
Hollow Heart: Darkened Love

In the realm of emotion, they say love is blind, and for the once-sweet young master Alex Sterling, it proved to be a transformative force. What began as a promising tale of affection and dreams took an unforeseen turn, altering Alex into something unfathomable. The bitter sting of betrayal and shattered expectations Mold him into a figure shrouded in mystery and darkness. Love's blindfold, once a symbol of innocence, now veiled his eyes with shadows, steering him down a path that would redefine the very essence of his being.

abdulaziz_Saqar · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Hyousetsu II

In an abrupt shift, Ragna turned to face Alex, his countenance adorned with a wide, unsettling smirk. The once-mentor's eyes gleamed with an otherworldly malevolence, and before Alex could discern the sudden change, Ragna blurred into existence right in front of him. With a guttural force, Ragna's fist collided with Alex's midsection, the impact resonating with a bone-crushing thud. The sheer force caused Alex to convulse, blood erupting from his mouth as he struggled for breath.

"What's happening?" Alex managed to gasp, confusion and pain etched across his face.

Ragna, with an unsettling calmness, uttered, "I'm done with you, Celestian child. You're no longer useful to me."

In an instant, Ragna's demeanour shifted from mentor to merciless adversary. An onslaught of murderous intent emanated from him as he unleashed a relentless barrage of strikes. Each punch and kick carried the weight of a cosmic force, battering Alex mercilessly. The ferocity of the assault left no room for defense as Alex, overwhelmed and reeling, attempted to comprehend the sudden betrayal.

The once-mentor moved with a fluidity that belied his previous jesting nature. His attacks were a symphony of precision, each strike aimed at dismantling Alex's defenses. Ragna's eyes, once filled with paternal warmth, now gleamed with an otherworldly malevolence.

Amidst the chaos, Ragna's voice cut through the clamour. "You were a means to an end, Celestian. Nothing more."

As the onslaught continued, Alex's body bore the brunt of the celestial fury. Each blow echoed through the cavernous space, a testament to the profound shift in Ragna's intentions. The Celestian, once destined for greatness, found himself defenseless against the one who had guided him.

The torrent of attacks reached a fever pitch, and with a final, bone-shattering strike, Ragna sent Alex sprawling to the icy ground. The celestial energies that once bound them in kinship now manifested as chains, constricting around Alex's weakened form.

Ragna, his expression devoid of remorse, stood over the fallen Celestian. "This is where your journey ends, Alex."

As darkness encroached upon Alex's vision, the echoes of Ragna's betrayal reverberated through the frigid expanse of Hyousetsu.

In the dimming echoes of the celestial onslaught, amidst the encroaching darkness, a distorted voice cut through the frigid air.

"All you experienced, every twist of fate, every triumph and fall – it was all my orchestration."

The voice, distorted and haunting, belonged to Ragna. His figure shifted, becoming a blurry silhouette against the icy backdrop of Hyousetsu. As Alex attempted to gather his fragmented thoughts, Ragna's presence loomed, an omnipotent puppeteer pulling the strings of destiny.

"The blurry figure you managed to defeat was sent by me," Ragna's voice echoed with a sinister cadence. "You killing that Monarch was also my plan, a strategic move to pave the way for an easier acquisition of my body. Every step, every challenge – all meticulously planned."

The revelation hung in the air like an ominous specter. Alex, still ensnared by celestial chains, attempted to grasp the magnitude of Ragna's orchestrations. The mentor he had trusted, the guide who had shaped his destiny, was revealed as the architect of his trials.

As Ragna's form solidified, his crimson eyes bore into Alex's, devoid of the warmth that had once defined their connection. The truth unfolded like a cosmic tapestry, each thread woven with malevolence and manipulation.

"You were a pawn in a celestial game," Ragna declared, the shadows of Hyousetsu dancing in response to his words. "A mere instrument to further my ambitions."

A bitter irony accompanied Ragna's revelations. Alex, who had sought purpose and destiny, found himself entangled in a web of cosmic schemes. The chains binding him pulsed with celestial energies, a cruel reminder of his vulnerability in the face of Ragna's manipulation.

With a subtle gesture, Ragna dismissed the chains, allowing Alex to drop down on the hard icy ground. The Celestian, battered and betrayed, faced the orchestrator of his tribulations. In the frigid expanse of Hyousetsu, the mentor and pupil stood as adversaries, the cosmic currents of betrayal crackling between them.

"You thought you were ascending, reaching new heights," Ragna continued, a sardonic smile playing on his lips. "In reality, you were dancing to the rhythm of my design. The Celestian child, blinded by aspirations, manipulated by shadows."

Alex, his body a canvas of celestial bruises, glared at Ragna with a mix of defiance and disbelief. The celestial energies that once resonated in harmony now hummed with discord, a stark reflection of their fractured bond.

As Ragna prepared to depart, leaving Alex in the desolate expanses of Hyousetsu, he left behind a parting sentiment laced with malevolence. "Your journey ends here, Celestian child. The stage was mine, and you played your part beautifully."

Ragna turned to leave, the shadows embracing him as he prepared to vanish into the cosmic tapestry. However, a sudden grip on his foot halted his departure. Alex, battered but defiant, clung to the mentor-turned-adversary, a desperate plea for answers etched across his face.

"What is your main goal?" Alex demanded, his voice carrying the weight of betrayal and confusion.

Ragna, his crimson eyes reflecting a complex amalgamation of emotions, turned to face the Celestian who dared to defy him. A smirk played on Ragna's lips as he crouched down, meeting Alex at eye level. "My goal, Celestian, is to create a new life for all beings. A life untouched by the chaos of the current cosmos – a life of peace, love, and prosperity."

