
Chapter 2) Babysitting


"Bye Layla, see you later!" I wave to her before walking the opposite way. As I'm walking down the hallway, I get a text from my mom.

Mommy: Hey sweety, I just wanted to let you know that I won't be home for about a month. I'm really sorry, I wish I could be there. But I have news.

Me: It's fine, I totally understand. I love watching them, even though there are 8 of them. What's the news? My mom's work causes her to have to travel a lot, but I love my little brothers and sisters.

Mommy: Eva will also be going with me, so you will need to watch the Shradings. I hope for your sake 12 children won't be too much

Me: It's fine Mom. What about the other kids, why can't they ever do it? I ask, but then quickly add Not that I'm complaining

I really do love kids, I've been babysitting since I was a child. My first job was when I was eight. Don't ask me why the people trusted me to watch their children unsupervised at eight years old, because honestly, it baffles me. I only go to school a few days a week, because according to Mommy, babysitting comes first. I have always been ahead of my classes anyways. My phone dings, signaling a reply.

Mommy: Her oldest sons aren't really to be trusted with kids if you know what I mean. She told me one of them goes to your school? She says and my mind finally grasps reality.

My mom has been friends with Eva since high school, and I have always loved her visits. My stupid-sorry I shouldn't say stupid, that is a negative word. My silly mind never really thought about her other two children. I have always known that the Shrading family is very powerful in today's world, but I don't really know just how much power that family name holds. I do know that their house is huge, even though I have only been there once or twice.

Eva likes to meet at my house or public places because apparently, her sons are too much for me. She says they aren't the nicest and have a...certain...way of doing things. Basically, they are my opposites, and that they are people I shouldn't be around. I am fine with that, I am a total good girl and I like being this way. There is no way I am risking a change in my personality. If I have a personality change, I am in danger of not being a good influence on the children that I love. And babysit, but it's the same thing.

It just is crazy to me that if I am to be babysitting for the Shrading family and my family for a month, I and my siblings will be living with them. OMG, I'm going to be living with someone else! For a whole month! I have only ever stayed at someone else's house for three days at most, so for me, this is crazy. I'm guessing that the oldest brothers won't be home, so luckily I won't have to worry about that. I tilt my head back and smile to myself before I see the clock on the wall, screaming at me to get to class.



After I saw the girl I couldn't help but feel like I know her from somewhere. I am just about to go up to the roof, because who wants to sit through an hour of useless lectures? No one. Especially not me. I get to the roof and open my phone to see a text from my mom. I sigh but still open it.

Eva: Elec, I will be gone for the next month and your father for the next three. Meghan's children will be living in our house for the time that I will be gone so that her daughter can watch her siblings and your siblings. I expect you to be nice and be there for at least half of the time. love you

I instantly get upset. Why must they live with us, why can't she just come over in the mornings? I decide to tell her just that.

Eva: Because Elec, she is fifteen and she has eight siblings. Eight! She is Mia, Chase, Lily, and Jet's favorite babysitter, and they love her and her siblings. We have more than enough bedrooms, heck they could just move in permanently.

Eight siblings? Has Meghan gone mad? Who in God's name has that many fucking kids?!

Me: Fuck no, absolutely not, 9 more kids in the house? Have you lost your fucking mind woman?

It's bad enough that nine more people will be living with us for a month. How a fifteen-year-old can watch twelve children at once, is beyond me. I get another text from my mom telling me off for cursing and telling me that I have to tell Mia, Chase, Lily, and Jet that Meghan's children are going to live with us for a little while. I don't get why she didn't tell me their names, or at least the name of the chick babysitting. I ask her and she said she wants them to introduce themselves. Fine with me.


<Clarabelle. Again.>


It is fourth period and time for lunch. I and Layla stand at the door. She looks at me.

"Are you ready?" she asks.

"For our first lunch in a high school cafeteria?" she nods, "Of course I am." We both smile and walk in, hand in hand.

"Where should we sit?" she looks around, trying to find an open space.

"Wherever you want," I honestly don't really care where we sit.

"How about over there?" she points to a table in the corner. Well, there are a few tables in between the given table and the corner, but that's not my point.

