

In London in the 1990s, Harry was thrown into the garden of No. 13 Privet Drive by his cousin. In fear, he saw the evil wizard who was rumoured in the neighborhood to do all kinds of evil. "Kid, do you know how precious the Moon Spirit Flower is?" "From today on, use your life to atone for your sins." As a result, Harry was forced to sign an unequal labour contract. But gradually, he discovered that the wizard was not that scary. He had a cat head formed by a curse. There was Lucifer, a talking stove, and a broom that automatically swept the floor. What’s more, the cabin looks like it’s just a two-story building, but it’s actually a huge moving castle! ! A year later, in the winter at Hogwarts, when Professor McGonagall was collecting Christmas homecoming forms, Harry resolutely submitted the application. "I am going home for the holidays!" It's a translation. Raw name : 霍格沃茨:移动城堡的猫巫师

The_Dream_Wanderer · Book&Literature
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Madam, you have to pay compensation

Garlic, onions, some rosemary, and butter, then wrap the lamb chops in foil...

Ding--! !

"Felix, someone is looking for you on Privet Drive," Lucifer reminded.

Felix nodded, placed the lamb chops on the fireplace shelf, told Lucifer to pay attention to the fire, and then came to the door.

First, he glanced at Harry who was working outside. He didn't know what this kid had in mind. He had a smile on his face, and it looked like he was working as a pony.


Harry, on his side, looked blankly at the door that suddenly closed.

Eh? !

Of course, Felix didn't care what he thought. He twisted the door handle, turned the exit to Privet Drive, and then opened the door.

A thin woman with a harsh face was standing outside the door holding the little fat man just now. There were scratches on the little fat man's face. His face was red, and his eyes were full of tears. He had obviously cried a lot.

When Petunia saw the man opening the door, she was first attracted by that face, and then all the prepared words disappeared under those emotionless eyes.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Felix asked.

Penny took a deep breath, and then said quickly: "I'm sorry, I noticed you brought a child to your home before. That's my nephew, and I have something to do with him."

Just now, after Dudley was chased home by cats and dogs for no apparent reason, she immediately felt keenly that this situation might be related to that thing.

It was that thing that she didn't want to mention, the thing that the whole family hated.

She only knew one person with that kind of power.

So with her own anger, she came to the door immediately, wanting to take Harry back and punish him.

Just the thought of her baby Dudley's handsome face being turned into this by that little bastard made her furious.

"Oh, so you are Harry's guardian. Nice to meet you," Felix nodded and said, although his words were very polite, he had no intention of shaking hands or inviting the two of them to sit down.

He continued: "I just wanted to go find you. I'm sorry to tell you that your nephew destroyed the plants I carefully cultivated. We should discuss compensation first."

"What... what?"

"Yes, I planted the flower there. Everyone in the neighborhood should have seen it. It is very valuable. It is a rare species from the African country of Tasker and it is also the national flower there. I transplanted it here. It cost at least tens of thousands of pounds," Felix explained.

"So, I want to talk to you or the male owner of your family about compensation." Felix looked at her condescendingly, with an undoubted magic in his words.

"The national flower of Tusker Country?" Penny repeated in disbelief.

"Yes, the export of this flower has been banned locally. This is perhaps a unique flower in the UK and will never be seen again.

The preliminary damage assessment should be around 10,000 pounds. If you don't believe it, we can take legal proceedings," Felix suggested.

"What? This is impossible! If our family has to pay for that bastard's mistake, it will still be tens of thousands of pounds!!" Penny suddenly yelled.

"Mister, we refuse to make corresponding compensation. To be honest, he just lives in our home, and we are not his parents!" Felix frowned, obviously dissatisfied with such hysterical behavior.

After a while, he said helplessly: "Okay, okay! Madam, let's find another way to compensate."

Penny looked directly at Felix with her face flushed, waiting for his next words. At the same time, she acted like if she couldn't accept the conditions, she would immediately start screaming like a siren to express her dissatisfaction.

"You know, I just moved here. Maybe I need a handyman to do errands for me, how about paying for the work?" Felix said helplessly.

Through Felix's broad shoulders, Penny could probably see the mess in the room.

"That... of course!" She thought for a moment, then nodded simply: "This guy is a good handyman. In terms of housework, he is definitely far better than ordinary people."

"At least for the next year or more," Felix added lightly.

Penny hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Of course."

