
Power Up

In the Realm Of Rest

Christopher now checking his status, saw he still had 15,366 FP. "I only have 5 minutes left, I need to hurry."

He then decided to spend 2,000 FP to level up Heal to it's max level. Evolving it into Major Heal. Major Heal; Heals target, regains 5,000 HP per level. It can heal anything. Cannot bring back the dead. Costs 50 FP. (Lvl 1/Infinite) active. Which costs 2,000 FP to level up, every level.

Christopher, "There, now I can do some real good out there.".. "I won't be such a burden in battle anymore."

With 13,366 FP left he decided that what he really needed was to be able to make more FP so he spent a total of 11,800 FP too bring FP Charge to evel to 60.

What he found was that for each level up it got. It took 1 less second to get 1 FP for praying. Now it only took 1 second to get 1 FP. "What would happen if I leveled it up again."

He spent 200 more FP to get it too level 61. FP Charge; During prayers, recharge FP by 2 every second. (Lvl 61/Infinite) active.

"I had hoped it was like this." He said now knowing that every level up from now on will give him an extra FP per second of praying.

"I should stick the rest of my stored FP into FP Recovery. Then it won't take too long to get it back."

He spent 1,200 of his remaining 1,372 FP to level FP Charge to level 67.

FP Charge ; During prayers, recharge FP by 7 every second. (Lvl 67/Infinite) active.

Satisfied, he now turns his attention to his 11 skill points. "I think I'll save these for later."

Lastly his free stat points. 'What should I do with these?'.. 'I don't have any magic, so Intelligence and Wisdom are out. I also have a lot of FP, so I shouldn't need anymore for now. I guess, now that I think about it. I don't really have anything that would be all that affective in dealing damage.'..

"Think for now I will focus on being able to take a hit. Then Marhaus wouldn't have to be too concerned about my safety, and he can focus on the battle."

With this in mind he puts 90 stat points into Stamina, and 360 stat points into Defense.

Christopher's stats

Level: 12

Experience: 60/1,200

Free Points:0

Faith: 100 (+100)

Stamina: 100

Strength: 10

Defense: 370

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 10 (+1)

Wisdom: 10

Charm: 10 (+1)

Luck: 10

"Well I won't stand a chance against someone like Marhaus, or that assassin. But my future is looking brighter."

God, "That's good to hear.".. "I would've liked to talk more face to face, but it's time for you to head back."

Christopher, "I would have liked that too. But I understand.".. " Good bye dad."

God, "Good by son."

Back in the underground vault.

Christopher wakes up starring at Marhaus. He sees him slumped over in the fetal position. Chuckling a bit, Christopher thought, 'Even though I am rested, if I don't get any more sleep. I am going to have a tough time escaping latter.'

He tries laying down again, but he just isn't tired. 'Fine. If I can't get any rest, I might as well keep myself busy.'

He then takes a look at the mountain of gold. "Well. Time to get to work."

He then started Blessing the gold before putting it in Bank. He continued this process until all the gold in the vault was stored away.

"I should see what else I can do with Blessing." He said before walking over to Marhaus.

"I wonder how many FP it costs to give his armor a Blessing Of Defense?"

Christopher placed his hands on Marhaus's amor. Activating Blessing, he then sees a screen saying. "Blessing Of Defense 1 FP per temporary Defense stat, or 100 FP per permanent Defense stat."

Christopher starts to contemplate, 'I wonder how long the temporary boost lasts? A minute, an hour, a day, or maybe it lasts one hit, or the entire battle?'.. 'One thing is for sure, as soon as I get a weapon. I won't be useless in a fight, anymore.'

He then began praying to get extra FP. Now he will get 422 FP while praying. Do to the level up of FP Charge, pluss the 2 passive FP he gets from Faith Power Accumulator.

After the first minute, he invested 400 FP into FP Charge bringing the 422 FP per minute too 542 per minute. 'I like the Idea of power leveling this skill, but I need to aquire some strength before leaving.'

He then prayed for half an hour straight. He asked God a lot of questions about his skills, especially Blessing. Needless to say he was feeling kind of tired again. This time the mental load was draining him.

He now knew that there was a ranking to materials, when it came to doing a special Blessing.

For instance if he were to Blessing Marhaus's armor which is iron costs 1 FP for 1 stat point increase, but copper you would get 2 stat point increases for 1 FP spent. For silver it was 1 FP for 3 stats, and gold was 1 FP for 4 stats.

However gold is a much softer metal than iron. So although his stats would increase more for every FP spent. The sword wold break the moment it collided in battle.

'This is fine, I just need to find a skilled blacksmith to form a gold, iron alloy.'

He now had 16,260 FP from the time he was praying. With his new total of 16,376 FP. He decided it was best to get a sword and shield. So he went to the Miracle Store.

There he was surprised to see the options, and even more surprised by the outrageous prices. The toy from earlier was cheap, because it was a toy. But items of importance were a different matter entirely. He settled for a sword and shield, made from modern stainless steel for 1,000 FP each.

Now he needed to put a Blessing on them. It was the same cost as iron to bless, but he doesn't have a lot of options right now. He gave the sword (+90 Attack), and the shield he gave a (+50).

He then decided to get the skills Block, Pierce, and Slash. As it would be pointless to have a sword and shield, and not be able to use them properly. The skills were pretty cheap too, at only 100 FP a pop.

He had considered getting some armor, but decided against it. The extra stats were worth more than the armor anyway. After all not having had any armor before, probably means it would only impede his movements.

Tired as he was, he decided to take a nap.

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