
53 We're Not Alone

"Wahh!!" Freya screamed when she saw a person wrapped up in black clothes watching them from behind a tree!!

Two dark beady eyes peered at them, the rest of the figure was covered in black rags, including their face and hands.

Freya's heart dropped and she began slapping Sebastian's hands to let go of her hips. "Stop!! Stop it!" she begged.

Sebastian however took her screams and weird shaking as something else and so he powered on even faster and harder.

"Freya, I'm so... so.. close, tell me... you love me..." he said between breaths as he took her harder.

Freya squealed at the top of her lungs, "There!!" she pointed, "There!!"

Sebastian bit his lip and with his eyes closed, he released every drop of his love.

"Ughh...mmmm..." he growled in her ear from behind, and he let her go, finally.

Freya fell face forward into the sand in the most embarrassing position she had ever been seen in her whole life.