
Are We Still Letting Ordinary Sorcerers Live?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After trying for most of the lesson, Ivan had long lost his earlier excitement.

This was because the increase in proficiency had slowed down after the initial surge. Moreover, it was not possible to increase proficiency every time.

After a period of fumbling, Ivan felt that rather than saying that he was practicing to increase the proficiency of his skills, it was better to say that he was displaying the level he had in the way of proficiency.

After most of the class, Ivan could not even stabilize the transformation spell for a long time.

**Ivan Hales was** halfway through his shape-shifting class when someone poked him a few times with a finger.

Ivan turned to find an excited Harry pointing at the pointed, vaguely shiny unidentified objects at the two ends of the table in front of him.

"Hey, Ivan… Look, I did it. I did it!"

"Well, yes… Harry, you're very good, and you're very talented!" Ivan nodded at the unidentified items on the table. The fact that the first Transfiguration class of the semester was able to make the match undergo obvious changes and fix the form for a long time was already at the upper level of the junior wizards. At the very least, it was much better than him.

"Right? Well, neither did I. Mind you, my uncle and the others are Muggles. I always wondered if I could cast a spell before I started school…"

With Ivan's approval, Harry poured out his earlier concerns and worries.

Before he'd entered the magic world, Harry had been no more than an ordinary eleven-year-old boy. Suddenly, he'd become the savior of the world. Although he'd received unimaginable attention and glory, he'd also endured unimaginable pressure.

Harry had even thought about the embarrassing scene of him not being able to learn magic. Fortunately, the situation hadn't gotten this bad.

Ivan, on the other hand, was not surprised that Harry had learned magic so quickly. After all, the Sorting Hat had made it very clear when they assigned the academy that he was brave, kind, and extremely talented!

The Divisional Hat had even suggested that Harry enter Slytherin Academy at one point. In the third grade, he had even used the Call God Guard, which he had just learned, to eliminate or drive away hundreds of dementors.

If he hadn't been so happy with his free education at Hogwarts, the gifted savior before graduation would probably have had the strength of a professor at the very least.

Regarding this, Ivan expressed that he was not envious… not envious at all…

After all, there were only a few talented young sorcerers.

Ivan stole a glance around and was relieved to find that most of the young wizards were at his level. Unexpectedly, he heard Professor McGonagall's high voice again.

"Very good, Miss Granger! Everyone can see that Miss Granger has succeeded in turning the match into a silver needle. Five points to Gryffindor!"

In the aisle a few steps from Ivan's seat, Professor McGonagall was holding a silver needle high and gesturing to the junior wizards around her.

Miss Granger, on the other hand, was sitting upright, her dusty brown hair straggling untidily over her shoulders. She was proudly raising her little head to receive the surprised or unexpected stares of the young wizards around her.

Ivan stared blankly at the silver needle. His newly adjusted mentality exploded again in an instant…

Were they going to let ordinary wizards like them live?

"Damn it, I was so close! If I'd practiced a little longer, Professor McGonagall would have praised me by now…" Ron jabbed his wand at the table and glared gloomily at Hermione, as if annoyed at the glory that had been taken from him.

Ivan glanced at the unidentified object on Ron's desk that had turned back into a match because it had lost its magic, and decided that Ron would never reach Hermione's level even after a few more classes.

Although he wasn't much better, or even worse…

Ivan sighed helplessly. What happened to the talent report after transmigration? What happened to the soul fusion that would lead to a huge increase in mental strength?

The usual routine of various novels didn't work on Ivan at all. Ivan finally understood how pertinent the Sorting Hat's assessment of his talent was.

Of course, the shapeshifting spell had never been stable. Ivan guessed that in addition to the talent, another part of it must have been caused by the drastic drop in the wand compatibility caused by the soul replacement.

If magic power was equivalent to electricity, and wands were equivalent to plugs and wiring, then spells were all kinds of appliances.

Now that the wires were short-circuiting from time to time, the electric lights were naturally ineffective.

However, Ivan would not be able to solve the problem of the wand anytime soon. This wand would probably be used for a semester.

After another battle of wits with the match, the first Transfiguration lesson came to an end. In the end, Ivan did not stabilize the shape of the match.

Instead, he discovered a little trick that wasn't very useful. After the magic was condensed and released through the wand in a disorderly manner, it could form a slender magic beam. Its only function was to return the unstable shapeshifting spell to its original form.

This was something Ivan had accidentally discovered when he'd almost blown up the match after failing to cast the Transformation Spell for the umpteenth time. It wasn't useful for anything other than making a fool of Ron in his Transformation class.

As Professor McGonagall announced the end of the class on the stage, another voice echoed through Ivan.

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