You know, in London in the 1990s, a handyman's monthly salary would never reach one thousand pounds.

"I think children need to bear their own mistakes for their own mistakes. This will become the most valuable lesson in their life," Penny quickly changed her face and expressed with relief.

"Okay," Felix nodded calmly, and then said: "But what I need to add is that a little kid will not jump into my flower bed for no reason and crush my things. To be honest, if it weren't for a kid, I've shot him."

This was London in the 1990s, and guns were not banned among the people. Residents have absolute control over their territory. Shooting an intruder is not a joke.

Felix's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the little fat man Dudley: "Whether it's bullying or a joke. I hope some people understand that outside is not at home, and you still need to abide by some rules."

Dudley was still a little angry on the side, and at the same time a little proud because of Harry's suffering. At this time, Felix's eyes suddenly fell on him, and he felt as if he was being watched by a ferocious beast.

He quickly lowered his head, there was no smile left, it took all his courage not to tremble.

"Okay, that's it," after Felix said that, he closed the door, leaving only the long words floating in the air.

"At night, your nephew will return home by himself."

After the door closed, Petunia glanced at her baby son. She thought Dudley had lowered his head to express sadness and dissatisfaction, so she hugged and comforted him, saying, "Oh, baby. Don't be angry. It's Harry's mistake. You don't need to bear it. He will be doing handyman work for a whole year."

She actually had a vague idea of what was going on, but she didn't want to criticize her precious son. He had already suffered too much that day.

On the other hand, so what if he was being bullied?

Was she going to scold her biological son for being a parasite?

Felix didn't care about the Dursleys; he was more concerned about whether Lucifer had overcooked the lamb chops.

"Tsk tsk tsk, 'He is a good handyman.' Through that sentence, I already know what kind of life that skinny boy leads in that house," Felix remarked.

Lucifer stretched out his small hand and flipped the lamb chops on the iron rack. The sweet gravy flowed out from the gaps in the tinfoil and he caught it with his mouth. At the same time, he sighed at what he had just heard.

Felix was not surprised by Harry's encounter at the Dursleys' house. On the one hand, it was because of vague memories from a long time ago, and on the other hand -

"You can tell by the way Harry is dressed."

With that said, Felix opened the door to the wilderness again, and Harry stood outside. When he saw the door open, he breathed a sigh of relief, then said quickly, "Sir, I have transplanted the Moon Spirit Flower."

Felix took a look to ensure everything was in order, then nodded and let Harry in.

"Go to the cupboard and get two sets of cutlery," he instructed unceremoniously.

"Okay," Harry nodded.

Strange, why didn't he resist at all?

The idea suddenly popped into his mind.

Felix sat back on the exclusive red patent leather sofa and said, "Your aunt came to see me just now."

Harry's movements froze for a moment, then he asked quietly, "What did she say?"

"I asked her to pay because you ruined the flowers I brought from the African country of Tusker, which are unique to England." A faint smile appeared on Felix's face, as if he was very satisfied with his bluff.

Of course, his words were very "sincere," so he gained Mrs. Dursley's trust, and she didn't even consider legal action.

"So..." Harry began, but couldn't even fathom what kind of punishment he would receive when he returned home.

"Of course she doesn't want to," Felix said.

"Yes...this...this is as it should be," Harry's voice was low and disinterested.

"So I proposed an alternative, and your aunt agreed," Felix said, looking at the dinner plate handed over by Harry: "Do you expect me to hold the dinner plate to eat? Put it on the table."

"Really?" Harry's voice suddenly became lively again. He quickly put the dinner plate on the table, tidied up the debris, and moved chairs, working very proactively.

"So, sir, what's the alternative you're talking about?" Harry asked impatiently.

"Work as a handyman for me for a year," Felix said, standing up. He didn't care much about Harry's reaction to this decision. If Harry didn't want to, he wouldn't mind letting him be a wild child.

He reached out without hesitation and picked up the lamb chops from the flames. After placing them on the iron plate, he went to the kitchen and took out the fried eggs and bacon sausages that he had made earlier. On the side, there was a large green salad.

After dividing the food, he looked at Harry: "What are you standing there for?"

Harry didn't react and pointed at himself, "Is this...is this mine?"

Felix nodded and explained, "Although the castle is very big, I only live there alone."

Harry quickly sat down and gazed at the sizzling grilled lamb chops on the dinner plate, accompanied by warm fried eggs and grilled sausages on the side.

