
Hollows Burden

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What is Hollows Burden

Read ‘Hollows Burden’ Online for Free, written by the author Broker_Of_Death, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, R18 Light Novel, MAGIC Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: 'Humans what disgusting creatures' that is what the inhabitants of the Vaults (Dungeon) think, but after the death of Th...


'Humans what disgusting creatures' that is what the inhabitants of the Vaults (Dungeon) think, but after the death of The Vault Lords wife they are forced to try to subjugate the human world, since it was them who committed the crime of killing an inhabitant of a Vault, and since they did that they will have to pay for it with their freedom, all while new and old inhabits have to learn to coexist and become friends Or More. This story won't be regularly updated but when I do choose to upload new chapters they will either be extremely long or in large quantity.

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