

Breathe... as long as I'm breathing I... "Horus... I'm sorry." Her blonde hair gently caressed my face. Her tears wouldn't stop. "It's my fault... that's why if you die... I will too." My heart began to pound, expressing the resistance my body could not. Don't die for someone like me. Her tiny hand hesitantly reached toward the bloodied dagger. Slowly, she brought it closer, closer...

"Horus. Born November 17, 2001. Your judgment begins now."

"This is a complete waste of time."

"Waste of time? You think you're hot shit after your promotion, don't you?"

"No, however, it is obvious that he deserves to go to hell. Usually, we skip cases like these."

"Maalik. Know your place. God has a plan, one that us angels never question. And Michael, relax. Infighting is deadly during times like these."

"Whatever. But Uriel, don't you think he deserves a little more than just some harsh... "

I see. I died. Well anyone would in that situation. At least, I protected you, right? Please be alive... Eris.

My body was out of my control. All my senses were stripped from me except hearing, although, with this arguing I wish that was taken from me as well.


An indescribable voice reverberated through my head.

[Horis. You are sentenced to an eternity in hell.]

An eruption of applause occurred after my sentencing.

"Father has made an appearance!"

"Hail! "Hail!" "Hail!"

Thousands of voices chanted in perfect unison.


The orderly chanting converted into discordant whispers.

[I cannot do that. Without a doubt, this man must go to hell.]



The cheerful applause and joyful chanting transformed into murderous shrills. Were these really angels? If I had a body, I would've pissed myself!

[Hmmm. Interesting. Fine then.]

[Wake up.]

The sense of sight was abruptly returned to me. It's so bright... Thousands, no millions? I was in a courtroom filled with an immeasurable amount of glowing spectators. Directly in front of me, in place of the judge's chair, was a throne.

[Do you want to go to hell?]

"I don't want to go to hell."

[Then, become my spy.]

Next chapter