
Chp 15 : Do Your Work?

After a few times, spin-hugging Drew. He let go of her and said, "Miss you there Drewie, how're you doing these days? It seems you got heavier." He teased her.

"Heav....What!? That's not you supposed to say to a lady Al!" Drew pretended to be angry with her cute voice.

"A lady? Where is she?" He said while looking everywhere. "I don't see her Drew, did you see her?"

Now Drew becomes truly angry and kicks Al's shin, but instead of seeing Al in pain, no expression was painted on Al and she feels a little bit resistance when she hit his shin.

"Hahahaha Drewie, Drewie, Drewie, I knew you will do that so I put some pads to my leg." He said while taking out his pads from his legs.

" I have 4 little sisters and knew what they will do when I tease her so I always wear this when I confort a little girl like you hahaha." Said Al with a smug face.

But what made Al surprise was, Drew kick him again in the shin and Al has taken out his shin before.

Now he screaming in pain while holding his right leg.

"Ow ow ow, it's not fair Drew! I already take the pads out!"

Drew just laugh at him and soon, everybody who watched the "Amazing Drew and Al Show" was all laughing.

Soon Al also laughed and said," Where have you been anyway, whenever I called you someone said you are not available currently."

"Sorry Al, mom took me to work," Drew said with a guilty expression.

'Work?' He thought, 'Ookay, this is getting serious, although she is a bit mature than her age, but she still a little girl after all.' He thought.

Drew Barrymore began her debut as an 11-month toddler in a dog food advertisement and since then she began her career in the entertainment industry.

But her downfall began when her father John Drew Barrymore divorce his wife Jaid Barrymore.

Unable to taste the fame from his ex-husband anymore, she turned to her daughter, Drew Barrymore to become a bridge to Hollywood and overworking her.

He doesn't know how or why her mother could let Drew turned to drugs and alcohol but he knew he couldn't do anything now.

'I know I can't do anything now Drew but when the time comes, I will be there for you!' He said in his heart.

To entertain Drew who was having a sad face, Al said, "I remember I promised you to buy you an ice cream right? Let's go! Do you want Baskin-Robbins or Häagen Dazs?"

"Anything's fine Al, but I want to eat 3 scoops!" She said with hesitation.

"Only three scoops!? Drew, as long as I'm here we can buy the freezer and get you a lifetime supply!" He grabbed Drew's hand and began walked with her to the ice cream shop near the shooting location.

"Wohooo ice cream (5x)" Drew said excitedly.

Their conversation was seen by everyone else in the crew, including one of the producers, Kathleen Kennedy.

After seeing them, she also has a warm feeling inside her heart.

"Kids wait a minute!" After Al heard someone shout on his way, both of them stopped. They turned their head and saw Kathleen Kennedy approach them.

"Currently, Los Angeles is not really safe for children to wander around, let me accompany you there."

"Really? Aren't you busy?"

"All of my jobs are done for today, currently I have nothing to do."

"Thank you then, Mrs. Kennedy, I'll also treat you an ice cream. 3 scoops of chocolate ice creams for a beautiful lady like you." He said in a cheeky tone while Drew, standing next to him look pissed or something.

Kathleen smiled at his flirtiness "Call me Kathleen, Al, can I call you that?"

"Of course everybody calls me Al. Now let's go, this baby shark doesn't have the patience to eat ice cream anymore." He said while lifting Drew's hand a little.


The shooting has been going for 3 weeks and luckily, no accident happened.

Steven Spielberg is really satisfied with his actor and actress selection.

Al has mastered his own temperament and rhythm. Although he can't be compared to Al Pacino, De Niro, Jack Nicholson, or Meryl Streep.

He was the best of his peers, even better than most actors in their 20s. Spielberg can guarantee that of all actors under 20 years old, Al is the best.

He was able to incorporate how mature-childish kid characters do, acting in harmony with other cast and even overshadow them and what surprise Spielberg is how comfortable Al is, role-playing with the alien E.T.

For actors in the 80s, acting with dolls, or air for CGI is really rare, the film that using it can be counted with hands.

"Okay and CUT!! Now today's shoot is over and tomorrow 28 September, we will have a holiday!"

All crews were cheered.

Well, tomorrow is Yom Kippur, the holy day for Jews. Spielberg, well most of the Hollywood crews are Jews.

Al was half-Jew, but he didn't celebrate it and really not into Judaism, although he could speak and write Hebrews.

He thanks whoever "IT/SHE/HE" is sending him here but he more believed in pantheism.

Few weeks have passed again, and the shooting almost 2/3 of the completion, and now is already mid-November. The filming location currently was shot in Elliot's house where many hospital equipment props were situated in every corner of the house.

But something wasn't right. When Al and Drew are acting together, he saw that Drew seems absent-minded.

Drew was having a lot of NG's (not good take) and always forgetting her line today.

Now for the first time, he saw how scary the director's anger is.

Spielberg is now screaming and scolding Drew. Drew only keep her heads down and holding back tears.

Al can't take it anymore and dare to interrupt Spielberg. "Mr. Directors!! I knew she was having a lot of ng's, but I think we should have a break a bit, maybe Drew was not in her state today."

Now every crew was flabbergasted include executive producer Frank Marshal who comes to the set today.

No one dares to interrupt the director in filming, even the producer, and this director is not anybody but Steven Spielberg! A top director who could carry out the film himself without big stars.

Now everyone also wants to see how this conflict will occur, few of them even thinking to sell this info to gossip tabloids.

Spielberg almost explodes to this kid's impudence. But seeing his eyes also looking at Spielberg's, he relented and said, "Okay now everybody breaks." And he back to his director's seat.

Everyone releases their breath including Al. He went to see Drew who still standing there and check her out.

When he took her hand, he felt her hand are hot. So he checked her forehead and realized it was really hot.

He screamed, "Doctor, do we have a doctor here? I think Drew is sick!!"

""What!?"" They heard Al was saying that Spielberg and the crews were surprised.

While all of them were still stunned, the crew doctor responded and immediately checking out Drew.

"39°C (102,2°F)!? I think we need to take her to the hospital, the fever is high but not really severe but at least she can recover faster than rest at her room."

Now everyone agreed to this, Al, Dee Wallace, McNaughton, Spielberg, and Kathleen accompanied Drew to the hospital.

Her mother also joined after the calls from crews. Although she always made Drew work in the entertainment industry, she still really cared about Drew...well before her divorce.

Spielberg sit beside Drew's bed and apologized to her. Because he didn't know her condition before, he still scolded and yelled at her and now he felt very guilty.

Drew immediately forgives him and giving him a tight hug.

Suddenly Spielberg also remembered how he met this little trouble-maker in <Poltergeist> audition and decided to let her star in E.T.

Spielberg also dropped another bomb. He turned to Jaid and said, "Jaid, as an apology, can I have the honor to become her godfather?"

Now everyone flabbergasted....again while Al knew she will become his goddaughter, but he didn't know when it was.

Now he knew how it happened, and thought 'Well watching it real life is really different than reading gossip news.'

To Be Continued....

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