"Alright," I say and we head over there. As soon as we sit down, Layla starts telling me all about her classes. Or more specifically, the boys in them.

"In Mr. Vergetrue's class, there is this guy named Dylan, right? Dylan is hot AF-" I give her a look, "-sorry, but it's true. Anyways, Dylan has the most beautiful face on the face of the planet. Apparently, he is part of the Five Deadly Fuckers-"


"Sorry! It's what they're called. Anyways, the FDFs are the five most popular boys in school. One of them has a father who owns twelve of the world's most successful businesses, and another one is a reality Tv star! Dylan is one of the FDFs and is the ladies man of the group. "

"Okay?" I really don't know where this is headed. I never really do in conversations with Layla. They mainly consist of her telling me about popular girls, popular boys, trends, and her day. I just sit there and listen.

"Being the ladies man that he is, he looks at me during the lesson. Not just once either. He keeps sending me flirtatious glances throughout the lecture, and I of course do the same-"

"You did pay attention to the teacher though, right?" I suddenly speak up. She looks at me like I told her I had a pet alien.

"Of course not!"

"Layla," I groan. When is she going to learn to take school seriously? I mean sure, the teachers treat us like we are one robotic mind and like we should all learn the exact same way even though most of us are poles apart, but she should still pay attention.

"How could I? With Dylan looking at me the entire time, I couldn't help but stare. And guess what he did when the lesson was over?" She asks excitedly.

"What did he do when the lesson was over?" I ask her, pretending to be interested.

"He whispered in my ear 'Hope to see you again, beautiful,'"

"Eww, creepy!" I scrunch up my nose in disgust. How dare he?

"Creepy? No, Clarabelle! Dreamy, that what it was. Dylan Fusser wants to see me again! And called me beautiful!" Just as I am about to respond, a group of girls is suddenly sitting at our table.

"Hi there," one of them says. It wasn't a nice hello, though. It was one that told you something bad was going to happen. The girl had blonde hair, ten-foot heels, and minimal clothing.

"Uhh, hi?" Layla asks.

"I'm Victoria. This is Candace," she points to a girl with chocolate skin and a lot of makeup. They all have a lot of makeup on, actually. "Miriam," she points to another girl with, thick, dark hair and an evil face. "Anastasia," this girl has red hair and bright pink...everything. Not that there is anything wrong with pink. I love pink, I've just never seen that much of it in one place. "and Darla." The last girl she introduces has medium length brown hair and a sweet face. The type of sweet that leaves you feeling sick. I'm not being mean, but I can tell she is going to be.

"I heard you were talking about Dylan," Miriam says.

"Yeah, and?" Layla asks sarcastically.

"Layla! Be nice," I tell her.

"Yeah, you might want to listen to your ugly little friend there," Candace snaps. I'm not ugly. I don't think. Maybe I am, but I just never noticed. Eh, her opinion.

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that Dylan is mine," Miriam warns. I didn't know that you could own a person. I thought that it became illegal back in the '50s.

"Hunter is mine," Darla says.

"Alex is mine," Anastasia glares.

"Zeke is mine," Candace's face matches Anastasia's.

"And Elec will forever and always be mine," Victoria informs.

"You don't own them." Layla snaps. Oh no, why would she do that?

"Yes honey, we do." Victoria snaps right back.

"Well technically owning a human being became fully illegal in the '50s, with Hawaii being the last state to make it illegal in 1959. Most of the U.S. made it illegal in the late 1800s though," Every head at the table snaps to me. "Sorry, I was just saying."

"Well don't," Victoria tells me.

"Okay. But just one question."


"Who are Dylan, Hunter, Zeke, Alex, and Elec?" They all gasp dramatically. Even Layla.

"How dare you!"

"Didn't you do your research beforehand?"

"That shouldn't even be a question,"

"Ugh, freshmen."

"I'm disappointed in you, Clarabelle."

"They are the Five Deadly Fuckers. Get educated." Victoria finishes and they all strut back to their original table. That was weird.


<Elec. Again>

Lunch. Again.

