
Hogwarts- Blood Wizard

Others who reincarnated into the Wizarding World started as babies and were well prepared, but sadly Ivan was reincarnated directly to the venue of the sorting ceremony. He has already learned black magic before? His home is a dark magic shop in Knockturn Alley? His mother is an evil dark wizard? Ivan was worried that his identity will be exposed and when he returned home in the future, he would be skinned and chopped for ingredients, but he gained the ability to fuse with the bloodlines of magical creatures. Why did Dumbledore get help from the Phoenix? What is the truth behind Voldemort’s snake-like face? The shadow of the unicorn that transforms from dreams to reality, the pupil of a basilisk, the power of the phoenix over flames… In the process of collecting blood, a different magical world was revealed to Ivan. ------------------------------------ This is fan translation of novel by Pure little angel with the same name. Daily Chapter: 2

WN_LightNovels · Book&Literature
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009- Fear Curse

Hermione's mouth was wide open and her face was full of disbelief. She could still remember that in the Transfiguration class yesterday, Ivan obviously couldn't stabilize the Transfiguration spell. How did he suddenly become so proficient today?

After completing the transfiguration, Ivan didn't wait and left Hermione behind, who was still standing in a daze, and returned to the Gryffindor lounge.

Ivan, who was holding his book, was walking on the way back to the bedroom and happened to notice Harry and Ron, who were playing the wizard chess, and the two of them looked like they had seen a ghost.

Ron looked at the "Detailed Explanation of Basic Principles of Magic" in Ivan's hand, his eyes were about to pop out, and the knight he was holding in his right hand fell onto the table with a snap.

The armor of the knight who fell from the sky was smashed, and he cursed, holding a large sword which was as thin as a toothpick, and slammed it on the nail of Ron's left hand.

"Owch, it hurts." Ron's left hand trembled suddenly, and he threw the knight aside, then looked at his cracked nails, he became angry so he picked up the cup and smashed the knight who had hurt him and then threw all the pieces into the box, waiting for its automatic repair.

Then Ron clutched his thumb with his right hand and said to Harry with a worried expression on his face.

"Harry, do you think Ivan will become like Hermione in the future?"

"This... shouldn't happen?" Harry was also a little unsure.

The two shuddered at the thought of the two Hermiones pointing at them.

Back with Ivan in the dormitory, he didn't know that Harry and Ron were talking about him in the common room.

At the moment, Ivan's attention had ago long shifted to the changes in various values ​​in the system.

[Ivan Halls

Occupation: Wizard

Magicks: Fear Curse Level 1 (6/200) Levitation spell Level 1 (12/200) Transfiguration Level 1 (30/200) Disarming Spell Level 1 (16/200) Lumos spell Level 1 (1/200). ...

Theoretical knowledge: making magic items Level 0 (435/500), basic magic principles level 0 (88/100)

Magic item: magic wand (yew wood, unicorn hair, eleven inches and three-quarters long)

Magic: Medium

Fit: 72.5%

Grade point: 20]

Only one hour of learning master experience card and the improvement was not small, all of Ivan's spells have basically been upgraded to a new level.

Just as the other people in the bedroom were not there, Ivan used boxes, stools, and pillows to experiment with the power of the Levitating Curse and the Disarming Curse.

"Wingardium Leviosa-"



After a few minutes of self-evaluation, Ivan looked at the pillows from the head of the bed that was bombarded by the disarming curse and sent to the end of the bed, as well as the boxes and stools that were slowly floating in the air, he was filled with a sense of accomplishment.

This is the power of magic!

Few people could resist the temptation of this mysterious and unpredictable supernatural ability, not to mention that before he died of a serious illness in his previous life, Ivan, who was lying in the hospital bed, liked to read all kinds of magic and fantasy books. It depicted a world filled with wonder that he could never achieve.

It's a pity that in the past few days Ivan had barely managed through, due to various reasons, even the most basic spell he was not successfully able to use. Now that he was using several spells at once, Ivan was naturally excited.

