

Twelve days, that's how long they were on the road. That's how long Sandra had to sit with her parents and little sister. That's how long she had to listen to Christmas music. Now Sandra loves Christmas, how could she not when she was the daughter of Santa and Martha Claus, and the big (adoptive) sister of Emma, who represents Christmas Eve? You might even expect someone of this nature to be ecstatic about spending twelve days listening to Christmas music, but trust her this, there are only so many Christmas songs, and nobody likes listening to the same song on repeat, even if it is "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer'' and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". Just about anyone would get a headache after listening to the same songs on loop.

When the car finally pulled to a stop it took her absolutely no time to throw open the door and jump out in an attempt to escape the madness that was the car. She was practically crawling out half alive, gasping for breath because she felt smothered by the happiness and spirit emitting from it. She sat there like this, curled up into a ball on the ground breathing heavily, eyes shut tight, for a good couple of minutes. It was only when Emma gasped that she opened her eyes, and what she saw took her breath away far faster than her clown car of madness and music ever could. 

A white mansion stood before her, its bricks reflecting the rays of the sun. It was (almost literally) blinding. She stood up slowly, never once taking her eyes off of this majestic building.

It stood three stories tall, with four towers, one on each corner. Dorms.  She recalled quickly. They were arranged by seasons, so naturally there would be four. The walls were covered in large arched windows and gold trimming.

Her dad gave her a quick rundown before the trip. But he never could have described it in such a way as this. She didn't think anybody could. She took one step forward, then another. She felt as though this building was drawing her closer, calling to her. It made her feel needed, wanted, welcome. It had big arched windows and a large front door that too was an arch. A large, grey, sloped roof adorned the top like a regal crown, it too caught the rays of the sun. This building had the feel of an ancient castle and she noted that it definitely looked the part.

"You alright?" a small voice chirped. 

She snapped out of her daze and realized her family was already at the door waiting for her, and that she had been standing in the parking lot dazed, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. She mumbled a quick "Yeah." and jogged to catch up. 

The enormity of the building was so much worse when she was actually near it. It made her feel small, almost nonexistent. As she got closer she could feel the shadow created by the building as it loomed over her. She shivered as its presence became more overwhelming. It had this sense of power, almost feeling like magic. She could sense its secrets, feel its mysteries. She had to stop again on the large front steps. She looked up again at the building towering over her.

Im so not ready for this.. She thought before walking through the archway and into the throat of the building.   

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