"-and then he spilled his drink all over her!" Zeke finishes telling his story and we all laugh. As the ten of us—Me, Zeke, Alex, Dylan, Hunter, Victoria, Candace, Miriam, Darla, and Anastasia—are eating and chatting, the girls gasp.

"What?" All of us guys say in unison.

"Didn't you hear that?" Candace says, clearly outraged.

"No?" Zeke rolls his eyes and begins to start the conversation up again.

"Those girls over there are talking about Dylan!" Miriam yells.

"So?" I really don't see what the big deal is.

"So? So? What do you mean 'so'? This girl needs to learn her place." Victoria snaps her head to the table with the girls she's talking about. Oh look, it's the nerd and her friend. It looks like her friend is doing the talking, she just looks bored.

"Why are girls so territorial?" Hunter drags. Good question. Victoria once sent a girl to the hospital for a week because she said something about me. It's honestly kind of scary.

"We are not territorial. We just always have to make sure that people know not to touch what is ours," Anastasia says like it's the most obvious thing in the world

"Bitch, that's the literal definition of territ—" Alex doesn't get to finish his sentence because the girls get up and walk right to Nerds and her friend. This is going to be interesting.


As soon as I get home I find Ethan watching BBFL again in the living room.

"Hey, Ethan!" he looks over at me, "Did you know that this chick and her eight siblings are gonna be living with us for a month? She's Mom's favorite babysitter or something," I ask him and he pauses his movie and looks at me confused.

"What? Why? Eight!? Who has that many fucking kids bro?" He looks seriously horrified at the thought of having so many kids.

"I know, right? Mom has another trip thing, and she left Meghan's fifteen-year-old daughter to look after Mia, Chase, Lily, and Jet plus her eight siblings." I tell him.

"That's twelve fucking kids! Are you shitting me? And she's fifteen?" He shakes his head in disbelief. "How, just how? Well, it looks like your gonna have a full house Elec, I've got college, and that means I won't be here." He says and looks relieved.

"Why the fuck do you need a dorm? UCLA is less than an hour away," I remind him and he laughs.

"Because dumbass. I would rather be with Beth and Ryder than here." He says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Are you fucking Beth or something? When you guys are off she and Ryder are almost always here or at a hotel. Why don't they go to their own damn house?" I am serious. Those twins are either here or at a hotel when they're not in their dorms. They are at their house like five times a year. The only reason I know this is cause I am a master at eavesdropping. Always have been, always will be.

"No, I'm not fucking her. They don't go home cause both of their parents have nine other kids and hate them. The only reason they go home at all is because of their fifteen-year-old sister. For some reason, she's the only family member they love. She's like a total 'good girl,' has the innocence of a fucking toddler. The girl also always watches the other eight, and the twins hate that. They take her out of town and teach her what it's like to be not-so-innocent. They say she hasn't even had 'the talk' yet, but they aren't allowed to tell her what sex is." He finishes with a laugh. I laugh too until I suddenly stop.

"Dude," I look at him with wide eyes.

"What? You look like you just cured cancer," He laughs again.

"I think Beth and Ryder's sister is the one that is going to be living with us. It makes sense, think about it." I tell him and his eyes go wide.

"I have to ask them about it. I guess you can be smart," He smiles. I punch his shoulder playfully and he pretends to be hurt. "Looks like you're going to have a good girl in the house. For a whole fucking month." He laughs and I roll my eyes. If the girl really is the twins' innocent sister, then I want nothing to do with her. She's useless if I can't have sex with her.

I go to my room and lock the door. This month is going to be a long one.


I hear the front door open signaling the return of Mia, Chase, and Lily. Mia is ten and in the fifth grade, Chase is eight and in third grade, and Lily is almost five and in kindergarten. I walk down the stairs to tell them the news of Meghan's kids living with us. I feel bad for them but worse for me. I'm the one going to have to deal with their tantrums and I don't wanna do that. I can't do that. I won't do that.

"Ewec! My favorwit, my favorwit!" Yells Lily, running to me. I pick her up and spin her around before putting her down. She still talks like a two-year-old, and it's cute as hell.

"Hey!" shouts Chase, "You can't have favorites, it's not fair!" he tells Lily.

