Note -

To be clear he isn't exactly overpowered in this instance as his 'creation' of a new cultivation technique isn't really purely creation as it is adapting and changing an already very well made manual. You have to understand that even though yes he is incredibly lucky to be born what he is he only got there after holding himself against the wolves i.e humans after him and his sister with his parents gone.

While Fuyu is an incredibly smart 16 year old he is still a 16 year old a very mature and competent one yes but purely in the sense of anything that would help him and Silvie survive. Social interaction? Not needed doesn't matter so doesn't need to train it. Common sense? His existence goes against common sense and how would that help him meaning it doesn't matter. He doesn't understand or really care about anything but his family and what it would take him to become powerful enough to protect them.

I hope this note explains more about what is happening in the story as Fuyu isn't really inclined to share more about himself until we get something to happen.

Author out ;)

Cough, please go read the real author‘s notes this one doesn’t allow for enough characters.

TiredCatcreators' thoughts
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