No matter what object I see, I wanted to either use a transfiguration spell on it or make it float...

After experimenting with different spells for more than ten minutes, Ivan's brain became a little groggy, which was obviously a sign of magic overdraft.

In the process of frequently casting spells, Ivan also understood the limitations of his current ability.

The first is the Levitating spell, Ivan can hover an empty box one meter in the air for nearly forty seconds at most, or float his bed for five seconds, but the height of the suspension is only about 30 centimeters...

The second is the Transfiguration spell, which can transform an object into another for a period of time. This was also a spell that deeply interested Ivan. When practicing, can he even turn inanimate objects into living animals like Professor McGonagall?

I also don't know if this transformation spell can be used against wizards. For example, when facing an enemy, a transformation spell will turn the enemy into a tree...a brick...a pig... a cow... a sheep? and if it can be done, what are the limitations? what are the restrictions?

Or turning the shields in front of or behind a hostile wizard into beasts and traps, which can also have the effect of defeating the enemy with one blow.

But Ivan frowned when he thought of this because he realized that in the original book, it seemed that few people would use this method, even Professor McGonagall, who is proficient in the transfiguration spell, did not apply the transfiguration spell on a hostile wizard in the final battle.

Is it because ordinary transfiguration spells cannot be used on life forms? The transfiguration spell is powerful enough to transform non-living forms into living forms. There is no reason to reverse this process. Hagrid also used the spell to make the little fat Dun Dudley who bullied Harry grow a pigtail. Draco also has a dark history of being transformed into a ferret, indicating that the Transformation spell can directly act on the human body.

Is it because of the influence of magic? Does the wizard possess certain resistance to the transformation spell? The stronger the resistance, the more power is required?

What is the magic power? Why can wizards use all kinds of incredible magic...

Ivan thought of the only Animagus transformation that can affect a powerful wizard. Even such powerful and difficult magic can only transform the wizard into a specific animal, and it cannot change to a more desired form. This is more like a solidified transformation spell, allowing the wizard to switch back and forth between the two forms, without flaws, and with no time limit.

"Forget it, what can I even do right now?" Ivan lightly stroked his forehead. He was just a first-year wizard, and the spell is only at level 1. It's no use thinking too much about it...

After experimenting with all the levitation spells, transfiguration, Lumos, and Expelliarmus, Ivan properly had an estimate of his own proficiency.

It was about a little more powerful among ordinary first-year wizards.

After experimenting with the effects of ordinary spells, Ivan turned his gaze to the fear spell, which is black magic.

This curse that appeared in the system after he crossed to Hogwarts, Ivan had never used it before.

"ecce formido!" Ivan recalled the sequence of releasing magic from his memory, waving his wand and hitting Maca's head.

"Gu Gu~" A dim purple light flashed, Maca tilted his head and looked at Ivan innocently.

"It's no use?" Ivan looked at Maca, who didn't respond, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"ecce formido ~ ecce formido..."

Ivan cast the spell one after another, and the purple light directly enveloped Maca, but Maca thought that Ivan was playing with him, so he held the tip of the wand with his hook-like beak and pulled it up.

Ivan reluctantly took the wand back, otherwise, it would be gnawed by Maca, and then looked at the fear curse with a depressed look.

Logically speaking, he should be able to release the spell normally after it reaches level 1.


Ivan suddenly remembered the memory that popped in his mind when he was invaded by the Sorting Hat...

"Fear..." Ivan closed his eyes and thought for a while, then opened his eyes just to see the brown mouse dozing on Ron's table. After a little thought, Ivan let go of his owl Maca who was his messenger and holding the wand he walked over.

While Scabbard was sleeping soundly right now, there are still morsels of multi-flavored beans in the corners of his mouth, his small paws are divided into four fingers, and occasionally unconsciously scratching on the table, it seems that he was having a dream...