"Wife isn't fayor, deal wif it," She rolls her eyes at him. Chase pouts while I and Mia laugh. I've raised her well. She is practically a four year old, female me. Mia disappears and comes back holding Jet before putting him down next to some toys in the living room. He just had his first birthday three months ago.

"The went home if you were wondering because you have a single responsible bone in your body," she says with a disapproving shake of her head. Sometimes I can't tell if she is mom's copycat or another one of my many.

"I never claimed to." I justify.

"Well, maybe you should learn. The Darlings won't be here forever you know," She says and I'm just here wondering who the fuck the Darlings are.

"Yes see will! Bewie always comes, see wuvs us!" Lily argues.

"What I'm saying is that there is going to come a time where she can't come, and Ethan and Elec will take care of us."

"Nope," protests Lily, "See will be eer forever. See pwomised. Bellie doesn't bwake pwomises, see wuvs us too much."

"Lily's right Mia," Chase joins in, "She would never leave us. When people make promises to people they love, they always keep them. Especially Cl-"

"I have some news to tell you guys," I interrupt before this goes any further. They make this chick sound like a goddess or something. Yes, I called her 'this chick', it's not like I was paying attention. I just knew that they were talking and I didn't want to hear.

They all turn to look at me. Except for Jet, he is happily playing with some blocks. I prepare for the worst.

"Meghan's kids are going to be living with us for a month because Mom is going on a business trip and Meghan is her partner and for some reason, they think it's a good idea for them to move in with us and I don't know why and I know it sucks but this is what they decided and kill mom not me," I say in one breath.

"Really!?!" Chase screams and Lily starts doing a happy dance. This was certainly not what I was expecting. Mia runs over to Jet.

"Jet!" she says excitedly, "Clarabelle's coming! And she's going to be staying! For a month!" She tells him and he smiles ear to ear. I try to remember what she just said the girl's name was, but I can't. So I start playing on my phone, causing the rest of their conversation to go in one ear and out the other.

"Bellbelle comie?"


"Bellbelle!" He laughs a laugh that only a one-year-old could pull off. Why do these children love this fifteen-year-old babysitter so much? I can only imagine what she looks like, and I imagine an old lady in a fifteen-year-old girl's body. Every babysitter I've ever known is ugly as fuck, young and old. I think it's only here though, everywhere else they are all hot, but not in California. I have fucked so many people, but someone I've never fucked is a babysitter. If only. I imagine her with a church gown to hide the fact that she skipped puberty. Right as I'm about to think of how I can avoid the house for an entire month, I get a text from the group chat I share with the boys.

Zeke: We're meeting at 6 on wednesday

Me: Aren't I supposed to be planning these things

Alex): you don't have to control everything

I roll my eyes.

Me: Asshole

Quite a few hours later, I fall asleep thinking of babysitters and children. I'm fucking scared for my mental health.



So far, I am loving my freshman year. I know it's only been a week, but it's been a very awesome week. I am already best in my class, I have gotten to watch eighty-seven kids this week (some of them more than once), and I get to go to Layla's tomorrow. Mommy never lets me go anywhere, so this is super exciting. It's eleven-thirty, but I just can't seem to get to sleep. I get up to go and get a glass of water when I hear noise coming from Pheonix's room. I walk over to her room to see what she is doing. Oh, look at that. She has left her door open just enough to where I can see her. She's whispering, which means she is talking with someone.

"I know! I can't wait," I hear her say, "We can hang out together all day, every day. Like real sisters! Yeah, I know! We could stay up all night-" I cut her off, announcing my presence.

"Nope. I don't think staying up all night will be a good idea. You do not understand how tired you will be," I warn her.

"Clare! Why are you here? I wasn't doing anything. I just woke up, I swear!" She tries to lie, but I was here long enough to know better.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure. You have no idea what kind of ninja skills you have to have to be the best babysitter in the world. I should know, seeing as I'm the best babysitter in the world. Who were you talking to?"

"You're not mad?"

"I will be if you are talking to anyone other than Mia."

