
The Dark King Killed the Dark King

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Since he would not be able to get out of this trouble any time soon, Voldemort concentrated on dealing with Grindelwald, intending to get rid of him first.

Grindelwald, however, took his time, and did not intend to confront Voldemort head-on.

Voldemort's face was contorted with rage. He could not believe that he, with the Deathly Hallows in his possession, could not hold back a Dark Wizard who had been imprisoned for decades and was half-paralyzed!

This caused Lord Voldemort to doubt his own strength once again, and he even vaguely recalled that night a year ago, when he confidently charged into Knockturn Alley only to be beaten back by a little ghost…

The rising unease in his heart made Voldemort even more furious, and he waved his wand in an attempt to blast everything in front of him to pieces…

Grindelwald was sharp enough to notice the change in Voldemort's mind, and he immediately switched from defense to offense. He shook his wand with all his might, and the destroyed bricks around him began to rise rapidly, transforming into several magnificent horses, burning with ghostly blue flames, like the messengers of hell, and charged straight at Voldemort.

The swiftness of the transformation surprised Voldemort so much that he almost thought he was fighting Dumbledore, but his vast combat experience allowed him to react, and his surprise lasted only an instant, as the incantation was spoken, and a serpent, dozens of feet long, emerged from the thick black mist.

The terrifying serpent swung its tail and shattered a few Hellhounds, but the dark blue fire burned its way up.

Grindelwald changed his defensive stance and advanced, blowing off the snake's head with an explosive spell. He was able to cast all kinds of exquisite spells at will, and his momentum grew. His hunched body became even more upright, and for a moment he was able to suppress Voldemort.

Lord Voldemort was shocked and furious, and fear began to well up in his heart. What made him even more disturbed was the fact that Nagini was under such a great threat that he was able to conjure up fragmented images.

"Get out of my way!" Voldemort shouted angrily, losing all interest in dealing with Grindelwald, as he could vaguely make out Harry Potter and his most loyal henchman, Snape….

But how could that be? Harry Potter was dead, Voldemort was sure of it!

The other party had died under his Killing Curse!

"This is impossible!" Voldemort muttered to himself. He could not believe that Snape would betray him. Snape had risked his life for him so many times, and he had even offered up such a powerful wand…

"Confringo ~! (exploding thunder)" Grindelwald took the opportunity to wave his wand, and the scattered blue flames gathered together, turning into a long tongue of fire that swept towards Voldemort.

Voldemort's reaction was too slow, and he was forced to conjure a semi-circle to protect himself.

The blue tongue of fire quickly collided with the barrier, and the exploding flames instantly tore fine cracks in the barrier.

Voldemort, on the other hand, had no time to recover. He only felt a splitting headache, as if his brain had been struck by a sword. The pain that penetrated deep into his soul almost made him faint.

In just a second, the dark blue flames exploded, and the shield that had been hastily built was instantly broken. Voldemort did not even have time to transform into the black mist before he was sent flying.

Grindelwald summoned a gust of wind to disperse the smoke and dust. He approached Voldemort and bent down to pick up the Elder Wand.

"You were right. It is indeed time to end this…."

Grindelwald waved his wand vigorously, spitting out a few unintelligible words, and the remaining blue flames on Voldemort's robes began to swell.

The terrible fire ate away at Voldemort's body, turning him into a torch, and a black soul burst from his ashes and flew away, shrieking.

As long as his soul was alive, he still had hope. With this thought in mind, Voldemort threw away the two Deathly Hallows and his own body.

But then a pair of green eyes appeared in his mind's eye, and the boy he was supposed to have killed stabbed Nagini in the head with a sword.

"No!" Voldemort cried out in despair, unable to accept that his last Horcrux was about to be destroyed, and yet he could only watch as Harry swung his sword.

With a piercing pain, everything seemed to leave him, and his barely-unified soul collapsed.

Ivan, who had just received the news from Winky, was stunned when he saw Voldemort's spirit rush out of the tower and disintegrate in mid-air.

"Didn't you report that Mr. Grindelwald might be in danger? Winky?" Ivan asked grimly, turning to look at the burning tower as Grindelwald emerged from the rubble.

"Winky…Winky didn't know it was going to be like this, sir." The house-elf's eyes widened in disbelief that Grindelwald had killed the powerful Dark Lord…

Ivan recalled Snape's strange behaviour and Harry's message, and guessed that Voldemort's Horcruxes had all been destroyed.

Even so, Grindelwald should not have been able to defeat Voldemort with the Elder Wand.

Unless the other party had obtained a handy wand in advance…

With that in mind, Ivan put his hand on his wand and gazed at Grindelwald, who was standing nearby, and said teasingly, "It seems that our new British saviour has been born…I think the wizards will be surprised to hear that the Dark Lord has killed the Dark Lord!"

"Savior of Britain? What a familiar title… but leave that to the brat. He's the one who really killed Lord Voldemort…" Grindelwald moved slowly towards Ivan. For some reason, he did not seem inclined to attack, and there was a mocking look on his face that suggested he was not impressed with the title.

Winky moved to block Ivan's path, but before she could do anything, Ivan pulled her behind him…

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