"Eat, don't worry about etiquette," Felix said, observing Harry's hesitation to use his knife and fork.

As soon as he finished speaking, Harry eagerly picked up a piece of sausage and placed it in his mouth.

"Wow...it's delicious...thank you..."

Harry had never tasted such delicious sausage. It was chewy, juicy, and had a meaty aroma that he had never experienced before—much better than anything he had eaten before.

"This is definitely the most delicious thing I have ever eaten since I was born, I promise!" Harry exclaimed with a smile on his face.

"The flavored sausage stuffed with that thing is really good," Felix also nodded approvingly.

Upon hearing this, Harry asked curiously, "What is this?"

"A kind of monster; you don't want to know too much about it," Felix explained casually before realizing he hadn't introduced himself to Harry yet.

"My name is Felix Peregrine. You can call me sir or uncle," Felix said, cutting the mutton chops slowly.

"Eat more. Only when you are full can you have the strength to work. You have a heavy workload," Felix remarked.

"Yes, you can see it," Harry replied, looking around at the mess while stuffing something into his mouth.

After more than ten minutes, Harry finally felt full. He held the mutton chops in his hands, his mouth oily. He asked a little apologetically, "So Uncle Felix, is that flower really unique to Britain?"

"Of course not. I made up all the stuff about Africa's national flower."

Hearing this, Harry breathed a sigh of relief, feeling less apologetic.

"The Moon Spirit Flower is unique in this world."


Felix ignored Harry's confusion and asked instead, "It seems that you don't resist coming to my place to do odd jobs."

Upon hearing this topic, Harry unconsciously lowered his head and replied softly, "Yes."

"Do you hate them? Or what would you do if you were given powerful magic now?"

"Get out of there!"

Harry's quick and decisive response left even Felix unable to react.

"It seems you don't hate them," Felix nodded.

Harry shook his head, then nodded again, remaining silent for a long time.

Felix looked at him quietly and simply said, "Remember to eat some vegetables."

Only then did Harry hesitantly speak up:

"I don't know what to say... I hated Dudley when he bullied me at school in front of everyone, I hated Uncle Vernon when he locked me in the closet... Anyway, I have tons of reasons to hate them all the time.

But overall, I don't hate them. After all, without them, I wouldn't even have food to eat, let alone go to school... I'm not their son, and they are not my parents..."

Harry's voice softened, and tears filled his eyes. He lowered his head and stuffed more food into his mouth, trying his best to suppress his emotions.

Felix leaned back in the chair and said nothing.

He wasn't about to comfort a crying child. This was a mature and stubborn child who didn't want others to see his weakness.

So Felix felt that... he should respect his stubbornness.

Time passed, and Felix only knew that after he reconstructed the advanced human body refining formation thirty-two times from the "Alchemy Notes of Democritus" scattered on the ground, Harry finally composed himself and raised his head.

There was nothing unusual except for the redness of his eyes and nose.

"Okay, let's start working, kid," Felix stood up and stretched. "Your task today is to clean the entire living room."

"It doesn't look difficult," Harry replied energetically. The living room, which seemed messy to him, had already been accurately divided into several parts, and the relevant cleaning order had been customized.

Felix glanced at Harry, who was brimming with confidence, and smiled, "I hope so. If you still have time after completing the task, I wouldn't mind taking you to play with magic."

Harry became even more motivated upon hearing this. He quickly started to clear away the dishes, then looked at the unfinished food.

"Throw them all into the fire," Felix instructed.

Harry nodded, gathered up the leftovers, walked to the fireplace, and hesitated as he looked at the food.

"It always feels like a waste..." Harry remarked with a hint of regret.

Suddenly, the fire in the fireplace burst into flames, and a terrifying and ferocious face appeared in the flames, along with two completely mismatched slender hands.

"What is waste! Don't I even get to eat the leftovers?" Lucifer shouted angrily, and the whole castle emitted a whining sound of steam.

Harry was frightened and fell to the ground. He looked at Lucifer in horror, then glanced at Felix.

A strange smile appeared on Felix's face, but he spoke in a regretful tone: "Oh, darn, I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce you. Although I live alone, there are still other living beings.

This is Lucifer, a demon and the guardian of this castle. If you don't know anything about work, you can ask him."

Is that so...

Harry looked at Lucifer, waved his hands in fear, and timidly said hello.

Deep down, he shouted in excitement: This place is so interesting!