

We arrive back at the Academy after 4 days of travelling back, I was reprimanded, not allowing me to go such adventures myself anymore. ''Yo Smith, wanna do some 1v1 later today?'' One of my classmates was your typical knight in shining armour, popular with all the girls, intelligent and always friendly. ''Sure, but go easy on me, I only have done training for 3 months.'' I laughed sheepishly.

I entered the canteen, isolated I ate the table alone. I was the only human left in existence. I tried to see if any of the other 100 Humans survived, but no information was given only rousing my suspicions even more. I ate my meal in peace, which consisted of traditional European and Asian food. 'I must try to find the other 100 humans or even one if they exist...' I planned my next course of action as I put my plates back where they belong before going back to the Hologram room to drink tea.

I continued formulating a plan while combing current warfare tactics with the old. *Reminder, dual with Drake at 17:00 Terran time* my personal AI said. I sipped my tea not bothered by the announcement. When the tea turned cold I finally stood up still wearing the loose robes.

''Finally smith, you're 10 minutes late!'' Drake slapped my back while wearing a big smile on his face.. ''So any type of ship?'' Drake asked, ''Yes'' I replied. We both stepped into our respective pods starting the simulation. *Terra class Dreadnought available, do you wish to select?* ''Use Trinity class,'' I replied. *Accepted, activating bridge simulation*

*Starting in T-minus 60 seconds*

''Activate the Hyperdrive to a distance of 100 Kilometers, deactivate shielding, re-direct energy to anti-matter torpedoes'' I shouted the orders, ''SIR YES SIR!'' the men shouted.

*Dual has started*

The trinity class blinked away before any sensors could have caught it. Normally the 2 people face each other directly.

''Turn the ship 180 degrees on the horizontal axis and -45 degrees at the vertical axis'' I continued, We advanced quickly, ''Turn on passive detection.'' I sat silently in my captain chair. A full hour went by.

''Enemy detected 90 degrees up, 60 degrees to the right.'' The man in the detection centre stated.

'People in this world work with the code of honour after the wars seemed so distant these days, I, however, work with the only one code. I live, they die!' Aim main batteries towards the enemy Dreadnought, launch torpedoes in synchronization with the main batteries. After firing use the hyperdrive to jump right above him with a 10-kilometre difference!''

I gave my commands fluently. 10 seconds tick by when finally massive amounts of energy gathered towards the main batteries alerting my enemy but it was already to late as both the lumps of dark matter and torpedoes were already on its way. Yet before they could even comprehend what happened I already arrived right above them causing the batteries at the lower part of the ship to also unleash hell from above.

The shells of the 1sy salvo hit the shield they strengthened correctly but causes the others to become weaker. So when the shells came from above they were able to penetrate half of the shields. It was then that the torpedoes hiding behind the energy fluctuations of the shells arrived, penetrating the shield which was weakened to strengthened the top shields.

*Victor, Smith*

I exited the pod, while Drake came out fuming, ''WHERE IS YOUR CODE OF HONOUR! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS! THIS WAS UNFAIR!'' He started to barrage me with words, ''Drake, remember these words, war is never fair. You are just a child with your code of honour, for true enemies wouldn't even know what it meant...'' I walked away back to the tea room to continue contemplating. It was after this battle that my fame flooded the school as I was able to beat the best Student in the Academy in less than an hour and 5 minutes.

'Ai, I need you to get me a list of potential allies and our subordinates to take with me, when you found them follow programme 294 of the Republic and after I selected the final candidates to follow program 308' I gave the Ai the command.

''Very impressive Smith, it seems you are really different from the average student, your mindset is normally at the trail of fire. Hence since we have time you'll be sent with the Trinity class Dreadnought towards the Xena cluster on the edge of the Universe where the heaviest fighting is taking place. Don't worry you'll be not put in that dangerous of a situation.'' Prime stated before disappearing again.

I sighed, before enjoying my tea and eating some sushi.

Soon 6 months passed and I only had 3 remaining before I would be sent to the other Universe.

I went to a section B5 of the Academy, a place the AIs didn't have any connection, ''Sir, we have found the resources and materials requested, they'll be loaded on terra upon your departure. The Blueprints prove harder to obtain, however.' A man wearing a heavy white body armour said, this man was none other than Drake from the academy. Proven worthy of his reputation, I was able to implement the 2 programms causing them to be ultimately loyal to me and me alone. ''You have done well, gather the Knights of the Round Table.'' I passed him a note showing him 12 names which included his. ''Yes, your Majesty.'' The half-lion half-human knelt on one knee. I gave him a serum containing part of my human DNA, it allows him to turn into a human, although genetically engineered. ''Use this when we leave.'' I said before he vanished into the darkness.

As the last Human alive and last Subject of both the British Empire and the Human Commonwealth, I have sworn to rebuild the world a world where Humans can live in peace and Harmony. For this, I have taken up the Mental as Last Emperor of Humankind. ''Don't worry, I will get back what I have lost!'' I clenched my fist as the emotions of anger and rage enter my mind reminding of what the so-called 'Republic' has done. 'I will come back, with an Army of actual Humans and purge this Universe of your filth.

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