He spoke with unwavering conviction, as if the cosmic currents themselves bowed to his ideals. Alex, however, remained silent, his gaze a mix of scepticism and defiance.

"What do you think of peace, Alex?" Ragna questioned, his tone echoing with an insistence that demanded a response.

Alex, still grappling with the revelations and the sheer audacity of Ragna's betrayal, remained silent. The question hung in the air, a cosmic riddle that seemed to unravel the very fabric of their connection.

Ragna, undeterred by the lack of response, repeated his inquiry with heightened intensity. "What do you think of peace, Celestian?"

The icy winds of Hyousetsu whispered through the frigid expanse, carrying the weight of the unanswered question. Ragna, sensing the hesitation, let out a hearty laugh, the sound echoing through the desolate realm.

"Of course, you wouldn't comprehend peace, would you? Humans, are like a plague, relentless in their pursuit of self-interest. They destroy everything and anything in their path, blind to the suffering they inflict upon their fellow kind and the cosmos. A selfish breed that perishes in their own insatiable desires."

Ragna's words dripped with disdain, a condemnation of humanity's flaws. His laughter reverberated against the icy walls of Hyousetsu, a cosmic chuckle that seemed to echo through the vastness of the realm.

"You humans can't even help your fellow humans, selfish bastards," Ragna continued, his voice resonating with bitterness. "Humanity, with its wars, pain, suffering, and futility, is a blight that must be eradicated or else it will spread across the realms. I will reshape the realms, and for that, a little cost is worthy – the demise of filthy humans."

The revelation of Ragna's ruthless vision sent a chill through the expanse. Alex, grappling with the shattered remnants of trust, stared at the mentor-turned-adversary with a mix of disbelief and defiance. The cosmic currents seemed to twist and turn, mirroring the tumult within the Celestian's heart.

As a portal unfolded in front of Ragna, two figures emerged, casting an ominous shadow upon the frigid landscape of Hyousetsu. Alex strained his eyes to focus, attempting to pierce through the cosmic currents and identify the newcomers. As clarity gradually sharpened, a chilling realization swept over him.

The woman who stepped out was none other than Victoria, a figure from Alex's past, veiled in layers of deception. However, it was the man beside her who sent a jolt of betrayal through Alex's veins. His once-trusted confidant, Marco, stood next to Victoria with a purple mane cascading over his shoulders. The shock of recognition hit Alex like a cosmic tempest.

Marco, the friend who had sworn allegiance through thick and thin, the one who shared dreams and secrets in the quiet corridors of university life, now revealed his true colours. It was Marco who, in the intricate dance of emotions, had stolen Alex's first love, fracturing their friendship and leaving an indelible scar.

As Marco stepped forward with a sinister grin, the weight of betrayal compounded. His presence among the cosmic conspirators deepened the wound, a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities that friendship could exploit. The echoes of their shared laughter, the comradeship that once defined their connection, now felt like cosmic mockery.

The purple-haired man's appearance marked a convergence of past wounds and present treachery. The trio – Victoria, Marco, and the orchestrator of cosmic machinations, Ragna – stood united against Alex. It was a tableau of betrayal, painted against the icy canvas of Hyousetsu, leaving Alex to grapple with the shattering of trust and the unveiling of deception.

Marco, stepped forward with a sinister grin. As he descended to Alex's eye level, he whispered, "Once a bitch, always a bitch." With those biting words, Marco spat on Alex's face, a gesture that cut deeper than any physical blow. The echoes of their past camaraderie now shattered, a mockery of the bond they had shared.

Despite lying in a pool of his own blood, battered and broken, a smirk played on Alex's lips. Marco's venomous words, like a double-edged blade, cut through the air, but Alex's spirit remained unyielding. With a defiant glint in his eyes, he retorted, "And once a pawn, always a pawn, pussy." Laughter, tinged with the heaviness of his ragged breaths, echoed through the frost-laden air. In the face of betrayal, Alex found solace in the way those words really got to Marco's nerves.

However, his moment of defiance was abruptly interrupted as Marco, fuelled by rage, delivered a swift kick to Alex's face, "son of a bitch." The impact sent shockwaves of pain, causing Alex to spit blood once more, his laughter lingering as a testament to the indomitable spirit that persisted amidst the cosmic treachery.

Ragna, the orchestrator of this cosmic betrayal, tapped Marco on the shoulder, acknowledging his presence. "His power, you can't and will never match," Ragna declared, a condescending acknowledgement of Alex's potential. "Even though Alex is a bitch, he had potential."

Ragna approached Alex with a swift and calculated movement. His hand closed around Alex's throat, lifting him effortlessly until he dangled, inches above the icy ground. Alex's legs swung lifelessly, a stark contrast to the cosmic power that once coursed through his veins.

Ragna's hands pressed against Alex's chest, and in a synchronized moment, both their eyes turned a deep shade of crimson. The vibrant aura that once surrounded Alex began to fade, dimming until it vanished completely. The transcendent power that defined Alex was extracted, leaving behind an unconscious body dripping with blood.

With a callous release, Ragna let go of Alex's lifeless form, allowing it to plummet to the frozen ground with a resounding thud. A pool of blood formed around the fallen Celestian, a stark testament to the brutality of cosmic betrayal.

In Alex's subconscious, a swirling sound enveloped him, the fading echoes of the portal. Through the haze, Ragna's voice reached him, cold and indifferent. "So long, Alex." The words hung in the desolate air, a farewell that echoed through the cosmic realms.