
137 Obey You?

The night came to an end and the king's table was littered with empty bottles.

King Sebastian rolled his stiff neck and looked around at the mess.

The bonfire had dimmed to a glowing pile of embers and the men had mostly retired to the military wing, of course with the servant girls on their arms.

Langdon had fallen asleep at the table and Sebastian chuckled, "Come on old man," he pulled Langdon's arm over his shoulder, "You can't handle it like you used to."

"Let me give you a hand," Boran insisted.

So the King and the bounty hunter dragged Langdon to his quarters, where the large old man fell onto his comfortable mattress.

Sebastian laughed as he closed the door gently.

"What about you?" he asked Boran, "Another drink or hit the haystack?"

Boran's hard face almost cracked, "I... I shall sleep."

"Wise choice," Sebastian pointed at him.

The king led Boran to a room for special guests and watched as the man almost swallowed his tongue.

Boran was astonished.