"Yeah, I'm talking to Mia," she smiles, "Why are you not grounding me right now?" She asks suspiciously. Did I forget to mention that I have access to all of the perks of being a parent? Well, I do. Including grounding.

"I don't need to ground you every time you slip up. Besides, you are going to do this countless other times, whether it's talking to Mia, or Talon...or boys," I wiggle my eyebrows and she laughs

"Fix your love life before you interfere with mine," She says, and I shake my head and laugh a little.

"How about you get acting classes before you try to lie," I remark and she dramatically gasps as if I had offended her. "And for the record, I don't need a love life. Nor do I want one. I'm too busy taking care of the children of California. You on the other hand have the chance to have a childhood, " I stop when she frowns, but she quickly erases it and I continue, "which means as your big sister I can tease you about boys, while making sure you don't have a boyfriend until you are well into college," I finish and hear Mia laugh from the phone. Then Mia speaks up.

"You know what Clarabelle?" She asks.


"I think that I can fix you. If not me, then one of my brothers,"

"What do you mean, 'fix me'? I don't need fixing," I defend

"Yeah, ya do," Mia replies sassily, "You are way too innocent. It's unnerving. You don't do anything remotely bad, you don't have fun on the weekends, you find fun in babysitting all of LA... The list goes on." She reasons.

"So? I don't see the problem with having a good reputation. As you said, I babysit LA, meaning that I am the role model for LA. I can't go around doing stuff that would get me in trouble or make others see me in a bad light. I am not 'too innocent.' I just like different stuff. I'm not into all of that classic teen stuff. Besides, I am just starting high school! So what if I would rather spend my weekends with you children than at a party?" I retaliate. I am honestly a little offended. I am not that innocent. Right

"My point exactly. Have you ever been to a party?" She questions. What a weird question.

"Of course I have,"

"I find that hard to believe. Name them."

"Well, I find it hard to believe that you are only nine years old. Goodness gracious, Mia." I chuckle lightly.

"Answer my question," Jeez, this little girl got attitude.

"Ok. I have been to birthday parties, dinner parties, baby showers, weddings, engagement parties-" Pheonix cuts me off.

"That's not what she means, Clare. She means parties where you drink and dance half-naked, right Mia?"

"Exactly," Mia confirms. Who in the world goes to a party where there are drinking and dancing...half-naked?

"Of course not!" I say, truly appalled. "Parties like that don't even exist in the real world. Have you ever been to a party like that?" I say. I don't even know why I am having this conversation, to begin with. It's nearing midnight, so we must get to sleep.


"What!" I can't believe this!

"My brothers have parties all of the time since Mom and Dad are gone so much." I am about to answer when a voice shouts through Pheonix's phone.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! I HAVING A FUCKING CONVERSATION AND DON'T NEED TO HEAR YOUR BRATTY VOICE AT TWELVE IN THE FUCKING MORNING!" I gasp. I have never heard someone use such extreme language. Especially when talking to a nine-year-old.

"DO YOU THINK I COULD GIVE A FLYING FUCK?" Mia's voice yells back. I gasp again.

"Mia!" I scold from the other end of the phone. How has no one woken up yet? "You can't say that. It's bad, especially since you are nine. Apologize or else your phone gets taken for five days when I come," My threats always work. Not that I am threatening, that is bad. I am telling her to say sorry.

"What! That's not fair!"

"Mia," I warn. Not to brag, but I am pretty good at this.

"Fine. You owe me though. Sorry, Elec!" She finally obeys. See, pretty good.

"What the fuck?" I hear him say. He sounds almost horrified. "Did you just apologize? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You can ask her when she gets here," Mia tells him. I choose to ignore this. In life, you must pick your battles, and this seems like a worthless one.

"Okay girls," I start to wrap things up, "it's time to go to bed. Love you Pheonix, love you, Mia. Goodnight," I close her door and make my way back into my room. This was an interesting turn of events. Instead of getting water I catch my sister talking on the phone, a nine-year-old just told me I'm too innocent, and I heard more cursing than I have in the past fifteen years. Which is my entire life span.

I say my prayers, the Shradings took up most of them, and then fall asleep. I really am worried about that family.


Word count: 4487

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