
Game On

[You Died]






"Huh, interesting."

I looked around trying to understand my situation. Complete darkness, no visible light source in sight.

[You Died]

[Respawn Y/N]

Suddenly another message appeared below the original one. Respawn, huh... Cliche but I can get along with it, at least it's not one of those annoying three wishes from a god. My choice was pretty obvious.

[Welcome User To The Main Menu.]

[Settings] [Profile] [Inventory] [Skills] [Save& Load]

I see a lot of interesting stuff, but let's go with settings first.


[Mode: Baby, Super Easy, Easy, -->Normal<-- Hard, Hell, Eternal Pain]

[AI Assistance: -->On<--/Off]

[Cheats: Not Available At Current Stage.]

[More Will Come Soon]

Mmm, first things first, AI will get turned off.

"No! Please wait a secon-"

[AI Assistant: On/-->Off<--]

I read enough novels and fanfictions to know the fate that awaits me if I let this on. I don't need a bossy AI that will lead me to death for some dumb reasons, and either way I don't want someone in my head 24/7 for the rest of my life.

Now, let's turn down that beautiful setting to Super Easy, thank you very much.

[Mode: Baby, -->Super Easy<--, Easy, Normal Hard, Hell, Eternal Pain]

Easy enough for guaranteed over powered existence, hard enough to have some enjoyment in my journey.

Looks like there is more for the future, for now I'm pretty satisfied. Profile is next.


[Name: N/A]

[Title: N/A]

[Age: 36]

[Race: N/A]

[Job: N/A]

[Level: 0] [EXP: 0/10]

[HP: N/A]

[MP: N/A]

{Average amount for a healthy human male is 10}

[STR: 0]

[VIT: 0]

[DEX: 0]

[INT: 10]

[WIS: 10]

[LUCK: 100]

[Stats Points:10+30{10 starting base available points+30 Super Easy Mode Bonus}]





Makes sense, I don't have a physical body or anything similar to it so no physical stats and no race, I particularly enjoy the boost in points from the super easy mode, best decision ever. I guess my lack of name is connected to my memory failing me. Oh, nice an info box... how convenient.

[Basic Information]

[HP: A representation of your life force and health. When HP reaches zero you die.]

[MP: A representation of your Mana energy.]

[STR: Govern brute force. The higher your strength the higher your physical output will be, whether be it attacks, movement or defense.]

[VIT: Governs the stamina, and endurance; the higher the number is how far you can keep going without tiring out, or die.]

[DEX: Governs the speed of your reflexes, evasion, flexibility, accuracy, and acceleration.]

[INT: Governs the ability to process and store information, increases your control on powers efficiently.]

[WIS: Governs sensibility, perceptiveness, willpower and the ability to make information useful.]

[LUCK: Luck controls how many events will be in your favour, and governs the quality and frequency of favorable opportunities. Increases drop rates, chances for critical hits and favorability of events. Does not increase naturally unless you experience streak of good luck.]

Well it didn't tell me anything I didn't know already, but more detailed info is always welcome. I can see the luck potential already, can't wait to make it reach a stupid high amount of helpful accidents.

Now, Inventory was pretty nice. It usually comes with a limit on how much I can carry but with the super easy mode I just have an infinity amount of space with the usual restriction of not having any living being inside it.


[Gamer Mind] [LVL MAX - Passive]

[Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through in all circumstances. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological and mental status effect.]

That explains my overly relaxed self, I always was a stoic and calm- hold on how do I know this? I don't remember anything of my past life... strange, why do I remember everything entertaining that I ever watched? I did it again! How do I remember that it was entertaining! Sloppy game, get on and fix this bug!





...Lazy ROBs

Anyway, last and probably the most overpowered part of this system!


[Slot 1: SAVE]

[Slot 2: SAVE]

[Slot 3: SAVE]

[Add Slot: +]

I immediately added another seven slots and used them. Gaming habits, what you know about the fear of your saves getting corrupted? Youngsters these days... Ah I'm going crazy, talking to the imaginary audience again.

[Start New Game Y/N]

Mmm, I think I'm done with everything I needed to check, plus I can always load one of my saves if I want to get back.

[Choose World]









Heh, this will be fun...